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POWDER Absolutely Pure. Thlspowdernever vnries. A marvel of purlty, ttrenKtb mid wboleaomeneaa. More economlcal tbtin Ule nnlin:iry klmls.uml eanaot be sold lu competltlon with the ,,f low test, short welutit, aluin or phosphate powil ilj ín rans. i C .- 1 i Itaklii" Pi.nder t'o.. 106 Wall st.. N. Y. A CHILD'S SKÍÑ Eart and Soalj Coverod with Eopmatons Seabl and Sores fu red by Ciiticura. My [ittle son, aeed eleht year hae heen affllcted with Eczema ol [he scalp. aml at time a trreat pomou oí the body, ever since lie was two years oíd. It began la hie earg,aud extended to nis scalp which hec :me covered with seabs and torea, and from which it s icki Iliiil ponn d out. ocasln;: inteaM itebinp and dlatrca, ai d :lc. .ving hls halr and llfelefts. í'ndrriu'M'h the-c scati. the skin rns like a plece of beelateak, líradnally hair carne outand was de-troyed, unfil a email pateta was It-ft at tira back of the head. My Manda ia l'eabody know bow my Uttlo boy Iihs tnffered. At nij,'l:t hcwouid scratcta his hiadunul bi pillow wa covered lu nsi-d to tie hie hands behitid hlm, and in niauy ways trled to prevent hls ('Cratchinjr ; but it was uo use. Ik? would scratcb. I tcok hitn to the hospital and to the bectphyeicians in Peabody withemt inecM. A bout this time, sonie fiiend ho had heen GBNd by the curicURA lÍKMKi)n:, prevailed u(n)ii me to try them, I betrau to ue ihem on the l'nh ot Jai nary lam. In ere monthi evory partlcle or the dlst-ase was removed. Nut a spot or acab remains on hi scalp to teli the story of hls Mifferint. His hair ha ri-tumcd, and is thlrk and stronj;. and hie pca'p as W l and c.ean as any child's ín the world. Immii uot nay euoDL'h lo ex]ir'-s my fratilade .for thle wonderfnl cure hy the Cuticuka Kkmkdieh, and wirh all sitniUrly m'ctcd to knuw ihat my statement is irue and without eTaefferatlon. CHAH1.BS McKAY, Octoher 6, 185.: Peabodt, Ma?. I liave scen Mr. McKav's iiUv when hiddlv affected with the Kcz m i. Ile was a pitllul sit'lit tu look at. I know ihat lie hus tri' d onr best phyalciaus, and did all a father conld do for a soflbrlng ehild, but availed DOtblDg. I knoiv that the statements lie bas made you a rtyaids the coringof hla liny by your iltkura Bmdhbi ara trbeli every particularly. WILL1AM McOARTIlY. 33 Koster Street. Peabody, M I do not know of an instance In which tht i'imcura Kemedies have failcd to produce snti -f:ctory reaults. I aUev 1 hare lold more f thein than of any other fkin remedies I bare ever handled dnrinir the thirty-three years of my experieuce as druist, A. D. TRYON, Batavia, N. Y. Sold eTervwbere Prloe: OlITilW, Wl Cents; Cutcura 8iAr, 25ct; Cutici'ra Kkkolvknt, 11.00, I'n parel by 1'ottkk Ükuo and Ciikhical Co.. Bostcni. Send for'How to C'nre Hkln IHwi-umch " PTTUTIIS' Blaekhaad, Skin B:emihes, and í Í11L Babj Bomon, us.. Cutirura Soap. A WORE ABOÏÏT CATAREH. ' lt Ifl the nitic-His memrine-, that wonderfnl sritn iln i anvelopfl nnrroiindin the delicate tiö?uc of the air and bod that Catarrh it" ptronirhold, Onre stabllshrd lt eats Into the very vital, and renders lile bnt a lOBjrc'.rawn breath of misery and dlnease, dullintr the nenee of hearing, trammellinL.' the power of epocch, d'Hiroying ihe faculty of pmell, taintlng the breatk and killing the reflned pleasures of taste. Insidl(iuly,by creepfng on from a simple Cold in the turad, ii asaults the membranous linint; and en velops the nones, eatin throuuh the delicite coats mid causlre; inflammation, slonphlng and death. NolhiiiL' simrt ot total eradlcatlou will secure hcalrb to the pattent, and all alleviates are eimply procraft!nat''(i sntl'-riiiL,'-1, Icadincr Ut a faMl tcrmlnation. Savdfor's Kadical Cuke, by Jnhalation u: d by Inttrnal administratlori, has never faili-d ; even wh.-n the dlaeate has marte frl;htmi Im-oads on delicate c nsiitutions. hearing, stnell and taete have heen retovered, Dad ihe disease thoroughly drlven ont." s s iinmii's ÜAiiicu, CntK consiste of one bottle of the Radical Cube, one box of CaTAKKKAL KkSOI, V !¦: NT, atld one JMI'KOVKD I.NHAi.Kit; prlce $1.00. Po tkk Ohüü and Chemical Co., Boston. HOW IT ACHES. g Wirn out wlih piin, bnt etlll compelled TTf by stern necesity to stand up to the Ad X work befon: us and beur the pain. Be731! lief In one minute in a 'ul icnra lP Allti-Paill Flast' for the aclitni; F?i r iide and back, the weak and paluful .tbesore c!icmi and hacklDg conh,and every pain ache of d lily toil. Klrant, new, oriL'i¦:dy and lnfalllble. A t droguista, Mc ; tlv.' f'.r Sl.ixi, or postase fro.c, of I'oter Drui; and Ciemi-al O ., Boston. C. H. IMILLEN, INSURANCE AGENT! '. 4 Simt Ii !Maln St., Ann Arbor. The oldest agency in tbe city. ERtabllHhed overa qoarter oí ncentury ago. Kepresentlng t Ij e fotlowlug first-ehiss companles. wltb aver #00,000,000 Capital and AtMtS. HOME IN8. CO., of New York. CONTINENTAL INS. CO., of New York. NIÁGARA INS. CO., of New York. GIRARD INS. CO., of Phlladelpbla. miKNT INS. CO., of Hartford. ( c ).M M F.RCI AL UNION, of London. LIVERPOOL, LONDONaiul QLOBB. WAaHIN(ili)N FIRK mul MARINE, of Boston, Itatcs Low as tlie, Losses Liberally Adjnsli (1 mul promptly l'aid. C. H. MILI. EN. tJAMKR ;. III, MMi'B UKEAT illsi'Oii V Outwlls nll other book85 Hon. J. N. Wlfleof Va.,Bayfl: " Whocver it u tnt mtittrr whethrr he be Mr. liUiine'8 frifyul or enrmy, uriil rtmer put tí dtmn uittil h 11 Allen ii. 'l h'irriinn, Buys: "A clttsaíc V" a Mts wanted on cornmla. HALE'S HOllEY !s the best Cough Cure, 28, 50c., tl Smit SULPHUR SOAP hcals and boutifias, 25c. GERMÁN CORN REMOVER kffli Corns & Iiunions 25c. HlU'S HAIR & WHISKER DYE-Black & Bmwn, 60c. PIKE'S TOOTHACHE DROPS cure n 1 Minuta, 25c. DEAN'S RHEUMATIC PILLS are a surc cure, 60e.


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