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Jolri Rcywalt.hasibouguttlieold Dexter depot building. Mrs Aseneth L. Hieks, of Dexter village, dted Jan. 2Gth. The Saline Presbyterlaa ïbang People's Society has a new organ. - S',. Valentine's I) iy - yes, appears to us we liave lieard of it somewhere. Patrick Corwin, of SUaron will build i new farm residence next spring. O. J. Nissly is a director of tlie statt poullry Mud pet Stock association. Wheat lias been booming along back Kastern war cloiul probably the cause. Mrs. Chus. Miller, livinir Uvo miles east of Vpsilanti, diccl Jan. ;iütb, aged :19 years. Revival meetings at the Webster ConirrejraUooal charco arereported verysuc¦ - fil. Rev. 1). R. Shire is holding ïiiterestinj: evenint' meetings in the Sharon Center ehureli. Tlie Macomber Uros, have bougiit out V. II. Potlle's drygoods business at Mul ches ter. Ypsilanti's new steatn lire -nriiif bal arrived. and has been cliristencd " Kdward ISatwell." Among the heavy losers by the -recent iï ie at Grnss Lakd is Hèury Yiukle, forim-rly of Dexter. The Leader is calling formore light - on the streets - at nijjht - in Milan - out of the village fundg. Manchester has four citizens wliose aggrexate weight reaches 809 los. No ligiit trelght abont that. A new tltgbt-WHtohinaa at Milan. Isn't that locklng the barn door after the horses have been stoten ? Frank Krn'inan of Manchester iblpped 888 sbeep and il bon to Buffalo recently on wliich he made $149. The committees of the leifislature vislted the state Normal School at Ypsilauti last Monday and Tueday. A portion of the Milan Journal outfit bas been purchasedby Win. Brtfgï wlio will publish a paper at Ashley. C. 8. Qregory & Sou have taken tlie entire amount of the selmol bonds, f 12,000, at 5 per cent. - Dexter Leader. It ii expected tliat workmen will commenee tearing down the old school building in Dexter, nbout Ifarcfa Ni. The Peiitecost nu flins at Mooicvillc are attractlng many oi the people of that vicinity especially tlie young folks. A travelinn; nwi nanied V. C. Dailey, ;ol on a sprei', bccainc dUgUSted with llfe and went to Ypsilauti lo die - very properly. Uncle John Kieder, the oldest min in Dexter townslup, belng over ti century ld, dled recently and was buried Jaimary 28th. The Chelsea H.-rnld calis the Dexter council's lilit on the saloon a " USOipesl In a teapot." Tiie Leader shónld boil over mok ¦ whill' as that. Over at Saline they have broods of spring cbickens alrcady halched. Tliat"s nothinjf. Our Baerohaiiía bRYB spring chickens that were batohed years ago. The Saline Observrr calis it the " prohibltory amendment lubmlssion plll." Ves, t Is qnlte a " pili " to aome people. 'l'he demócrata Keuerally look as il' their nioutlis had a liad taste in Ym. Amonji Mcxirin war veterans wlio will reccive (icnsions in ilne time are Frank Muir, of (.'lint on, ;. II. 1 'ut nam, of Grws Lake and Charlea Sanford ol ihlvlllage. - Uanohester Enterprise. 'e want ftye htindred million COrdi Of oood wood qu sub-cription. Soopll right in now while Ihe roads are good. - Milan Leader. It is not the whole eartb thal the Leader wants bilt all the woods. The Leader now has the Meld Ólear at Milan having bonyhl out the good will ol the Journal. There is room lor Olie paper to malee a good living at Milan, and Bro. Sniith is just tlu1 man to do that vcry thiug. G. J. Nissly was very saooessful at the Qrand lianids poultry cxhibiüon taking S int, : mcoii,i, i third, and 6 ipectal preiiiinms on IS birds enterad. IMs poultry is all Brst-Clasa and heads the list whcrever exhtbitad. Saline Obserrer. We learn tliat our former townsman Wm. Dleterle, late of tlie Keek Furniture '.., Detroit, has bought the ondertaklng buainem formerly eondoeted by John Keek & Co., at Aun Arbor. Wc wlsb liim siitvi'ss.- -Manchester Enterprise. Oh, lear! Oh, deir! February baa nly jrr fairly started and Mie Dexter Leader comes at us with this item: " The robina were cbirplng merrily last Thursday and Saturday morniugs. Now weatber proguostieators 'let 'er went.' '' I And now if the people living along the line of the Dexter cut-off, from Dexter to Ma-on will build the road bed, the M. ('. folk will Iron, equlp and run tlie same. Now is the time tor our DOrthweetern neigbbora to wake upif they deeire to ride 00 a ruil. The T., A. A. &, X. M. Ry. la dbcoaalng the feasibiiity of running n branch irom Hovrell to Sagiuaw, going by tlie way of tiiis rillage and Plint, provfdiug a sufflnient bonus be raised. Fenton woul.l do her share on the bonus question.- Fenton Independent. Chas. I'errin, of Ypsilanti bas been sent to Ioniii for 'JO days on a charge of breaking into a saloon and steallng some change, a revolver, etc. He had but recently oompleted a likesentence fororlminal assault. Not a promising future for siich a young fellow. Chas. Crum and Edwurd W. Bell have been arrested at Jackson, and Ch is. Martin and Martin Beaubien, at Detroit, for having robbed the store of l'utnaui & Co., Of Milan, recently, and are now safely lodged in the county jail. Many of the stolen goods were recovered. Manchester should have a celebration. Charle McMahon, a Mancbektet boy, travellag with a circus, "knocked nut" h'is man in a glovecontest in Florida. "Cliarley " should have a reception when he comes borne.- YpsilantlaD. Dont yon worry, Charley always gets a warm reception at home. - Enterpme, At the annual meeting of the Saline W. O. ï. L'., held Jan. 90, the followlng offleen rere duly elected lor the ensuing year: President, Mrs. L. 8. l'ierce; Ist vice, Mrs. A. M. Clark; 8d vicc. .Mis. '. K. Caldwell; rec.sëc,, Mrs. R. E. Boblnson; cor. sec, .Miss K ilc .Mrlvinnon; KMI, Mrs. Wm. Jackson. - Saline Observer. Farmers are notilied to beware of circulara or blanks sent forth (with stampa for rotara postage) with a reqae&t that they be tilled out, ostensibly for the purpote it shovving the condltlon of cropa ln thelr vicinity. In a short time the farmer wil] lie nirpriaed at the return of this piece of paper to whtcb the signature is attached, iMiiafórmed Into a bona flde note whlch :ias been discomited at somu bank, and wtiich he wUl have to pay. The safeat way is Ui have nothiog whatcver to do with strangers. - l'inckney Dispatch. ' Died at her home In Lyndon, on Jlonlajr, Jan. 31, 18S7, oí oonsumptlon, Mrs. Al mi ra Canlield, wife of ('liarles Canfleld, iücil lifty years, one month and twentysix days. Mra. Canfleld was the daughter )f Orlean and Catbarlne M. Clark, and was boni in Kiighton, Momoe county, N. V., on the 5th of December, I8:iti. ' Slie ¦ameto Michigan with her parentsin I,--;!?, vas married to Mr. Canfleld November ü, 1S5G, by Kev. E. H. Brockway. The ruit of this tnamage was four children. all of whom are Uring ; this belng the tii8t death that has ever occurred in tlie Family.