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The Amendment Submitted

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The ropub)lonn memben of the legisluture luive carrieil out tbc plfldjN made by Uk' rapnblican party la oonvention tHsni bied, and have submitted to a vote of the pcoplc tbu question of prohibiting the manufacture and sale of spirituous IIquors in the state of Michigan. Tliis nction is right. Wlii'ii the pcoplc of any comm nwealth manifest a delira to expres tlielr opinión ut tlie polls upon any piTticular luw, they have the ritfht to do ifj and any legislutor wbo bet wen the people and this rlglit, does an net ot' rank injusticc, no matter what his own opinión of sucli i law would bc. The democrats forced the qnestlon uto a party meamire, when it ahould have no more to do witb parties than the question of capital punishtnent. And we believe in giving all honor to the men wbo stooi] up in the legislatura and voted "aye" on the submission of this question. Now it is tbr the people of Michigan to decide whetlicr thcy wlll have prohibí tion inseited In the constitution of the state or not. If the inijority of the people vote "aye" then it should be inserted, for in a íepublic the majority must rule. The right of the majority to rule is the vital principie on which our country is foumiecl. Tliere are thousands of houest, conscientioiis, pure and noble temperance men in Michigan, liowever, who tind themselves couiptlled to vote "no" on this aiaendinent. Tliere are thousanils of citizens who livi.'d undcr pruliibition in the constitution, and f"und it lo be free lici'iise and f ree liqnor. In f act it was the terrible increase of the traille under proliibitiou that led to the prlmury steps - t.iken in this verycity of Ann Arbor - that bi'ouglit aboat the present tax law. Au ovil Iliit caniiot be prohibited cn be contiollcd and rejjulated. A stringent tax law brin;s revenue to the treastiry, controla the time of sellins, in a great measure deereasts the places where it is sold, and otlierwise restrains the trafflc to the benefit t the public. The maxiiii, "let weJl enoagh alone." i? n wisc niaxim, and when disregarded trouble and sorrow are gure to resiilt. While every man sluniM vote on this question as Mis conscience dietates, it may be well to glve the subject serinus thouglit before casting ¦a ballot A liaoty decisión may be regrettcd.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News