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The Republican Convention

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A republlcan state con vention to nomínate ajustlce of the supreme court Ín place of James V. Campbell, and two regenta of the tale uuiverslty Ín place of Kbenezer O. Grosveuor and James Shearer, and for the transactlon of other biiflness, will be held at Whitney's opera house, Detroit, on Wednesday, February 23, 1887, at 10 o'clook a. m. ín accordance wlth a reolutlon adopted at Orand Kaplds. May 10, 1S7B, every county wlll be eutitieü'to one delégate for eacb 500 of the (ota! vote oasl for governor at the last state election (Nov., 1886) and ont addltional delégate for every íraetlon amounllng to 300, but each organlzed counly wlll be eniltled to al least one delégate. Under a resolutlon of 1858 no delégate wlll be entltled to a seat lu the convention who üoes not reside In the counly he proposes to represent In coinpllance wlth a resolntlon adopted Ín Detroit, June 23, 1380, the secretary of eacL connty coaventlon is requesled to forward to the secretary of the state central commlltee (No.!) Bubl block, Detroit), by the earllest mail, afler the delégate to the state convention are chosen. a certifled llst of such delegutes as are entttled to seáis In the state convention from thelr respective countles. JAMES Mi M1LLAN, Chalrman. W'm. II. Bates, Secretary. W'ashtenaw County Ís entltled to 18 delégales.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News