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Gibson has been chosen as the lic. Renior class photographer. Junior laws huve their wrltteti examination on Blackstone to-morrow p, m., from 2 to 6 o'clock. The Sorosis, the young lady's society of Ilie IJ. of M., gives a reception at Mrs. Geo. S. Morris, on S. State st. Remember " Paris the Magnlficent," at university hall, Friday evenlng. It will be one of the events of the season. Richard H. Thnrston law class of '84, was ia town S.iturday. He has located in Toledo, and is at present with a prominent tirm of that city. The name ot Prof. Henry Wade Rogers has been mentioned in connection with the democratie nomination for justice of the state snpreme court. Prof. H. C. Adams closed his work here for this year and left for Coruell unlversity Monday, where hedelirers a serles of Ieoture8 on political economy. The Michigan University alumni at Washington will hold Ita annual reunión and dinner to-morrow, the 17th. Senator Palmer is president of the association. Dr. W. E. Ziegenfuss, medie, class of '78, is doing nicely In practice at Alpena. He bas recently been chosen physlcian of the Germán Workingmen's Aid Association, a prosperous orgnnization of that pfaHM. The Grutiot Journal, one of the brlghtest and most progressive newspapers in Michigan, edited by Robert Smitb, ends i long article upon the university with these wuriU: " Nothing reasonable should bedenied the institutlon in the way of appropriations to forward its usefulness and prestige." , The Alpha Nu society will haye an "American Pntriot Progrumme " on 8aturday evening, Feb. 19th: Music by HutT's quartette; oratlon on Washington by H. M. Frost; essay entitled " Nathaniel Hale," by R. S. Smith; Biography of Alexander Hamilton by R. C. Bryant; Paper on Politieel Wiltings of Hamilton, by J. H Powell ; Sibyl, " Come and See," W. T. Smith. All corli:illy invited. At the committee meeting Monday evenlng the charges of bad management ¦gmtnst the iinlversity hospital authoilties were invesligated and found to be not substantiated. The woman who had b?en working at the hospital and who made the charges, when 8he learned that the reïents were to Inqulre into the mutter, resigned her positlon, but before going wrote a letter exonerating the authoiities. Tliia is the result ot the Investigatlon as we learn. Miss Lfttie L. Burüngame, of Joliet, III., who giaduated from the law department last year, bids fair to become prominent in the lecture field. Of her lecture on "Socialism and Society" delivered for Mie benefit of the Precbyterian church in that city recently, the Joliet Daily Press ssye: " The lecture was an able one and was delivered in a fine, effective manner. The subject is handled well, and shows ilepth of thoiight and research. MissBurItnffameil n eloquent and talented young lady, and expouiuls correct views on the problem with whicb slie deals."


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