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Pomological Society

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J. D. Baldwin prcsided at the Febniary meeting. Committee on trespass presented a pelitioii to the legislature setting fortb, that (teallng fircm gardeni and orebarda be made puoisbable witta tile same penalties as tlieft from a dwelllng Iiouse, shop or store, etc. A resol ution was passed to circuíate the petitlon for signutures and present it to the legislature tlirough reiire8entative C. II Matily. J. H. Clough, chairman of the oom mittee on fruit preserving factory, reported : The comniitee are of the opinión that the plan of a joint stock compauy would not be advisable and, whereas a responsible party in Anu Arbor had offered to establish and carry on such a factory, provided a bonus of $1,000 be oifered, the conunlttee reeominends to raise said atnount by subscription It was resolved, that the committee le retained and requested to raUe this ammint aniong fruit growers and oltlzeni generally who are interested in seeing a suecessful factory establislifd al Anu Arbor. Messrs. Donald Mclntyre, J. I). Baldwln, Prof. J. B. Steere, J. J. l'arshall, VV. F. Uird. A. Isbdl and H. D. Marsh spoke in favor of the factory, its fair prospective profits, the favorable locality at Anu Arbor. lts success would depend on the character of the person or persons couductiug it and thequallty of the article turned out. Tliicity, being known all over and far lnyond the United States, au Anti Arbor brand of jullie, cauned and drird fruit of iirst class, would lie welcome whereever the Athens of the West is known. L. Mills wondered why a creauiery had not been started here long ago. He spoke of the large luiKiiuit ot nioney whioh had been uvisted by Ann Arbor capitulists in Odtsidfl inaiiy of which proved a total failuir. After iecess Mr. Cl'iigli at once coramenced to circuíate a subscrlptlon paper. $lá.r were sub.-cribfd and more promiiM d. If called upon by the committee the citiMDl of Ann A'rbor. Uie fumen lio llave apples to solí and thu fruit (rrowert should not allow this oppoituuity puM to see a factory in our mldit establlsbed wliich would very likely break the way for other faotnrie. George N. Hen ion cxhlbited line and well preserved ipeclmena of grapea and a Bree curran t oí the largest si.c, all from Hochester. N. Y ïhc grape Were the Amber (neen, Auj;u-t (iiint. Early Down, and Ooeldu. The compotttefl conlisllnx of tlie two secret irics c.iu.-idered the Oueida, a red rrape, the beat, J. D. Duncan cxliihited seedling apples in food conditioD. W. F. BlwJ rcpoitcd on pe&eh buds. On cultivated soit, Crawfordt and Melocators 50 per cent killed. Smock 40 per cent. Wager 10 per Cent. On sod E. Ciawford and Hill's Chili all alive During the warm weather In aulnmn tl. e bada matured and developed too lar on cullivated soils


Ann Arbor Courier
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