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A Detroit artist takes the senior law class pictures. K. J. Jeffries, '87, is studying in a Detroit law office. The Chronicle advocates more American hUtory in the university courscs. l'rof. M. E. Cooley attended the recent session of Engineers at Grand Rapids. Tlie Chronicle board lield thelr regular banquet lust Thursday eveniug at Hangsterfer's, Tlie appearance of the glee club at Detroit last Friduy evening was a success, deoidedly so. The next lecture before fhe Studente' Lecture Associatlon will be upou ' Pari., the Magnificent." The books left by the late Hon. W. W. Murphy to the university, 154 in number, have been delivereil, and are said to be of mucli valué. Rev. Anua B. Shaw, a Michigan girl and gradúate of the U. of M. id coming prominently forwarc) in the " Equal Suff rage " cause. The advanced classes in mathematics nre being tuuglit by Profs. Beinan, and C. N. Jones, and Prof. Schaeberle takes the f reshman class. Tliere will be au electlon of four Chronide editora u Room A, university hall at 9 a. m., Saturday. The independents are entitled to two and the frnternities to two, acoonülng to former custom. Siiturday forenoon the followlng Argonaut editora were chosen: 8. A. Moran, J. N. McIJiide and P. V. Perry, juniors; W.W. Parfet, sophomore; P. G. Sjöblom, fresliman. Mr. Aloran, who has ably mamiged the buslnesí department, will continue tlierein for the next half year. The misfortune of Prof. Orrln B. Cady is something wt regret exceedlng'.y to chronicle. Owing to overtaxing his strength rrcently, taking upon his shoulde rs the work usually glven to four teachers, au acute attack of congestión of the brain was indnced, and before medical aid could be given him he made an attempt upon his life with a pen-knile, Fortunately ior himself and his many friends the attempt was unsuccessful, and it is hopcd that he will be about again befoie many weeks. The Detroit Journal's Lansing correspondent has this to say of the university appropriationp, which presents the facts in the case as they really are: The flrat request of the regenta Is thal the 1-2U nu! L tax levlect for the support of the unlvi-rsliy be lncreaaed to l-lülli mili. Such an Increaae wil) nol make tbe loslltution Independent of the leginlature- aa II ahould not be; hut It will belter provlde for tbe absolulely nece8ary expensea tbatare voted aa a matter of couree. If ihl blll ahall pass the unlverxlty feels able to take care of the Iiiuiioeopatblc iiifln-ul school without theaoDuat i ant of $ i. 00 now provlded for by law. The real íaet abul the university la that once In two yearg lta offlcers have to torn tlieinnelve luto a lobbying commlttee. go h-iire tbe leKlslature and beg for money that tlie whole people of the whole ilate would strenuously object to bavlng wllbbeld. The lnstllutlon Is often aerloualy crlppled because theHalarlea pald to profeasora are In many lnstances too nmall to keep brlght men froiu acceptlng better offer elaewhere. That the unlverHlty has been tto auoceaatul as It haa il to rare devotton oo the part of many of lts faculty. It la ldle, however, to expect thut wiM-ii the coat of living la ateadlly Inereaalng, and wben eaxtern and olber weitern lnstltutlons are offering larger aalarlea t hun Michigan unlveralty can offer- It la uaeli'ss to expect that the beat men will atay at A ii n Arbor. It Is a ahame that tbe occupant ofauch an important chalr au that of politica! ecouomy should be obllged to eke out bla Bmall sulary by spendlng half bla time at Cornell. THe importance of the subject la sufficlent to keep at leaat two men buy all the year at Ann Arbor.


Ann Arbor Courier
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