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Jf CHEAlf Tj rDRPRICES SS SPECIAL L W I ftAVORnn PAKIN0 MOST PERFECT MADE Preparad „ Ah atrtct regard to Pnrltv, Strpnith, and Heiuthfuln.'tw. Dr. l'rii'eBliakini;rtm'ilri'.uiitain8 noAminonia,I,imc.AlumorIhosphfttos.Dr.l'rir..'. Excracts, Vanilla, Lemon, etc., flavor delidously . MANY LAMÍ' CHiMNEYS AltB oflVpotl lor rt'ir'siit'il as goud as the Fauious PEARL TOP BIT T1IFY ARE NOT! And liko all Countrrfeila l:ik tlio Remarkable CASTING )ualitics OF THE OBSrVDTE. ASK FOÜ. TÏ3.E, PEARLTOP And Insist CIT y T H I S 11 VVIG PJWHÏbSKJ l a k e l 1110111 VKSxIni ? " Eaeh witb 55j3 CH1MXEY Pat.0ct. 30, 1SS3. The PÊARIjTtOP is .tlaiiufacliiretl OMV fcy 010, A, MACBTH & C0„ P1TTS11UUOH, PA. CJ.ST.CLAIB&SÖHS MAXUFALTURKKS OF School and Clirt FÜRNÏTITRE. opkra iiorsi; mm ANP WIND-MILLS. Are now prepared to matuifjiotnre School and Charota Kurnlture, and Open HouHe Cliüirs, Lftwn Si-tiit-s, Camp Tables anl the TRIUMPH WIND-MILL The best and R'mplcst and reliahle i ii use. KepairliiK done on short notlee. Also druicrs In PUMPS, CYIJXDKHS. I'IPKS, BTC. TANKS MADE TO OIÍDER. LADDERS, PFACH BOXKN. HKKKV CUATE8, In laet, any artlrle ninitr to ordpr. NO. 33 N, FOURTH STREET, ___ANN AHBOH. MIOH. FOR DYSPKPSÏA. MENTAL AND PHYSICAL EXHAUSTION, NERVOUSNESS, WEAKENED ENFRCY, INDICESTION, ETC, ETC. florsfords ACID PHSPHATF. A llqnld prepanitioii of the phocphate ml phospborlc acid. Recrrmmended by Phibielans. It raak a dellcioua drink. Invlgoratlng and strenntlienini;. Pamphlet free. FOR SALE BY ALL DEALERS. Rumford Chemical Works, Proyiflence, - - Rhodc Isnind. &r BEWARE OF IMITATIONS. REAL E62A2E A NI) INSURANGE AGENCY. J. A. SESSIONS, ATTORNEY AND NOTARY PUBLIC Real Estáte sold or renled and rents collecten! on reasonnble term. None bul old and Brat-clan Insurance Compante repmented- Wltb insurnnce capital of $10,ÜOO.iJ(X). Ratea as low as any other Insurance cora pany and Ioskck promptly pnld. Offlceover American Kxpretis ofHce, Main Htreet, Kan Arbor. Mlch. R.UFTUR.B. tEaANS IMPKRIAL TRI ss. Splral Spring, graded froin 1 tO 0 pounds In pressurr. WORS DAY AND I(JHT, by an lnfant a week oíd, oran adultSOyeara. Ladies Trusses a perfectlon. EncloKe Htamps for teMtlinonlaln of cures, etc. EQAN IMPKRIAL TRUSS 00., A.. Akbok, Mkii. INSURANCE REAL ESTÁTE aiul LOAN AÜENCY OF A.W. HAMILTON Office, No. 2, First Floor, Ilamtlton Block. Partle destrlng to buy or wil Real Kstate wlll fiad lt to thelr advantage to cali on m, I represent ISflrst-class hlre Insurance ('omipanles, havlng an aggregate capital over (:Y,- (100,000. Rates Low. Losses llberally adjusteil umi promptly pald. I also Issue Life and lovestroent Pollcles In the New York Mutual Life Insurance Company, Assetts, $55,000. Persons deslriog ' rldent Insurance, c:m have yiarly polldes ' wrltten for thera orTraveler'.i Ooopon ' anee Tickets lssued at Low rales In the Accident Insurance (Joinpany of Korth America. ' Money to l.onn nt Cnrrent Ratas, (fflee hours I from 8 a. m. to 12 m. and 2 to 5 p. in. , ALEX. W. HAMILTON, i Hamilton Block. ' TELECRAPHY1"'"1"""1 ( I tLElinArn f K,,!!.,. HtoaMoni ¦ furaUbfd. Wittu Ifruit., Jiibsvill„, Wk 1


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