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Mondaj' eyenlng, the recular garnering of the city fatuers wti Iftttte well attended considei inr the st ite of the tmospbere, which was uiighty slippery. Aiter the roll onll aud uanal formaUUM carne the PKESKNTATION OF ÍMCTITIONS. üf Christian Eberbac.h and six otliers, praying for un electric liglit on Paokard btreet at the intersección, of K. University avenue. Keferred to streel lightiug i 'iiniuittee. Of H. M. Taber, E. E. Royer mil 18 otliers asking tor a liglit at tlie comer of Aun mul ."icli stieet. Heferred to Street lichting comiuittee. üf John Ooetz, Jr., nakut" the privilege of erectiug an outtmie stairway to hit building on the alley rising troin Liberty to Washington streels, enst of Main Street. Keferred to street comuuttee. Of S. W. Clarkaon, respecting an excessive tax of $38.00 unjustly paid by htm. lteferred to City Attoruey, who reported that In his opinión it was au excessivo tax and tlio inioiiut named should De rel'unded. Aid. AUraendinger moved that tlie matter be referred to tlie tlnance coiumittee wltli power to act. Carrled. Of J. C. Kane, A. A. Meuth, and 14 otlier butchers of the. city, asking tlie sanie protection against toieign peddlers as grauted other linea of business. Aid. Allinendinger moved that tlie same liceuse be recjuired of meat pt'ddlers as of any other hucksters, and that tlie eity attorney be required to draft an ordiuance if necessary to tiiut effect. It was carried. W. Fred Sclilanderer asked to have two months liquor tax refunded. Petition grauted. The following communicatlon of Albert Sorg, chief of the lire departnient was then read: Anh Aruob, Feb. 7, '87. To the Mayor, Recorder, and AlUermen u the City oí Ann Albor: Uknixkmen :- Owlng to the poor coudlüou of Kif l'iri' Departmuut in luemberatalp, I would ruccommeud thut the Council take SI Mil' M' ' i' Mil i ii' ni i iim ii ala ¦' v ' OondtUen by maklnt; il a ptrt pald depart ni . wulch cau be done üy expendlng aüout two thousand dollars afler dlspostug of the liaud eugíues. Tlie expense oí malulalnlug tuedeparttnentaccordlng to cstimaleN I havu' would be about as follows : Tliree men per íuontü. $15.00 $ 1,620 00 Klíteen men per year, $25.00 Ï75 00 Twenty-slx men per yer $15.00 81(0 00 t eed, tor horses and repairs 575 00 Total peryear $ 2.96J 00 I would osk tliat the Couuoll reíer thls to Ftre Department commltiee and Ihey to report at ome special meeting. Itespectfully yours, A.LBEUT OKU, Culeí Eng'r. Referred to cominitee un flrc department. The resignation of W. J. Clark as Justice of tlie Pence was read and acceptcil. A cotnmuuication from Ilarry Kussell, general attorney of tlie M. C. K. 11., caliIng upon the city to ,'pay unto that coinpauy $5,000 agreed upon forthe construction oí tlie bridge on Pontiae Street, was read and caused quite a war cloiid tor au liour or so. Aid. Allmendinger tlioulit that tlie M. C. H. lt. Co. liad not fullilleil tlieir part of the contract. They had verbally agreed to grade a Street (rom Detroit street to the depot grounds, and on their repicsentation the city liad in good faith purchased lUe O'Neil property; he thought the city liad been deceived and olt'ered a íesolution to the effect that the M. C. R. R. Co. be tendered $2,500 and the O'Niel property as payment lo tul), Alda. Swlft, l'oland, tlie Mayor and City Attorney discussed the question, Aid. Swlft movinsí thac the Kecorder be instiucted to draw the warrant for the full auiount of $ .),00U. The Kecoider moved ís asubstltute for the various motions and resolutions the followinj?, which wa adopted : Resolved, That tlie matter of paylng the $5,0U0 lo tlie M. C. B. K. be referred to a comuiltlee of tliree, togetlier wllii the City Euglneer to repon lf me contract wllii the Bald ratlroad coinpany Is fully complled wlth, and tülscommltlee to report to tlils councll as soon au pouslble. Oarri-jcl. Alds. Allmendinger, Swift, and the Mayor were chosen as such committee. The drujfgltt bond of E. A. Calkins & Son was Mud and approved, also tlie llqoot bund of W. Fred Schlanderer. Aid. Allmendinger f rom tlie linance cominittee reporteu the following expenditures for the month : lst ward ...- 2112 2d m 7 uo 3d " "i'.'. 8 J 4th - 2) IK) 5th " 8 75 Olli " 5 80 Ueneml slreet lund 101 2ii Oeneral fund 880 H Contingent fuuil. - 1,251 73 Total SI, 7 M On motion of Aid. Ware the warrant for the öüi ward lire coinpany was ordered drawn iu favor of Tnos. Oodkin, forman. The Hecorder announced that the animal report of the finalices of the city would be ready before another regular meetiiiíí of the council, aud a9ked that tlie ccmiicil t:ike such action as itdesired iu relerence to tts publication. Aid. Ware moved that tlm report be publishcd thesiimc as last yt-iir in tlie Añil Arbor DetOOCrat and Aun Arbor Couusb. Oarrted. Aid. Ware moved that tlie sum of 103 be approprlated from tlie contiipgentfund, tbe same to be expended upon the city cemeteiy in the 5th wnrd The Beoorder to draw the warrant in favor of the truices of said ccinetcry. C irried On uvtion of Ahl Wftftf, Kli Manly was re-elected tru4'e of the city cemetery Ir nn Jan. lst, and Frcd Meyer rtelected janitor of the öih ward entine lione from same d;ite. Aid. A.llnwndlnger moved that the City At'orney be instructed to prepare blll in blank fonn tor the amendineiit of the city charter, f the same should bvcome neceuttry, and rmoett the representative ol thió district to introduce the same. The report of the poor tuin! distributie! by Chief Slpley for the nionth was as followa: Ut ward, $ 21 1 ¦21 " 2i) ck 3d " 47 2C nii _ M m "tu " HU Olh " _ -il v Total $ 2! Is City Treasurer Sorg repnrted the follOWlllK balances on hand : Oootlnirant fund, on hand $2,275 9 General Fnnd, overdrafl 2,880 59 General slreet fnad, overdralt W ïd lsl ward fuud on Mand... 114 13 2(1 " " ¦' " 127 80 M 77 tl 4lh " " " 198 lü 5th ' " 45 U Btli ' U M City Cemetery Til, overdruft 23 X7 Dik tiix luml mi band 100 t 1 - 1 1 n I in-u t tax, overdrafl 927 49 Water Works iund on hand 3,288 S3 Council adiourned.


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