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It ni.iy be a pointer for tlie members of our legislatura to know that the famous school texl-book publisher, Mr. Ivison, of New York, is worth $10,000,000. He tells bis frtondt that he can only die happy by being tlie richest man in the world. If soinething is not done soon to stop thls robbing of parents who are obliged to buy school books for their cliildren, thU grusping, grecdy, miser may obtain hls wish before he die?. It is a shame that parents have to pay $1.50 or $1.73 for books that costs the publishers nof'over 25 or 30 cents eacb. Bat such is a fact. Whether C ipt. Manly's bill is the correct thing or not we do not pretend to know or say, but somthing ought to be done in tlie interest of parents and guardián. Besides the Soa. Jumes O. Bluine, of Ifalne, there will be present at the Uepublican Club banquet at Detroit on the 22d of February, the Hou. AK'xander Sullivan, ex-president of the Land League, Hoi). John Slierman, president of the Senatc, and Ex-Congressman Wise, of Virginia, one of the ablest men of the Old Dominion to-day, besides others of note. Will tlie democratie papers that slandered Mrs. J. Ellen Foster, of Iowa, the noted temperance advocate, by asserting that slie was bouglit up by the republican state central committee foi,$l,000, be honorable and fair enough to publish the retraction recently made by the Iowa City Press? Tliat paper swillowed its contemptible falsehood. The Iliirbor Spring Kepublican, speaking of i contemporary, says: " It ia fair to presume tlnit all reason, if hu ever had any, was taken out of htm nbornin. If he is a specimen of the handi-work of the Ann Arbor school, Lord liave nierey on that school." Just at present we are more inteiested in the mercy of the legislatureWhen Michigan restore capital puuishment formurderand rape therewlll be uo occasion lor Judge Lynch lointerfere lu ihedUli'iisatiuu of justlco.- Wyaudolte lleralil. ladead ! How is it tlien, that we au frequently read of lynching partics in Arkansas, Missouri, Kentucky, Illlnolt, and other states where capital punishnient is in vogue? Dr. Doaald Muclean has sued the Detroit Evening News for another $50,000. There are hundreds and thousands of people in tlie state who hope he will not be succefsful, and who houestly bellcve the othtr verdict was an oulrnge on justin'. The livcliest editor in the state to-day slingsthe qulll on the Daily Stute lirpublic:m at Linsiii. He takes a comical view of all subjects, and produces soine very sharp and pointed articles as well. To Qtb or not to fish ? Thafs the Canuck question. We again culi special attention to the ffreat local attracüon which is to le lield thia week Fllday at the Opera House under the auspices of the G. A. R. Helen Pottar is one of America's Ilnest readers and impersonators, and lie has the power of niaking benelf very entcrtaininir and pleariAg to il umlieiice. The Unlvenltgr (, ir Clnb hus alreiuly mi cstablished reputation as singers and w i 1 1 be a fitting support for snch au entertaininent. !;¦- incinlier that the proceeds are. for the purpose of ussistiug needy solUiers of the late war, or their destitute families. Renembei Helen Potter and the Uniyersity Glee Club, at the Opera House, Krldiiy evenin. Don'tf.ilto hear Joe Shelley'i lntoreíüng descrlption of lijs llfe. Rev. A. B. Storma is assisting Kt-v. Mr Stalkerat liis protractetl meetings in Dixboro. At the regular meattflg of tlie ünlty Club in tlie clmrch parlón f the Urrtarian (Jhiircli next Monday evenlnjr, tlie following program will le carrled out "Helen Ilunt Jackson as a Wouvin am' Poet," by Miss Ida Morriib; "Komona,1 by G. F. JaoiH) Keadlngs f rom Mrs. Jacksou's tVritings by Miss Elsie Jones. Townt-hipTreasnrer Franklin E. Johnson of Bridjrewater, settled up with the county treuorer, Jan. 27, returning 9!1 cents hs nnoollectable. On Tuesday Alexander A. Itrooks, of Sharon, also settled wlth the county treasurer, with a clean roll. These ure the first onos to complete the work of collection. Severnl treasurers have been notified to settle to-day. A frame house, belonging to Mr. and Mrs. Darrow, on Hih street, was totally destroyed by firc, about 7:00 p. in., Tuesdny evening, turning the family out into the cold, with the thermometer down to zero. We are informed that the liouschoKI goodl and clothing were also burncd, and that all they have to look t'oruard to is an exceeding small inpurance on the building. An Item which waa bom and recelved its early educatlon In thls office, appeared lust week In the Ann Arbor Courier, credited to tbe rexter Leader. It aeems rather touicli to raitie aud balter-break a smart llttle gteed of nonsense and tben have tliese metropoli tan qultl drlvers lusso ltand braud lt over and go pranclni; up nnd down throuKb the ooantry on lt bare back. But never you mlnrt. We are benevolent and are wllliiiK to furnish tliunder for ihe whole jouruttllslic iraternlty. - Veruon ínter Lake. Our Vernon (not Verdant, mind, you) Bro. has a just grlevance. We pympathize wlth his lacerated feelinjfs deeply. But siipposinir a paper in his own city took hia Itemi of the week previous and credited them to some forei?n Journal ? How would he teel then? eh ? Justin M ¦('arlhy. M. P., waa greeted by a very large audience at University Hall, Friday evenmg. Before the lectura commenced the lecturer waa presented with a beautiful doral harp, an emblem of tlie green isle of Erin. The audience was very attentive, indeed, they had to be attentive to understand the lecturer, whose voice had the same peculiarity aa nearly all speakers f rom the English dominion that have evercoiue before our audiences. McCartby is not eloquent, nor even flery. He is very quiet, very monototious, very stifT, very Euglish, yon know, in hls speech and manner, and we could hardly helieve bim to be an Irishman and a Catholic. He lias the bearing of a liigli Church Ensrlishraan, laCinnon Farrar, who was here last year. Havinj; licard so much of Justin McCarthy's elnquunce, we must confesa to disappointment. But he gave the audience a complete resume of the Irish cause and its different phaes for the past century. Thoso who were fortúnate enough to have good peats, ?o that they could understand the speaker, lear.ied (OT?iderable by the lecture.