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a IHL.L, was reporten in the Henna om the 8th íor a branch horue for disubleil voluntan oldiers west of the Korky UounUln, and a memorial was presented from New Lebunon, O., asking the initiution of negotiatlons for the acquisition of Canada. House bilis were passed to prohlblt any agent of the linrni ment from hlring out the labor of prisoners, and to iM-ertiun the cxtent and value of the vessel tisheries of the United States... In the House bilis were passed to indemnify oTtain Ghinamen for loases sustaincd by a mob at Rock Springs, and to prohibit the importatton of opium by any subject of the Kmperor of China. Bills wfcre reported for the Issue of subsidiary silver ooin, and fixing the salaries of Civil-Servlce Commissionors at 15,008 ier annum. At the evening session spori-hr werfl made on the deaths of Representativas ArnoM. Beach and Dudloy, of New York. Ot the 9th the entire session of the Sen it' was devoted to eulogies of Genera! Loffnn. The wldow and her children were praMOt l'n teen Senators paid tribute to the deceasi'it In the House a bilí was introdueed appropriatlng HOO.OüO toestablish a home for Cha muli ere, widows and daughters of Union sokliers in the late war, the ooard of managers t o -. ini t of nine women chosen by Congress. The Dlpiomatic and Consular bilí was consiilered, and euloglstic addresses were delivered relstlve to the death of the late Congressman l'nee, of Wisconsin. A biij. was reported In the Sonate on the inth for the división of the State of Illinois into ju dlclal disiru-ts, and bilis were passed pruhibiting offshore mackcrcl flshing duruu; the spawn Ing season, and appropriatini; 1180,000 for the erection of a branch soldlers' home west of the Eocky Mountains In the House sevcral Sen¦te bilis for the erection of public building were passed and the Diplomatic Appropriation liill was further considerad. Wednesdav, the Itith inst., was set aside for tho delivery of eulogies upon the late Senator Logan. In the Seríate a bilí was introdueed on the llth to provide mortars and heavy guns for the forts, coast defenses and vessels of the United States. Bills were passed to glve the State of California flve per cent. of the net proceeds of land sales within her limits, and to grant rollroad rights of way through several Indian rnservatlons. The Post-offlce Appropriution l.ill was considered In the House the time m occupiedin discussing a patent improvcnu-nt In evapórate Uiiuids. At the evenlng session tliirtv-flve pension bilis were passed DOMESTIC. Hioh water caused many streams in IUi nois to overflow their banks on the Sth, do ing much damage toproperty. Most of the factories at RockforJ were closed on account of the flood, and hundreds of oellan wero full of water. The inundatiou was the most serious ever known there. A 9CHOONEB was wreeked by the ice oí the 8th at Saybrook Point, Conn., and Uu wife and child of Captain Spaulding and two sailorslost their lives. Portions of the western part of Detroit were flooded on the 8th. At the Michigan car-shops and the steel spring works the water drove over a thousand men from work. At Grand Hapids great damage had also been done by the rising waters. At the Champion mine, north of Karquette, Mich., üve hundred men quit work on the 8th because of the refusal of the superintendent to discharge a foreman. Os the pier9 at New York freight was moved with more dispatch on the Sth than for some time past. There were positivo indications that the strike was about to collapse. In Wisconsin and Iowa high water on the 8th did great damage to property. Dukinu the past twenty years 117,118,940 have been disbursed on account of vomiiteer soldiers' homes in the United States, and the receipts wero ?17,385. 18S, leaving a balance in the treasurv at Washington of H81,88t Repokts on the 8th from Geyser Station, M. T., were that four thousand ihaep bolonging to Hay Brothers were lost in the late storm. The American Agricultural and Dairy Association began its ei hth annual conven tion on the Sth at New York. Joum C. Leiohtox, for nineteen years clerk of the municipal criminal court at Boston, was on the Sth saiJ to be a defaulter to the extent of $300, ÜUO. Lorenzo Snow, a polygamist, on being released from the Utah penitentiary on the 8th by a decisión of the Federal Supreme Conrt, was taken to his home by Mormon inends in a four-horse drag. A HOU3B in New York dealing in oriental goods on the 8th sent out the only Japanese drummer on the road in the United títates. Jesse Arnot'í livery stable at St Louis was destroyed by Ure on the 9th. Nearly three hundred carriages and buggies were consumed, and over one hundred horses were burned to death. Three men were killed by falling walls and six others were injured. Financial loss, $125,000. Is lippeianoo township, Ind., hunters found the body of Henry Dunham on tho 9th near hig dweiling, in which were his two-year-old child dead, with her throat cut, and Mrs. Dunham badly wounded. It was thought that Dunham committed the crime and then suicided. Dr. James Hooqes, a crank, attempted to kill Adelina Patti during a concert on the evening of the 9th at the Grand OperaHouse in San Francisco by a bomb. The would-be aasassin was the only person injured, though not seriously, by the premature explosión oí the engine of destruction. Petroleim was found on the 9th six miles north of Monon, Ind., creating much excitement in the neighborhood. A general strike of silk-dyers commenced at Paterson, N. J., on the 9th. The strike of the six thousand Monongahela river coal-miners was practically settled, as alsothe 'lougshoremen's strike in New York. The Pennsylvania House on the 9th passed a joint resolution for submission to thepeople of a prohibitory amendment. John Licklitm's house, near Jefferson, Ia., was consumed by flre on the 9th, the owner's father, wife and sou perishing in the fiames. The Western National Bank was organized in New York City on the 9th by the election of Secretary Manning as president and Treasurer Jordán as vice-president. An attempt by a deputy sheriff and posse to arrest an Indian on the Navajo reservation on the 9th for horse-stealing led to a battle, in which three Indians and three whites were killed. TnE winter in Montana was on theOth reported to be the severest in ten years. For ten days the thermometer had ranged from 40 to 60 degrees below zero, and thouBands of cattle were dying from exposure. A great many persons had also lost their lives. Floods in the western part of New York State, at Palmyra, Perry, Rochester and other towns, were doing great damage on the 9th. Thk prairies in the southwostern outskirts of Chicago were covered with water on the 9th from two to six feot deep, and the basements of many houses were flooded. Trafile in gome places was entirely suspended. Am ice-gorge broke on the 9th at Lock Haven, Pa., carryinsr away over two million feet of sawlogs, which would be a total loss. 1T was ostlmntcd on cue lotn that tho cotton erop of tho ycar would bo 6,640,0UU bales. Tho quality was ve-ry superior. Tus Commissionor of Peo liona at Washington on tho lOth made requisition for 118,780,000 with whieh to make hls Mareh payments. This is tho latgeat sum vet asked for any quartor. Tuk üovernor of Virginia, in addrossing an agricultural convontion at lUclimondon the lOth, romarkiii th;it thore was now loss money in the hands of Virginia farmers than at any time since tho surrender at Appomattox. The flames v.'hich destroyod Arnot's livery stable at St. Louis the othor night consumod tho hearse whioh bore the remains of President Abraham Lincoln to their last resting-placv. DBMTOKM of the lOtli say that a terrilic sn storm had raged for twenty-four hours in Southern and Western Dakota. Kailway travel was bloeked. Indiana, Illinois and Wisconsin havo been invited to particípate in the colebration of the centennial anniversary of the formatlon of the Northwost Torritory, whtcb uill occur at Marietta, O., next spring. The grand jury at New Orleans on the lOth found indictments against thirty-one of the leading gamblcrs of that city. For twenty yoars the law had been a dead letter. üeohoe W. Hkattíe, ohief book-keeper for Fiedler & Moeldner & Co., of Boston, was on the lOth discovered to be a defaulter in the sum of t30,000. He had fled. Thb English steamer Wells City, while anchored in the North river at Now York on the lOth, was struck by au ice-fiow and sunk by collision with tho steamer Lone Star. Loss, $150,000. The St. Paul road has forbiddon its passenger agents to is8uo passes to other persons than bona-fido railway employés. Di'kino a fire on the lOth in a laundrv on Post streot. Ban Francisco, a lireman and soveral Chinamen wero killed by falliug walls. John Dikeiioi-se, living near Hastings, Neb., found nis wife and daughtor dead on the lüth and his father unconscious. The latter was resuscitated. Traces of morphine poisoning wero found. Ax oil woll yielding ono thousand barrels daily was doveloped on the lOth in the North Baltimore field, near Findlay, O. Ice-ooroes in Michigan wero doing groat damage on tho lOth. At Lyons several families were drivea from their home, at Owosso all tho factories were closed, tho 8treets of Lansing were being navigated by boats, and all tho milis along the river were shutdown. lx a boarding-houso at Atlanta, Ga., during the night of the 9th the pockets of Jacob Miller, an Ohio Quaker, wero robbed of IÜ7,000 in cash and check?. The strike of the 'longshoremen at New York was declared off on the llth, and the muii wen; uruurcu u) retor 10 worK. A cy clone swept over Louisville, O., on the llth, unrooflng the Catholic Church and convent and many houses, and leveling trees and ionces. Át Wooster buildiDgs were also wrecked. 1 1 ii. ii water was still doing great damago on the llth at Battle Creek, Lansing, Vermontville, Owosso, Lyons, and other towns in Michigan. A 1U.1AH11 raged in Iowa and Wisconsin on the llth, delaying railway and other trafflc. Threk trotters- Flora B. (2:24)0, Joe Hooker (2:19JL), and a three-year-old fllly valued at f5(X- were burned to doath in a barn at Detroit, Mich., on the llth. Font Hungarians wero killed on the llth at Tyrone, Pa., a storm leveling a tree under which they had taken shelter. President Cleveland on the llth vetoed the pension bill for the relief of dependent paren ts and indigent soldiers. Tus Lutheran Church and mnny dwollings at Greensburg, Pa., were wrocked by wind on the llth. At Fort Wayne, Ind., and vicinity great damage was reported on the llth f rom high water. Many factories had shut down and peopl were compelled to vacate UnMr hous.'-.. Tuk Third Presbyterian Church at Wheeling, W. Va., was unroofed by high wind on the llth, and the Mound City Hotel at Moundsville, W. Va., was partially destroyed. It was announced on the llth that the con f erees in Washington on the AntiPolygamy bill had agreed. The bill repeals the charter of the Mormon Church and the Mormon Immigration Society, and instrncts the Attorney-General to institute prowedings to recover all property of tteM corporations not acquired according to the tawi of the United States, and devotes such property to school purposes. Polygamists are also disfranchised. As earthquake shock was feit at Warsaw and Hainilton, III., early on the rnorning of the llth. Buildings were shaken, the ground trembled slightly, and great alarm was feit by the people for tbeir safetv. PERSONAL AND POLITICAL. Detective Hut.lioax, one of the offlcers maltreated by the dosperadoes who recently rescued Harry McMunn from a train near Ravenna, 6., died on the 8th at his home in Cleveland. It was announced on the 8th that a negro man, working on a plantation near Greenville, S. C, had just learned that he was set free by Abraham Lincoln. Kiuncis Mi unir opened his gospel temperanee campaign in Chicago on the 8th. A stkono Mormon lobby left Balt Lake City on the Sth for Washington to work against the EJmunds-Tueker bilí. Ís a dispute in the office of the New York World on the 8tli Joseph Pulltier, the pro prietor, knockiid down Juseph Howard, a correspondent. Justin McCartht, the famous Irish agitator, lectured in Chicago on the Sth on home-rule for Ireland. Mary Baker, of White County, Ind., on the 9th completed the lltóth day 'of her remarkable fast. F&4JTOU -Mi BFHT addressed enormous audiences in Chicago on the afternoon and evenlng of tho 9th, and it wns reported that nwirly a tnousand persons took the p led ge. Both houses of the Nevada Legislatura on the 9th passed a bilí to disfranchise Mormons. Horatio N. Pbatt, the oldest newsdealer in New England, died at Boston on the 9Ui. He was si'venty.-eight yoars of age and was the father of twenty-one children. Henrv Edwvrds, aged twonty jroars, wliiln scofflng at the religious cxcrcisi-s of tho Salvation Army in Wllkesbarro, lJa., a few evoniugs ago was suddeuly stricken totally blind. Thb Republican members of the Indiana Legislatura ou the lOth flled in tlie United status Benate their protest aguinst tho validity of the election of David B. Turpie as United States Senator. Captain P. S. Lillt, a veteran of the Florida, Mexiean aml rebellion wars, was killed on the lüth at Dayton, O., by a street oar The resolution for the submission of a prohibition ainrndnicnt to the people was on the lOth signed by tho Uovernor of Pennsylvania. Tuk ïresideutoa tho lOth approved the Army Appropnation and tho ImmedlatoTransporta) ion bilis. Both housos of tho Kansas LeRislaturo on the lOth passeil B hill granting suffrage to womon in municipal elcctions. Ex-Ai. hekman O'Neii,, of New York, one of Hroadway rail rond jobbora, waa onthollth srntcmvd to impnsonment for four aml one-lialf yoars and ordorod to pay a fine of L,000. Georoe Mei. vii. le Westox. librarían of tho Sonate, died at Washington on the llth, agcd soventy-four years. A Si ate con ven tion of Michigan Demorrats has been called to meot at l.ansing, March 2. A iiii.i. to prevent pooling by grain dealers passed the NebraskaSeuateou thelltli. FOREIGN. Ghkat nlarm has been caused Ín Madrid by frequent murdorous attacks upon pedestrians in the streets at mjrlit. Heven persons had been killed or badly wounded ia li'ss ttuin a month. The ('anadian Pacific railway shops at Yale, B. C, were consumed by lire on tho Tt Loss, f 100,000. is tho petroleum fieldt of Kussia a volcano ri'contlv burst lorth, sendiug up a high column of Ure and mud, tho latter covorine the ground for a square mile. The Cosgrove Brewing Company, of Toronto, failod on the 8th for $100,000. Tiib wütor was three foet deep ou the Sth In the village of Creemore, Ont., and the flrst floors oí most of the house were covered. The Prime Minister of Italy on the 8th announced the resignation of the entiro Cabinet. DispATcnn of the 8th say that flve thousand Abyssinians were killed in tho recent battles in which the Italians were defeated near Massowah, in the itoudan. The pólice attempted to disperse a Socialistic mooting which was being held in a browery in Btettin, öormany, on the Sth, and during tho affray throe persons were killed and man v others were wounded. Bombs were exploded on the 9th in front of the pólice headquarters at Lyons and SU Etiennii. Franco. Threo offleers in tho latter city received serious injuries. The Thames river overtiowed its banks on the 9th, and nearly all the houses in th southern portion of London, Ont., wer flooded to the depth of three feeU Th damage would be heavy. A comtant has boen formed for the con struction of railways in the Congo Stat and the settlement of that territory. Several wild bulls broke loose on the 9th while being driven through the Citj' o Mexico and killed a number of persons. Tn k volcano of Mauna Loa, on Hawai Island was on the lOth active, and earth quako shocks were so frequent that houses were continually rocked. Avices of the lOth say that Dr. Holur tKb African explorer, hls wife, and the en tire party accomnanying him had been massacred by nativos near Cape Town África. 'I1 1 1 i. ttíiiri t ti" cnn T+ïtt ot J"-i n ? Aa iMK Dorpvue síitp laciory ai's France, valued at HUO,000, was burned oq the lOth. Mks. JIimiv 'i io[, the English nove'ist, died in Loudon on tho lOtii. Sbe was born in Woroesterfhlre In 1820. The Ontario Legislatura convened al Toronto on the lOth. A tikt. on the llth at Rantfoon, India, destroyed four hundreJ houses. Tuk British House of Commons on the llth, by a vote of :i"2 to 24tt, rejeoted Parnoll's tiiuendraent to the address in reply to the Queen's speech. The officials of British Columbia on the llth reportad a marked decrease in the arrivals of Chimimen, owing to the imposition of tifty dollars head money. The heaviest suow-storm of the season pnviiiled on the llth at Quebec, Can., and all truins woro blockaded. It was announced on the llth that onethird of Ihe CJerman army was alreiuiy armed with tho new repeottng ritte, and in a short time 280000 mea would be conipletely drilled. AimcKs of the Hth state that an immense quantity of silver ore was passing through Nuevo Laredo, Mex., en route from the Ouadalupe mines to the Kansas City (Mo.) works. LATER NEWS. At tweniy-sfx leadlng clearing-houscs in the Unitfil Ktates the exohanges during the week ended on the 12th aggregated 678,880,640, against fü6,475,Ulli the previous week. As compared with the correspondiiiK weck of ISSrt, the decreasa aiuouiits to 1.8 por cent. Thk Hotel Continental, occupying nearly a biock in the central part of Berlin, and t ' l at acost of $1,000,000, wasdestroyed by fire on the 12th. On a farm near California, Mo., L. D. Wright and Miss Thompson were killed on the 12th by ti.f bursting of a saw. Three boys, all under fourteen years of ag, were drowned at Garden City, N. Y., on the 13th by breaking through the ice on the lake. Advices of the ISth from the Yellowstone ranges wero to the effect that two hundred thousand head of cattle were suffering terribly for grass and water, and carcasses could be counted by the hundreds along the river. Cholera was reported on the 13th at Kszek, Austria, the deaths averaging eight daily. As ico-gorge on the 12th at Lyons, Mich., caused a nood whirh swept away twenty buildings and cut off postal and telegraphic communication. Orand river was flowing through the principal streets. Wai.kins Dufvt, a farmer living near Farmersville, W. Va., killed his wife on the 12th and then committed suicida Ho was deranged. A heavï wind-storm prevailed on tho 12th along the Hudson river, many fruit tree biMng blowu down. The daniage wa said to be heavy. Tuk Jail at Murfroesboro, Tenn., was burnort early on the morning of the 13th, and three colored men- Mosos Manly, Jack Irwin and Dilso Lyon- perished lo tbe llamos. Thb seventy-eighth annivorsary of the birth ol Abraham Lincoln occurred on the 12í,h. Watts was nrrested on tho 12th at Morris, 111., for complicity in the Rock Island train-rotbery and the murder oí Messenger Nichols March 12 last. He had charge of the baggage-car in which the safe was carried. An inoendiary flre on the l.ith at Anaconda, M. T., burned thirty buildings valued at ÍT5,000. In the Unitod States Sonate on the 12th Mr. Cullom presented a petition from citizcns of Illinois asking such an amendment of the law that tho widow and minor chililron of a pensionor shall roceive his allowance after his death. Mr. Williams introduced a bilí to authorizo the redemption of legal-tendar notes in coin at Ban Francisco. The Postofflee Appropriatioa bill was passed. Mr. Manderson introduced a bill providing for 30,500 copies of tho Logan eulogies dolivered in the Senate. In the House the Renato bilí for the retirement of the trade dollar was passod, with an amendment providing that its recoinatre smuII not count in the bullioii i-oqiii-cii tu iji' oolnad undarthe Bhm i hiw.