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Michigan Central The Niagara Falls Route...

Michigan Central The Niagara Falls Route... image
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Michigan f Tent The JJiagara Falls (Route. Time lablc taking effect Nov. Hth, 18% f '¦in-ui Ntnndard Time. CBI0AO0 To DKTBOlT a. iuj 6= -5 = 's IH&II Sï L" 3" iLlr-.MiLÜt U.m. a.ï. r. . r.t i J_ Chirago. Lv. ; 6 50 900 310 4 40 t" ?„¦ Mt.-l.iK.... fui : 918 1111 4 66 6ST 101811 NUv. II 3S 1215 849 n, Hl Kstanuoo... 117 150 668 ¦.,.¦) u T. :," Cr-rkJ 1 12 2 27 7 88 13U S i '40 2r0 7il Mor"t"" h.v. 2(11) 3 10 7 54 ï'w ' ,,¦ ''k-m 3 15 4 2 8 49 ... J Inke... 338 ' Í 15 Chels.a 869 SÍ? Í Dexler 4 11 .V " ' 55 ¦ Ann Arbor.... 4 33 9 45 " '415 S"'K Ypsllunti 45.1 5 45 9 5 ... S S2 WaD,-,lui,c. 515 605 ... 5i '?? ?S P'in.l ... Ar. 800 64sllO45 gjc?i' Jj01 UKTKQIT TO CHICA OpT BTiTIOK. kÍ II SS 9g íjá I. j _ScL_ f A.M. A.M P. PM. P.M p u " Detroit... .Lv. 700 910 130 4 00 800 ik Waym-JuLC. 740 53 203 4 45 8 37 986 "" YpBilanti .... 80110 12 2 20 5 12 8681090 Ann Arbor... 8 1i;i02., 232 530 9 IS 1038 ' gt 835 550 932 - Cheliea. ... 8 48 606 952.. C.rawLake... 9 10 IS27Í1015 Jyck'on 9 86 1135 3 32 7 lo!lO52 1208 " ' M"h,l lOWlMfiO 422 820.1147 104 BatleCreek.. 1103 112 4 40 8S2I1212 1 35 1 U' Kalaniaz..... 11 52 1 50 5 15 45, 1 i0 S3S J'le 140 322 627 303 41 S MlchlganCirj 25 4 Si 732... 432 5 40 'L Chlcao-Ar. 515 40 9 7 00 g jnS Canada DlvUlon. DBTRoiT to buftalo.- Standard Time, STATIONS. -gÜL-=3 Lg SS 5 %irrl V M. 1-. M. A. . JL. m Di-troit ...Lt 7 15 IO.tS 5(10 8 10 05 m t.ThomaeAr 1106 2 07 10 10 9 40 8 25 A. . PM T.ronto...Ar 9 10 6 20. Ottawa. pm525 4 38 Montreal 9 00 8 20... Quebt-c a(M.' 1-. . ah i'.ThomaB,Lv 1110 2 12 1 00 50 3 3o"" Watfriort.... 12 :ti -.'4 8 04 111144S Weiland 153 4 42 5 12 I2 4ltJwi Falla View... ; 1 19 N. P.II..DII. 222 S08 1 Mí Snyp'n B dge. 2 3T, S 20 140 6 60 BOPTALO to DiTBoii- Standard Time. i í í I Lí ' STA1IONS. g. 5 ililffli r g af "T! A. M. T J" Phlladel'a..Lv 9 00 p. x g jn' New York. .. 10 30 6 00 os Boston. 8 30 3 00 7 10 Wocvur... 9 50 4 20 g % Sprintneld. . 11 35 0 06 : in „ Alliaoy 300pml0 05 S l;ci 6 45 12331D1 .... 8yr;Mie 7 40 2 00 .... ' 7 1 Rorhepter. ... 9.5 4 00 ín 00 iiutrno . Ar 12 15 550 ....;; 53p Buffalo. .Lv II 30pm 5 45 BOs" í'oo' 11 85 sn-p'n B'H'g .2 30 " 'é'43 ".'.'.'.' "..'.'. Ü'm N. KnllH.Out. 12 45 8 ,V . ." jü Fallí Vii-w 7 04 .... f os WelUnd.... 1 10 7 2 7 10 1005 1 ffl M.lhoaiaAr 4 10 9 55 11115 110 4 S5 Qaehec... Lv 2 SO 10 00 Moiitr.-al Síq 9ü0 Ottawa „ 45 2 5 Toronto, . s 10 IOS St.ThomieLv 4 15 0 00 3 00 115 445 Detroit. ...Ar 805am105pm S 45 _5_20u 8 46 t Stops ouly to let off piusvnerrs. X Stops only 011 líHíale. nW RS'0USSH- HA VKS. G. P. & T. Aifent A_-.. Arni Arbor. ChlcaLo. Toedo, Ann Arbor & Nortli MicliL Kailwaj. TIME SCHEDUl.E. Tdtake effect at 1 oVlcick. noon, 011 Sunday, Nov. 28tti, 1886. Trains rnn by Standard Time. QOINO NORTH. GOI'O SODTH SIS 51 1 ífe I S .1 i s. a. I a. a. a.' iP.M.P. M. A. M LVU. A. . P M P I 15 5 15 Toledo 9 20 1 au 11 80' 6 17 8 20 5 20 Manh'ln June 9 15 1 üil 11 2J 6 30 25 5 30 Alexis 9 10 1 16 II 13 7 05 8 42 5 45 ISam irin s 5.s 1 o tí h 7 12 1 (10 tí 08 Monroe.lune S 4,=, ] 42 10 33 8 (r2 4 10 (i ÍS lnniWe 8 Si i :ii u 22 8 25 4 20 ( Zr A.-ilia 8 M 12 il 10 U 8 +1 4 U ti 3.1 Milán s m 12 13 ,0 00 9211 4 46 6 5(i Urania 7 111154 o 48 9 10 4 52 7 00 PiltiKieUI 7 37 11 4-i 9 í0 0 US 5 10 7 13 Ann Arhor 7 3 11 30 9 so 0 .'JO 5 30 7 80 Leían ' 6 45; 11 12 9 10 5 4ó 7 iWhitni'reL'ke .. . 10 58 8 58 ... 6 2S 8 80 BowaU llO 20 8 15 7 20 9 30 Dtirand j m 7 aj 7 45 9 62 Cornnna 9 1 r, ; 7 55 10 00 Omiíso 9 ( (i 22 8 10 10 05 Owojeo Jone K 5 H 28 ... 9 15J 11 23 Iihaa 1 7 4'. 5 15 9 8811148 ík. Loul ! 7 27 4 W 9 41 11 53 Ümi 1 7 211 ISO P. M. 10 80 12 45 Mt. P.eajnnt ¦. 6 ,iO 4 00 Soutli Lyim Branoh. SÍÜKTII BOUND. STATIONS BQUTttBOUTD. Train 6 l'raiu 1 p. . r. m. 10 30 Lv. Lelands Ar. 6 45 10 40 Ar. Wordeni Ar. 6 40 11 80 Ar Ekmth l.ynn Lv. 6 30 C'onnectlons: At Toledo, wlth rallroads diverenp; at Manhattan Junction, wlth Wheeliug A Lake Krie K. R.; at Alexia Junction, with f. C. k. R., I . S. A M 8. Hy. and K. Jt P. M R. R.; t Mnnroe Junction, witn L. S. Jt M S. Rv at Danlee, with L. !S. A M. 8. Ky.. M. U. Ki-.; al Milán lunctlon. with Wabash, St. Lon's Paciñc Hr ; it Pittfleld,w1th L. S. & M. S. liv.; at Ann Arbor vith Michigan Ceutral R. K., ai.d at South Lyou vita Detroit, & Northern H. H., nd Hich. A. L Oiv. of Grand Truiik hy. At Hamuri; wlth M. A. Use División ürai.d Tru"k R'y. Lt Howell with rolt, A N inbern K'y. U Oiirat.d witr. che.!;.. Gruid Trnnk K'y an Jeíroit, Orund Haven A Milwuiil ,¦ R'y. At Ówoe10.I11nct.011 with Detroit, '.rand Havun A Milwaute li'v Md Michigan Centra! H. K Ai st Ixinie pilh Detr.iit. Lansiij; Norlli.ri. li. B. .ind law V.ill.-y & ft. Lonip H'y. At Alma with D' tro t, A Nirthi-rii Hy. Al Mt. Pleasnnt wilh 'lint A IVre Ky. H. A'. AS11LSY, enera! S:.p'. V. H. BUNNEIT. GüiI. Ph-. Aí -i.t. TIÏIE ÍM ÁRBOR SAYINGS BANK, ANN ARBOR. MICHIGAN, Cransacts General Banking Business. CAPITAL, $80,000. Organlzed nnder the General Banking Law ¦( blH h'ati-, the utockholdors are indlvldnallj Hable r an additioual am.mut equal to the stock held by aom.thereby creating a Unarantec Fnnd for tho eneflt of Depositor 01 $100,00.00. Three per cent. Interest Ib allowed on all Saving eposit of one dollar and upivards, accordlag tu 11 rnlw of the Bank and Interest compounded L-ml-annnally. Jíoney to Loan on nnincumbered f al estáte uud other good security. DIRECTORS : HHIsnAN MACK, W. I). HARKIMAN. T. W. WINEfi, DANIEL HISCOCK, ?1LLIAM DKDBEL, V.'ILLARU B. SM1TH. DAVID RIN8KY. ÜFFICEÜS: I. MACK, Prtsa. W. W. WIN ES, , 'ce-Preí. . JL. niSCOCK.Oashier. iras classes ss w lü. Hnployment at lióme, tho hole of .he me, or tor thelr ppare nioments. Businefí uew m and proflia-le. Persona of t-ilhur sex eaIIJ un irom 50 to u",.oo per evenlng, and ¦ propofoiml iiin by dcvtili.g all theirúnio to tb. itusin. luirle earn .-arn mvirly a mnrh a md. a:i lio m this muy sond U.i'lradd test boclneaa, we mnke this 1 ner. '0 MHh M nre not well MUtAed will senli t" nllaj .i pay fo' lüe troiihv 01 wrtting. Kull parcilurr. tiud nutflt free. &ddrw Gkorue Stikn A Co. Portland Mnint. ñilS PAPER SESÜS fewspaper Advertising Bureau (10 Spruce BFIU lf ftlll isiiiRcontrnotaraay HhHf inlV. xj nuule ior lt lu llblff I Wlll ÜBSCRTbE for ík COÜRIEB.


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