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The name of Thos. Riley of thU city a among the pensionéis. The legislature has not visitetl this city la a body before since 1873. The last of the K. T. hops will be held in their drill room Fridny evening. ( 'audleinass Day to day. The old bear will not see his shadow in these parts. A few more lamps and Ann Arbor will be the best lighted city in Michigan. Bro. Bower takes ihe cake on the number of items he gets Into the Democrat. Natural gas will never be etmek - under ground - at this place. Too tnuch above ground. A meeting of the County Agricultura! and Horticultura) Society tomorrow, at the court house. The play of Stberia 'was probably as good if not the best given at the grand opera house this season. A change has been made in the postal laws so that postal notes are now payable at any office in the U. S. Several of our tisherrnen have been out to Strawbery lake during the past week flatiing through the ice. Many of our exchanges speak of "bran r.ew" thinifs. Time is too short to add the d and make tliem "brand new." All we want is just a little encouragcment, Gov. Ashley, to try for those railroad sliops. What do you say ? Shall we start a boom ? Mr. C. Balu8 has been obliged to simt down his stave factory at Milan until he recovers from his injuries caused by the recent railroad smasli-up. The proposition to start i fruit canning, drying anti evaporating establishraent In Ann Arbor is being quietly talked up. May it succeed. The entertainment to be given by the ladies of St. Thomas' chtirch commences next Monday evening, Feb. 7th, at Fireman's Hall. Everybody shouid go. Candidates for supreme judie are numerous all over the state. Why can't Washtenaw present tlie name of Hou. A. J. Sawyer? He wou ld make a good judge. Dexter is to Ite favored next Friday evenlng witli lecture by Dr. Winchell on "The life time of a world." It will be given at tlie M. E. church, at 7: 30 local time, and under the ausplces of tliat society. Lena A. Gilbert, ot Ypsilantl, flled a bilí in chancery Mondiy, to procure di vorce from A. Qeorge Gilbert. The couple were inarried May 18th, 1886, and extreme cruelty is tüe ground of comcompUliit. The state snpreme court bas just decided, in the case of Mrs. Deborah Church of Ano Arbor vs. The City of Detroit, for damages to her person because of a defective sidewalk, that the law holding municipalities responsible for detective sidewalks, was not constitutional. The electric light wires and tlie telephone wires have a great bond of sympathy between them, as anyone trying to use the telephone nights can flnd out. The singing of the electric liglit wires is transferredto tlie telephone wires by inductioii, and ranken it diflicult to understand over the wires. From the report of the Germán Farmer' Fire Insurance C.)., located at Ann Arbor, we gatlier tliat the total membership is 1149, 60 being added during the year. The minuut of risks now held by by tha company is $2,891,242.00. Tliere have been three losses paid durtng the year, aggregating $46.75. The total expenditures was $407.71. A freight conductor on the M. C. R. R., nained Wm. Strikeman was badly injured at Geddes lust Friday. In stepping off tlie engine his foot sllpped, and he carne down by the wlieels In sucli a marnier as to receive probable fatal injuries. The M. C. sent his wlfeto him by special train from Wayne the same day day. A son of Wm. Frank, of the Qermania hotel, nameri Willie, was geriously injured by having a splinter run into the lower part of his abdomen wliile coasting on a hill in the 34 ward, last Wednesday. The boydisplayed raregritand his pluck m ly bring hlm tliroug'i all ritit. We certnlnly hope it will. Justice Krueauff performed the marriage ceremony last Thursday for Chas Calnooo and Mrs. Burnett, both of Milán, it will be remembered tliat the bride is tlm woman wlio was shot by her husband last gummer, and was pald a l,.r(iehareof said liusband'g property hesidea being allowed a divorce to prevent prosecution. "trof." Hammond, of Oregon, predictg for this month : Probable storms on the 1.2, 4, 5, 10, 11, 12, lli, 19, 22, 23, 24, 'iö, 2'!, 27 mid 28. Heavy torma on the 10, H. 12, 22, 23, 24 and 25. Volcanic eruptioua and eirthquake shocks on the 11, 12. 24 and 25. Should these all come true this bids fair to be quite a llvely month for I.ieut. Greeley.the new weather bureau head. The toboggan slUie opencd up for business again last evening. Bryan Gallaghan, of NortfeSeld, (lied Sunday mornlng last, sged 102 years. Fraternity lodge, F. and A. M., resillar meeting to-nijrlit, at Masonic temple. Golden Rule lodge F. and A. M., recular meeting to-morrov niglit, at Masonic temüle. Saturday was a beauüful day but Sunday the weather flopped irouml and gve us Manitoban shivers. Franklin Everett, of Suaron, one of the pioneers of tliis cuunty, died last Saturday and was buried yesterday. Alma Miller was adjudgad Imane at the probate court last Thursday, and commltted to the Pontlac asyliun. The Detroit papers have been paying Senator Gorman, of tliis county, some very handsome cumplimenta asan orator. Fame crowils tier honors on pcople sometimes. Aid. Win, Hen is now president of the Germán Workingmen's Society. W. H. Browu has taken hold of the South Lyon Excelsior in company with Mr. Rorabacher, and proposes to make the paper boom. A letter caine to "The Carrier, Ann Harbor, Mich.," a day or two since, from a Chicago patent medicine firm. No patent on that however. D. F. Schairer would bc pleased to have the Coürikr readers not only peruse hls new proclamation, but cotne and Judge for themselves of what he has to say. At .Julias Weinberg's, about three miles west of the city, there is to be a social hop, on Friday evening of next week. A nuuiber of young couples are praying forslelKhing on that date. According to the old saying the weather of tliis niouth will be governed by that of the last three daj-s of Januury. Well, we had a good deal of variegated weather last Saturday, Sunday and Monday. A narrow escape from a smash up occurred at Foster's station on the M. C. R. R., Saturday last. The passenger bound east at about 11 o'clock ran into a l'reight car that had not been swltched far enough otl' the track. A Cbesanlng paper Is beeglng for straw on ubscrlpllon. Meivilul heiiveus! lias 11 come tothat? We tlumxlit wood and pumpklns were bad enoiigli- we draw the line al straw. -Oxford Ulobe. Tut! tut! man! How will you make bricks without straw? A young lady named Miss .Tennie Gardner, of Attiea, N. Y., visiting friends near tliis city, jumped from a carriage Friday last while the horse attached therelo was running away, and had one of her limlis broken. The large show tent owned by the old Red Ribbon Club of tliis city, has been sold to Messrs. Bently it Hogers, showmen of Aurelius Center, Katon Co. There are several atixiom rtoekholdert waiting for the Uivy. The Baptlsts of the state liive starteil a scheme to endow a chair in Kularaazoo college, to be known as the Olney Professorship, with $20.000, m honor of the late Prof. Edward Olney of this city. It is to be hoped they will succeed. A dlspatch received in Dexter last Monday announced the death of Henry Ewing, a former Dexter boy, but for gome years a successful dentist in Xew York City. Pneumonía was the cause. Further particulars not known. The M . C. R. R. has just paid $20,000 for the land alone, on wtalcfa to erect a new station house at Battle Creek. At Ann Arbor it appropriated $25,000 for land, building and all. But Ann Arbor lias a riiie station house all the same. A. L. Noble owng 66 shares of the Thomson-Huston Electric Light Co. in this city, the balance belng held as follows: J. I,. Hudson, Detroit, 115; W. F. Davidson, Port Huron, 608 ; M. F. Warner and Edward J. Hickey each one sliare, making a total of 2,000 shares at S25 each. The capital stock of the company is $50,000. T. Klingman of the flrm of Lee & Klingman, druggists at Dexter, and clerk Rob't Honey met with a serious ac cident last Monday evening. They were mixing a bottle of nitrate of mercury, or qulcksilver, with nitrlc acid, and the combina tion worked go well that it formed a gas and threw the coutent over the two. tt ruined their clothes and burned their sersons considerably but very fortunately saved their eyes. Ammonia was iminediately used to neutralize the acid, but it arot in some ujjly scars before il could be jrevented. Ann Arbor claims a oltlsen who was married last December and has not since been able to identify his own wife. Just walt awhile. It doesn't do to be In too big a hurry about, these little matten. By and by the robius will btflo to ne-t iguiu and the BMter bonnet will be ripe enough to pull and the identity of tlie iforesaid Ann Arbor wife will wake 'rom its cold weather lethngy and reach :or the pocketbook of the coinplaining sponse with a direetness and enegry that will leave no po-ísibility of doubt regardng the connubial relationship existing aetween the singular pair. - Lansing Republlcan. - It is, as near as we can learn, on account of the pooketboook that she vanished, f the vcracity, of one of our contemporaries unquestonedi. Last Thursday night, at :ibout 9 o'clock the new electric light system for Jour streeta was tunied on. It being the first ;ime many allowauces of course could liave been made for little failures or misliaps, but none were necessary. The lights all burned brightly, and the fity took on itself a remarkably brilliant appearance. Priendl of gas and enemies to electricity (for other causes tlian gis) stood ready with critlcltOU and fault-tiuding, but tfaongb they left, no stone unturned there was precious little tlu-v could lustly growl over. While it eoukl not he expected that every street woulJ be made like daylight, or even of the aine degree of llghtness, yet what was aimeil at was to make them better than ever before, and in luat retpect it has proved a suceess The writer of this traveled over some of the ilaikest slreets late last Friday night, and in no place did he Bad it so dnrk huj that a i'icjii apon tlii oppotlla sido of the street waseasily discernible, and that is more than has ever been done by any other system. Even on streets where there are few lights, then; is a general glow diffused over the earth so that one is able to see very well. The suburbs of the city were certainly never so well lighted as now, and we fall to find any place wherc the litfht is not fully up to the standard heretofore adopted. It would be well if the city could afford a few more llglits, and in time she will probnbly be able to do so.