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Sore Eyes The eyes are always in sympathy with the body, and aflbrd tn excellent index of lts condition. Wneo the evos become Wak, and the Ikls mdamed and sore, it is an evldenee that tlie system lias beoome disordorcd by Scrofula, for wbich Ayer' Sarsaparilla is the best known remedy. Scrofula, which prodnceil a painfnl inflammation in mv eyet, causea ine nnich sulfering for a number oí jeu, By the advioe of a physicuin I commenced takiui; Avir's Sanaparilla. Aftcr usina tuis medicine a short time I was completely Cured My eyea are now in a splondid eondition, and i am ;is wcll and strons a cr. - Mis. WllUana Gage, Coooord, N. II. For a minibrr of years I was tronbled with a humor in my en-, and was unabla to obtain any relief untll 1 commeooed tning AyiT's Saraaparllla. Thl medicina lias afléoted a complete cure, and l belteva it to be the best of biood puriücrs. - C. E. l'ptoii, Naslnia, N. il. From eliildhood, and untll witliin a few' montha, I bava been affllotod witii Waak and Sore Mms. i havo ued for tin complaints. wiih benefleial resulta, Ayrr-s Saraaparilla, and oonslder it ;t real blood puriüer. - Mi-a. C. PnUllpa, Oiover, Yi. I sufiored for a year with inflamnmtinn in my left ove. "Tluee ulcera fornuil on the buil. deprivmg of siu'ht. and causlag graat pain. After trylng many other remedlea, to no purpose, 1 was tinally Indneed to use Ayer"! Sanaparilla, and, By Taking three hottlrs of thls medicine, have heen entlraly cured. My algnt has been ra¦tored, and toan is no ga of Inflamma I ion, sore, or ulear in my Bye. Kendal T. liowen, Sugar Tree Biage, Obio. Ify daiiL'htei-, ten vears old, was nfllii-tcd with Scrofuloui 8ora Byaa. Durüw the last two vean ibe neveraaw liht oí any kind, l'hysicians of the higbesl standing ixiTtod tlieir sklll, but with no permanent ¦uccess. On the recommendatlon of a triend I purchased a bottle of Ayer's Saraparilla, whlch my dauchtor commenced takinf.'. Before she bad used the thlrd bottle her Blghi was restored, and she can now look iteadlly atabrilllanl llghl without pain. Her oure is complete. W. K. Batherland, Evangelist, Shelb] City, Ky. Ayer's Sarsaparilla, Frepureti by Dr. ,T. C. Ayer & Co., Tjowell, Mnai. fciuia by all Druggista. l'ricc $1 ; tix bottlue, $6.


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