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Republican ward caueuses next Monilay eroolng. See civil. Lots of gas in the council meetings now a-days. It won't buril though. Read the interestlns; letter of Prof. Van Slyke from Honolulú 011 the lst page. There is a ilangerous tinder box in the 3d story of the hallway over Brown's drug store. The social of the Geddes Sabbath School 11 be held at the resideuco of Mis. Rash, Friday evening. Cari Schlimnier, of Northfield, was badly injured by a high-lived team while driving in the city yestorday. Anton Teufel of this city feil on the icy crust In the alley in the rear of Main st. Suturday night, brcaking bis leg. It looks to a man on a dark night as if the petitioners for ¦ light at the corner of 5th and Ann streets, ought to have their prayer granted. James M. Stafford lias bought out the interest of N. H. Winans, and will hereafter conduct the business at the old stand. We wish James M. success in his new venture. J. W. Hangsterfer of Detroit and A. F. Hangsterfer of this city will cater for the republican club banquet to be held in Detroit, Feb. 22, seating in all 1,500 persons at one time. The entertainment given by Miss Helen Potter at the grand opera house last Friday night was a succes. The G. A. U., onder wliose auspices it was givenj cleared $80.00. Miss Jennie Gardner, the young lady visiting here from Attioa, X. Y.. anti wlio liad a log brokeii by jumping from a sleigb, died Saturday, at the residence of Dr. Sinith, from iuternal injuries recievcd. This is from the last Ho , veil Republican: " The University glee club will appear under the auspices of the M. K. lecture couree at the opera house, Friday evening, Feb. 86ÜL This will be the best musical ever given to a Howell audience." There is to be a spring fair held on the grounds of the Agricultural society in this city, on last day of May and the lirst day of Juie, we understand. If so, it should be pushed from now on by everybody in this section. Kandall bas at his store two oil paintings, foruierly the property of President Tappan, that are if great interest. One is a view of the observalory, the other of the University grounds as they looked in 1S55, when the picture were made. The Detroit papen are authority for the statement that Prof. Olney's braiu weighfid 61 onnces, while the average normal weiglit of the human brain is VJ ounce. The braiu uf Daniel Webster weig heJ 55 ouuces. The be iviest braln recorded is f!S ounces. V. J. Clark having become surfeited witli honor, Ims retigned liis office as justice of the peace, to take effect Murch lst. This is to he regretted tor Mr. Clark is an honest, straightforward official, and makes a goodjustice. Tlie vaeancy will be rilled at the spring eleetion probably. A stabbing affray occurred at the Toledo V A. A. deplt last evening between two brakemen named Benedict and Corcoran, one of whom m under the inllu once of liquor at the time, ie is iUted. While in a friendly scuñie Corcoran drew a knlfe and atablied H n-diet. hut at thtl writing the wound is not ccnidered dangerous. The announe.ement of tlie violent insanity of (ico. H. Pen iiiinau, of Detroit, will bc received witli the deepest regret. by his many Mend throughoiu the state. In 1854 Mr. Penniman lived In Ann Arbor and ran a sime shop here. L'nfortunately he leavos his tainily in distiuue cireiimstam'es. On Thursday lnst, Mis. EUebel K. Brush, wife of the late Geo. Ö. Briish, whosedeath waschronieled hut a lew short months since, died at her home in tlie lst ward, aged SS years .". months. Heart disenso was the trouble. Funeral was held R&turday at i p. ui., from the nsidence. Ouoetiaed iras the mottrar of Olías, ltrusli, of this city. Quick work. The breakage of the plate gtaM In the poctofflo was reported by A. De Koiest of Uiis city to the state agent on tlie.'inl, tlie m-w gl i-s was r-hipped on the 4th, and orderod set on the 5th. This makes the fuurth plata glass that has heen broken in poatofflee, three of wliich were insured, and one by the contractor. The owner of the pestoffiee thinks plate glass insurance a good thin. At the regular meeting of the Unity Club Monday at the Unitarian church parlors, the evnuing will be devoted to representlnjí the eradle songs of a dozen or more different nations. The songs will he in the different tongues by the mothers to the babies in the eradles. The eradle song concert will be in charge of Miss Annie Wilson as-iated by members from the Amphion Club. Tbs Methodist church at Dexter was filled last Friday evening to listen to Dr. Winchell's lecture on "The Life Time of a World." (uite a large delegation carne by train from Ciielsea. The audience was well repaid, and expressed themselves In most complimentary terms of the lecture. It was as we might expect, able, scholary, and replete with instruction. The Doctor was at his best and for two hours held the close and uudivided attention of hls hearers. The annual report of the Bohemian Oat Cereal Co., of Ypsilanti, Mich., liled with the county clerk, shows the utnount of capital stoek $100,000; amount actually paid in in notes, $10,000; amount of rea] estáte none ; amount of personal estáte in notes $10,000; amount of debts of the corpor.ition none except liabilities on its bonds; amount of credit of the Corporation is n except the above notes mentioned in personal etat,e. The number of Knckholden giveu are (j:i, boldlnjr from 1 to 400 shares each. ¦Vu adjourned nie.uiug of the Washtena County Aüricultural Society m Md on the M ,„U) .,,,,, r ,,„,. (.ouU jndfc rrom entboaiMtlo feellng tfaat was Uien hown, we thall have a successful fair the coming mm, President Braun says : "It everybody's business to rnake a fair suce.cssful. There is no one man or two men who can aosonapiun inudi on such occailooa. Therefore eveiyhody should take hold and have a good old-fashioned time. There is no etter plaoe tor reweittlon than to attend good fair." And we bellere President Hraun is right, decidedly rlght. This meeting adionmed to the 9d of Mnrch, wnen anotlwr good attenüiiiwa is A cold wave approaclies mucli to the oy of the toboggan sliders. Tlicre U an interestiug ululo from the pen of Dr. Vaughan on the flrst page. O. B. Church of this city will be eníitled to a pendón under the new Mexican war pension bill. Mrs. Ellen Wctab, OÍ Northlield, died on the 6th inst., aged 57 years, of general debility. She liad rcsided in this county "0 years. Saturday nlght, Edward Morford was arought to jail from Ypilanti, for striking one Michael O'Neil over the hcad with a " shclaighley." The purties all i:il from "Ypsilanti, where the row occurrcd. It is thought that O'Neil may die. There will be a lecture and concert at the lst líaptist church Friday evening, Feb. 11. Subject of lecture: Elementa of l'rue Manhood." Jubilee melodies will je rendered by a colored quartette. The receipts are for the benefit of A. D. Chandler, the speaker, who is preparing ;or the Chrlstiaii miuistry. Lend liini your presence that he may proaptf in his audable undertaking. There have been several tramps seen Ín our vlllage of late and they are geitlntc to be a nulsance as they annoy ladtes by calllng at ihelr doorsund beggtng for food, maoy timeR they present a picture of perfect healtli, and Ihey ought to be compelled to earn thelr dally bread the same as other people.- Manchester Kulerprlso. The people of Manchester now know íow the people of Aun Arbor and Yptianti are annoyed by this pestiferous class. But there is no law to prevent; yon know this is a free country. The í;;Í!-lator whose wit can invent a law that will successfully rld the country of this álniost intolerable nuisance, will inad nmkc liimself a name and H fume almost eqiml to VVasliinjrtoii. St'veral weeks ago Rev. Mr. Sunder.and (Uatrlbuted among tbe students and othcrjof his congregation a blank wliich those roce ¦iviuir were requested to lili out and return to hiin giving tlieir jmlgmont as to the 40 most eminent Ainerlcans, to the live greatest poets, the five greatest historian?, the ñvc greatest statesmen, the flve greatest philanthropists nul raformera, tlie live greatest preachers or relijrious teacliera, the five greatest SClentUU, the flve greatest educators. The returns have now come in, and Mr. Sunderland will speak next Sunday eveningat the Uultarian church on the religious poitioii and views of the men who have been most promlnenüy mmed. It il believed that this will give some valuable liglit a.s to the tendency of religious thought n this country, among leailinir inimls. Mr. Sunderland'a morning sermon will bc. upon "The Meaning and Value of the Church as Understood by Uiiitavians."