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Dr. Stowell's Latest Work

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THE MICROSCOPIO STRUCTUKE OF A HUMAN TOUTH; Together Wlth Boma Unusual and Irregular Knrms of Teeth. By C. H. Stowell, M. I)., I' K. M. s , ProfMsor of Hlstology and Mlcroscopy In the Unlvejuliy of Michigan. Aullior of "Student' Mamml of Himology," "Mlcroscoploal Diagnosis." Late editor of "1 he Microscope," eic. Ann Arbor, Mlch.: Chan. II . Htowell, publlslier. The Courikb office Printers. Hold by aubacrlptlon only. Prlce, $6. C. W. Arnolil, of Detroit, eneral agent. Thls Is a folio edition of whieh a limited nuiiiber have been prlnted, and is an elegant thing, not only in a meclianical sense and in outsidc nppearance, bat n every way }-ou may clioose to look at it. The titïe of the work tells the story of the contenta. Dr. Stowell's pulpóse seems to be not only to give the dental profession plain and definite knowledge concerning the minute strueture of tlie human teeth, but to place on record ome of the specimens froni unique collectlons. All of the specimens wcre drawn first in India ink by the autlior, and were reproduced by the engraver's art, and it may be said tlicy represen accurately what is kriown of the subject to-day. The work ia one that will not enter in contest wlth any other work, for tbla 9 an entirely new field. That the book will be appreciated by dentists and soJentific men generalij stands to rcason. It is one that has taken much work and study on the part of the author, who in ¦ few pages gives the result of weeks and months of studious application. All of the illustraftons are prlnted tipon Brlstol card board, are sharp, and neat, are mounted on guarda for durability. The lotter-press is clear and perfect. The binding is of portfolio sty Ir, in lentherpttr, representing alligator skin, and cnibossed in silver. If this work does not add to the fame af its author, we woefully mistake our ?ueps, and we hope also that he may be snriched in this world's goods as wcll.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News