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Celebrated The best shoe yet for the Best American Calf, Button, Lace and Congress, all cut Seaniless. Hard wear in every pair. GOODSPEED & SONS 17 South Main street. W. TREMAINE'S FIRE AND LIFE INMCIIJGBMÏ ! . 10 Kast Huron Street, Opposlte Oook House. Ten Flrst-Class Companles represen ted. Assetts Over $25,000,000. ffniTTlTT to bemade. Cut thls out and reI ll L V ""¦" to ns a"d we wi" "cndyoo I IV P I freí-, somethin of ereat t Ine III I I and importance to yon, tht will tart yon In businwe which will hrinp yon In more money rij; t away thaii anything etpe in Ihis worltf. Anyone ncan do the work and live at home. Either sei ; all ates. Soraethlng new. that jast coins money for all workers. We will start you ; capital no' needed. Tnie Ie one of the genulne, important chancee of a 'ifeiime. Those who are amhitious aud enterprising will not delay. Address Tkue & Co., Angnsta, Maine. ABNER MOORE'S TONSORIAL PARLOR, HTTKOZCsT STRIEIET, Next door to the Farmer's andMechanlc's Bank. HAIR CUTTING, SHAVING, 8HAM1'ÜONING AND DYEING. l'ln' b of Workmen and BatUfnotion (iuarauteed. KNOWN. # I Tliis Great Germán Medicino is thcM II I Iclir-ijicstanil best. 128 doses of SUL-#u II I ll'lll i: IUTTEUSfor$1.00,lessthan# 5 III IIJ one oeM a dose. It will cure the ƒ fej pj worst cases of skin dlsease, from en Ma eonunon pimple on the t&ceW f EJ IJlto that awful dfaeue Scrofnla. O lllsri.iMiru BiiTKiis is thejr III best medicine to nae In all# III cases of such Btubborn andfour j III Illilecp scated dlseasc-s. Do#nCvsnrroutll Ulnot over take Motohier. Tbc UI BLUE PILLS #m Q Iormorcury,they are IfIT Illlv. ri.iro vour trust ln#r" nrl' sl'k,nolll II -"at all8 1 litho purest and be6t#yu' uso y medicine ever madeSnlplmj BÜUrS ! HÏIsyonrTcmgueOoatedJF' r SS U witha yellowstickj'non't walt uiitll yon ö U anbstance? Isyourare unalletowalk,úrl III brcatii foul and JTare flat on your back, l Hl onYnsIvc': Vourbnt get somo at onc1, lt[l stomach is outwill cure you. Sulphur I lof order. UseWBlttcrs la QSliVi1Tn:wsThe Inralid's Friend.H , - ininiPdlati'lyTho yming, the ajred and = ll 18 your Vr-Wu?Tui art1 won made wcll by lne tnlck.itg use. Bemember what you III III roP5' "1# ruad here, lt nmy save your lludy, orMatc H has saved liundreds.l II MDuu't walt until to-morrow, ? M Try a Bottle To-day ! E3 o" Are you low-splrlted and woak,j II 3 MOT silfluYinjr frnin th1 0X00M68 of Hl III A#yxutbr If so, SULPUUK HIïTEItólII "wwUl cure you. J S,mii1 ;ï "2 iTiu rtKBpi I A. 1. Onlway A Co., BoBton.Mabtí., for best mudk-ulwork pul)lisLoU? NOTICE. NOTICE is hereby glven that the underKlgned has lee diily nppolnted and qua'itlfd ly the Probate Court of ('uyuliogn Oounly, Onlo, ns Trustee of the Estáte of Ctmrles WlnoheatW and W. R. Monroe.copartners, doMig busiuess under the flrin name and tylciif Monroe Bros. & Company.; 1'uiiH'sville, Lnmb6r Companyi; Salem Lumber Company; Alllance Lumber Company ¦ Cllntoo Lamber Oompany; Ida, Krerichs & Company, and Aun Arhor l.umhor Company. In place cl V. li. Smulders, Asslgnee, re¦igned, In trust lor the benefit of the credlUirs Of snld llrin. All persons In debt lo sald estáte will make Immedlate paymeut, :uid errdllors will preMOl Ilieir claims, dnly authentlcatetl, to the underslcned for allowance. UatiKl :it n.tvn.Asii, V'iiio, thls 13lh day of Jaiiuary, lS(t7. K. IUM.OCK. Trustee. No. lül senecii stiet. You will pay my iMBt, A. F Martin. IIAHNK1' K. BULLOCK. January 18, '87. #f f T T Sldl are tcftrr. bot tboM who wr)t to I I RUiiwa k Co.. Portland, Mln, will rpcHr. x I II fDl) Information aboul work whlch I I I I ltley cftE do' "11 1T( boma, tbat will paj M J I I I I thora frorn IS to f per daj. Rome han carned oer $51 In day Bither pex, 701UK or ld. CaptUI Bolrequlred. You areitarted frett. Thosa who atart at ooo are abaulutolj iur uf Buug lltllt fortooea. AU la dw.


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