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THE JUDGE'S CASH PUZZLE In behnlf of TEE GAiüT MONUMENT Pi, Use Your Brains and Make Money. MEN, WQS.EN, CHILD&EN, S7BTB0D7, TheJudge propose to atwiet the Grant Monnment Fund by organlzing a grand competition on word-bnllding (making the largeet number of Bvgllsh word Irom a (flven eentence by tranipoeinir and usini lettere to suit the pnrpose), nsfne lor the theme the sentence "Who wlll be ournext President?' and offering Cash prlze to sneeeieful cnmpetltore, each of who wlll have to pay Ftftv (50; centi ob pregentation of bis competitive paper Ihc money received will he applied as folio ¦ Iweuty.flve cents 1 at once credlted to 'the Grant Fund. The reminlnf twenty-flve cents, after dcductinc the legitímate expense of advertioing name vi h thelr respective answers, etc., etc., will be placed In a common fund to be eqnally divlded among the the 8ii successfnl competitore, . e., the six persons sending In tbe larecst liste of English word (proper nouns included) made from the sentence ,' Who will be our next President f " Tbe magnitude of the prlzewili depend on the amountoi money receired, or in other word on the number orcompetltors Communicaties open unill FoBruary 15. 1887, 12 o'clock. Thts is not a new thlng. In England laree soms of money have been raised lor Charlty by this raeihod and those wbo have parilctpated and incldeutally I eU)ed a worthy oliject have won a prlze as high as 810,000 as a reward for mental acifvitv The names of competitore will be published from week to week in Judge as they may come In. This wlll not only serve as an acknowledgemtnt of the receipt of the money, etc., but will also erve to show the wcekly progresa of the fund. Governing rales In this week't JuJgt. Addte "GRANT FUND," The Judgre Publishing Company, l'..f i.t Building. - Yrw York City. -THE- l887DETROIT TRIBUNE. The Metropolitan Republicau Juurual of Michigan. A Standard Family Newspaper The subscrlption list of the Detroit Tribnnc has been very larg-ely increascd under its new management, and ts politica! inHuence made itsell" strikinaly feit in the campaign which has just closed. Asa aterllnjc Family NcwNpaper it will not merely maintain its hih standing durin the coming year but it will be strengthened and improved. THE TRIBUNE Contalns All the New, n. Dotnestiet State and Local, in the most readable forni. It contains the latest and most readable Market Reporta. It contains able, vigoro us Luitoriuls and pumrent paratraphs, candid and timely comment on curre nt issues and importRnt questions of ttie day. Lu short it is a BRIGHT, LIVEI.Y. AGGRESSIVE REPUBLICAN NEWSPAHKIl - A MICHIGAN PAPER FOR MICHIGAN ItEADKRS. The WE E KL Y TRIBUNE Is a larpe eiht-page paper of 64 columns, containing editorial discussion of current issues from the standpnints of accurate inlormation and adherencc to correct politica 1 and economie principies, ínteresting and valuable misccllaneous rradinj; malte r, original and quoted poems and sketches, and selcc tions from the best liter ature of the day. Especial attention will be paid to' topics of interests to the rural community, and to discussion of questions of interest in practical agricultura!, letters on fairo and home topics, receipts, etc. In bi ief. neither, pains nor expense will be pared in keeping The Tribune a tl rM -clan Family !MrWh)aHT, stront in all departments, and in every wav worthy of the real state with whose history and growtli it has been so long and so closely idenliñed. TEBMS: Per Sfx Three Annum Mos. Mos. DAILY, except Sundav - $5.00 $2,50 $1.25 DAILY, mcludins: Snndav... 6.00 3.30 1.50 WEEKLY I.OO .50 -30 For $1.50 we will send the W'eekly Tribune for one year and a copy of "Our Faniily'PbyMlotan,9 a valuable household medical work of 544 naifes, well printed and handsomely bound - a book that retails at l.voo. Tlie Weekly Tribune will be sent on trial to New Subscribers three months for 20 cents. All postaee prepaid. Specimen copies free. Remittances may be sent at our risk by drafts on Detroit banks, money orders or in reistered letters. Liberal terms to ajents and canvassers. Send for particulars. Address THE TRIBUNE, Detroit, Mich. The bet Hislory of the War tluü has yet ajipeared. - Boston Traveller. ffAlWSJÍ The plates of Harper's Weekly durlns tlie War Imviiii been destroyed, harpeu's Pictorial History orthe Retellion Is the only roeans of obtalnlng lts lnvaluab'J hl8Urlcal tlluatratlons. In two splenclia folio volumes, satne slze page n the weet y. and contAinlng 1,000 of lts famons Wr PWturea. Prlce for set. cnrrlage pald, In bevelra clotb, $18.00; in Half Turkey Morocco . hamlsome Ruilt Btanip on sKli md marbled edgi ÜK. TO AVÜID DBCKPTION, SEK THAT HOOKS BBAR HAKPKHS NAME. foWW ¦abaoripUon only. Send for Illuslrated clruilar to MeDONNELL BRO'S, 1S5 Deftrlwrn St., Chicago, III. Of Pricdess value for Piratrontion.- Boston AUvertlser. 17.


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