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Lroyal 'ísswjj j B POWDER Absolutely Pure. This powder never varios. A marvel of puIty, strenuth and wholesompncss. More ecoíoinical than the ordinary kinds, and cannut be sold tn competltlon wiih tlie multitude of w test, símil welght, alum or pliosphate lowdera. Sold onlyln cbiis. ICoyal Kaklng Ponder O.. 1O6 Wall st.. N. Y. A CHILES SKIN Ears and Scalp Coverod wilU Eczematous Seabs and Sores Cured l Cuticura. Mi littlo son, aged eleht years has been affllcted with Eczem.i of the scalp, and al tfSM a u'reat oruon oí the b.idy, ever since he was two years Id. It began in hlg ear8,and extended to his scalp which bectme covered with scnbs and sores, and ronl wbich it sticky Huid puun-d out, oiuslui: inu- itrhii)!; and dlutTMS, Hld (leaVlDg hi finir latted nd l'ileless. liuliTiiealh the-e scans the kin was raw liko a piece nf beelsteuk. (iradualiy [ii hair came outand was destroyed, un'il ¦ simt'! :u h was lelt al the back of the head. My friends n iv.itiody know how mv little boy has ¦nffered, t uij.'ht ba wouid scratch hia hond uniil ha pillow m eoTbied in blood.i I nsed to tie hls hands )"¦¦ ind hlm, and in niany ways trled to preraM liis cratchlng; but it was no use, he wouM scratob. I ook him to tbe hospiul and to the best physictans n Peabody without success. About this time, ome friendo ho had been cured by the tfncuRA íbmrdiks, prevailpd apon me to try ttiein, 1 be;an to use them on the 15th of January last. In eve months every partlcle of the disease was removed. Nut a spot or scab rematns on hi- scalp o teil the story oí hls ufferini:. Hls huir ha reamad, and is thick and stronj;, and his scalp ae weel and clean as nnv rhild's in the world. I can ot say enonüh to express my iirstilnde for this wonderful cure hy the Cuticura Reukdihs, and vih hII similarly affl'cteit to know that my statement ï true and wiplicul cyaejeration. CHAKI.BS McKAV, October 8, 18-5. Pkabody, Mi-s. I bave Maa Mr. McKny's loy when bnddly nfected with the Kcz'-mi. HewHI pltliul richt to ook at. I know that he hus triid our bent pliysiians, and did all a father could do for i ilHfcrlng hlld, but availed nothii g. I that the ptatements he hns madfl yiiu as regftrda the curing of bis boy by your iuihuha Ktasniíte are true In every particularly. WILLIAM McCAKTHY, : Foster Street. Peabody, Mass. I do not know.of an'inslance In hich the Cnticura Remedies have lailed lo produce KHtlsfuctory resulte. I believe I huve uld more of them than )f any other skin remedies 1 have ever handled durine the thirty-three years of my expcrlcuce as drugi!Íst, A. D. TRYON, Batavia, N. Y. Sold everywhere Prlce : Cüticcba, 50 Cents; Cutícura Soap, 25cts; Cdticpra Kesolvent, Í1.U0. Hottkr Dkog and Oiiküical Co., Boston. Sendfor'How to Cure Hkin DlMeuHen " T5T1Urpl-KS' lilckhea(1-' skln B:emishea, and X XJtii Ii;ihy Hutnors, iw ('utirura Soap. A WORD ABOUT CATARRH. ¦ It Is the miicnns membrane, that wonderful semi-iiuid envelope snrroundintr the delicate tis-1- of the air and food passages, that Cattrrh makea its stronghold. Once establlshed It eate Into the very vítala, and renders Ufe but a lonírdrawn breath of misery and dtseasc, dulling the sense of hearing, trammelling the power of speech, destroying the faculty of rmvlLtaintlng the brcat and killing the reflned pleasures of taste. Insidi(u-]y, by creeping 011 from a simple Cold in the head, H a? saults the membranous Mnini? and en velops the bones, enting throuah the delicate coata Htid cmiBing iDflammation, sloiu-hlng and death. Nothinit short of total eradtcation will secure health to the patiënt, and all alleviaies are simply procrastinated RtiflVrinirs, leadinK to a fatal termination. Sadfor's Kadical Cure, by Inhalation and "by Intirnal administratlon, has never failetl ; even when tbe dlsease has made frightml inroads on delicate conslitutionB. hearing, smell and taste have heen recovered, nad ihe disease thoroughly drlvon oat." BANDrOBO'l Kaiihai, ci-ke consiste of one bottleofthe Kadipai, Curk, one box of CAÏAHRllAI. IlKSUI.VKNT, and One I.MPKONKl) I.Nii ai.kk; prlce $1.00. Po mu Dkuu amd Chimkal Co, Boston. HOIT ACHES. x Worn out with piin, bat etfll compelled ry by stern nccessity to stand up to the A . work hefore us and bear the pain. ReS2A1 Hef In one minute in a ;utlcurn 1 3"tS Aiiti-l'ain rianter for the achini; TTTT slJe and back, the weak and palnful miiscles, the sore chesi and hackiDC con;h, nnil every puin ache of dally toil. Klegant, new, original, speedy and infallible. A t druggists. 25c ; flv for 81.00, or postage free, of Potter Dru;,' and Chemical Ci ., Boston. C. H. MILLEN, INSURANCE AGENT! lío. 4 South Main St., Ann Arbor. The olilest agency In the city. Ertablished over aquarter of acentury ago. Keprexeutlng tlin followlng flrst-claH companles, wltn over 60,000,000 Capital and Ascts. HOME INS. CO„ of New York. CONTINENTAL INS. CO., of New York. NIÁGARA INS. CO., of New York. QIRAHD INS. CO., of Pulladelpula. ORIËNT INS. CO., of Hartford. 1 1 M M ERCI AL UNION, of London. LIVERPOOL, LONDON and GLOBE. WASHINGTON PIBB and MARINE of Boston. Rates Low as tlie Lowest, Losses Liber ally Adjusted and promnlljr l'aid. C. II. MIM.KN. TRAVEL VIA CZIZSM i Through Traína wíth Dnlfí{ YÊlftKffy( Cari, Pullman Palace SleepIH Bil 1 Ill'JI! 11'"!' Gars' Modern Coaches LJAA11}A1MI Sure connections In Union ¦ ITTMI Depot' "t its terminal polnts I Illl 1 rBill wltil trains from and to thl HLaláULKII f us(' west, North and South ¦¦¦¦¦¦ Cheapest, Best and Qulckest 1 'H', II fíoute (rom Chicago, Peoría I MMMMMJÜMMMJ or St. Louis to DENVER, ST. PAUL, SAN FRANCISCO, MINNEAPOLIS, OMAHA, PORTLAND, ORE KANSAS CITY, ST. JOSEPH, CITY OF MEXICO, ATCHISON. For Tickets, Rates, Maps, Ac, appiy to Ticket Ageni$ of connecting Unes, or addres$ T. J. POTTER, H. B. STONE, PAUL MORTON, Ist V. P. G. At. Q. P. A T. A. Vut hindnonw IllugtmU-rt Itarllnirtun Kmite Ciuid Ëook svnd Ie. poutuo to thu ü. i'. & T. A., CUlc-ugu, III.


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