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Tbs amendmenti made iy tbe Boom to th( Trad Dollar blll ware non-eoncnrred In by tin Senatoontho i:th. The luli te. inn-:ise tht naval establishment tu furtln-r oonildered. and tho bill dividin Missouri mto two Judioial distritos was passed. In the House tke oon furencc report on tlio Anti-Mormon bul mu submitted, as were also reports tO 8H00UrftgC the holding of an unlustri:il exWbltil y thi colored race in 18H8, and to looreaae thi establishment. The credentials of David P. Turpio as Senator f rom Indiana were presen ted to the Benate on the lüth aml reft-rri-ri to tbe Committee on Electlons. The navj bilis were Olscuued, and a blll was passed for the construí: ti n steel-protected crulsers. Eologlea ere de livered on the late Senator Pike. of New Hampshiro - In the House a bilí ror tbe organiza tlon of the Territory of Alaska wi rep Rreater portion of the il. iv n oocup dolivering euloies on the lifc'of the lal ator Logan. Mrs. Lot;un and har ob piad seats in the Speaker! pew. The Sonate on the r.tii pastad Mr. B billapproprlatingiir.,io;),uoo tortheoonttructlon of Kun-boats, torpedo-boaU ud heavüy-axmored vesscls forcoast di'frn. . tttutn fortho Eads Tehoantapao Ship Ballway bilí, a petltion was presante trom oltlsens 01 towa In favor of a National Board of Arbitr.ition. Billa were reponed to extírpate pleuro-pncumonia and foot-and-mouth disease, and i dlan tribes to bring suit in the tribal nami United States courts... In Uu M lomatic and Consular Approprlation bil] WUM passed. By a vote of 10) tontheTeza Sfeed bill falled to pass over the President ¦ The conference report on the antl-Hormon blll was adopted by a vote of X)i to 10. Thk conference report on the Anti Polyi?amy btll wns adopted in the Senate on the lKth. and the measure was ready to go to the President A bilí for a naval reserve was introducid, and amendments to the Kiver nul Harbor bill rere adopted. The credentials of Frank Hiseook aa Senator from the State oí Xnv Vurk erara ceived and placed on file. The nomtaatioa ot Public Printer Denedict was raparted advi the Boom the Senate amendmenti to the Invulid Pension bill ere non-concurred in. TIn' Sumlry i'ml Approprintion lull w;is considcreil. and ;i bill appropriatlng W,M8,l(Hfor the payment of Mexlcan and other penslont was reported. At tke erenlng mulo twentythroe pension bilis rere p I DOMESTIC. A gano of thirtoen couuterfe ters waarrested on the Uth at Stoue Fort, 111. The Wholesale dry-goods and boot and shoe house of Block, Oppenheimer & Co., of Galveston, Tex., failed on tlie lötli for $7;iO,(Ui. Three smaü children of Edward Hoffner, of Detroit, were fatally burned on tho 15th by the explosión of a can of benzine. The Governor of Iowa on the 13th issued a proclaraation forbidding the importatiun of cattle from Illinois on aecuuut of pleuropneumonía. A FiKE on the 15th at Ossian. Ind., destroyed a half dozen buildings, Lnolading the post-offlce. A iioii.KK exploded on the 16th in a sawinill aear ('aboul, Ma, kiillng Thomas Smallwixnl. agad seventy years. and fatally injuring his son and two other men. The Wisconsin Department of the (; R begsn its annual sessiou on the 15th at Milwaiüffo, wtth a largo number of delegats preaant Johm Stbver, iifi'.lm-vi'nty years. jumped into the Niágara rapids on the I5th from the suspension bridge, telling 190 IV. t. No cause was knovvii for the deeJ. Heavv rain-stiinns al Loa niales Cal., had on the I5th flooded out maiiv familios and caused heavy damas ¦. At San Franoueo on tlie lSt.h a hawser snapped on board tho bark Memnon, killing three men. It was announced on the l.ïth that the total numbor of deaths MUsed by the recent railway accident at VVoodstock, Vi., was tliirty-four. Hiihkkt Bonn eu, of New York, on the Kith refusod an offer of ÏLOJ.OJJ for Mau 1 S, the great trotter. At the toboggan slidu at Rutland, Vt., the other evening Jaraee (J. liarivtt, a lawyer, and Mrs. Charles I' Haines recelved fatal injuries by st.nking a splinter in the chute. The Government of M t-xico has contracted with a íirm in Hartfonl, Coun., for a stcamship line batween .S:ui Diego, CaL, and San Joso de Guatemala for twenty years. To SECLRE debts of Í300.01X an assignment was made on tha löth by Broek ; Wiener, clothing mannfacturere, of Buffalo, N. Y. Blkolars who entered nineteen stores at Portamouth, N. H., on the mght of the Hitli carriel away only tilty dollars in money and two dollars in goods. The San Francisco pólice on the lOth captured J. E. Stik-s and H. C. Dean white in the act of placlng a dynamlte bomb on the cable railway trauk. Bothare striking car men. TnE twenty-flrst annual eneampment of the Department of Illinois Grand Army of the oommenoed on tha löth at Rock Islund, and the Indiana Department met in eighth annual eneampment at Indianapolis. James RlOBABM (oolorod) was lynched by masked men on the 16th at Dedias, I for murdering a deputy sheriff. The steamship Indiana, whiob arrived at Philadalphia on the löth, reported passing through immense fleldsof ice and lee-bergs for thirty miles. ..ü i UWWUBIU E.IUlllIipiUUni 01 Lile KX. A. R. in session at Milwaukea on the lCth unanimously adopted a resolution censuring President Cleveland for his recent pension veto. AnyiCEsof the 18th say that owing to a snow blockade on the Central Pacific no mails from the Eust had been received at Kan Francisco for three days. Officials of the St. Paul road were on the 16th testing two systems of heating iurs without stoves, one being the dissemU nation of steam from the locomotivo through the coaches by pipes. The strike on the horso-railroads at Boston was virtually ended on the löth. A boat capaized on the 17th seven miles from Kmithland, Ky., drowning Mrs. Abner Cooper and child and a boy named Jack Roach. The bodies were recovered. William T. Brioham, a prominent lawyer of hoston, was arrested on the 17th for the embezzlement of $17,000 from two oíd ladies for whom he was trustee. A.N explosión of dynamite on the 17th in the compound works at Eldred, Pa., wrecked five dwelüng-houses and a mili and badly injured three ladies and ono ian. A hurrican'e prevailed in Colorado from iour a. m. until two p. m. on the 17tli. ing heavy damago in Denver. At several pointe in the State trains were blown from the track and the passengers were badly injured. Tni Virginian, a newspaper established at Lynchburg in 1808, suspended on the I7th. Tiie National Association of Merchant Tailors of the United States of America was organized on the 17th at Philadelphiu. Thomas M. Joeiii, trea.surer of tho Texas Orand Lodgo of Odd Fellows, was on tho 17th said to be a defaulter to the ti-iit of BB185. Ho is noarly seventy yeari old. Tin annual report of the American Fish Bnreau of Uloueester, Muss., issued on the 17th, stat.-s tliat tho total amount of üsh hinilcii at OIoaoMter dnring tho season of 1888 TM 91,961,87 pounds. The total of whales yieldad UO.OOO barrels of oil and 309,000 pounds of whalcboni'. E. E. IJakn uu, ol Vanderbilt University Observátory, at Nashville, Tenn., announcod on the 17th the discovery of auother ciiiuet Vu isK Wiuox, a farmer living near Plnley, !-hott County, Ind., was seized with a fit on thfl ïrth, and falling into tho flre was burned to doath. i, of the lTthsay that tho lowest estímate of the Montana cattle los lor tho n is twenty-)i ,¦ per cent, whilo many oattle men say forty to fifty per cent. One Bozoman owner wiil lose ten thousand of a hard of tweaty-flre thousand. A ntmuer of hired girls at Columbus, O., struck réoently beoauie they wen required to lx' In ho i at ten o'clock. 'l'in: Colorado Supremo (Jourt has deHiat mimen can rot act asuntarles public in that Stilte irader existinff hnvs. 'I n safen in thi! shi'riff's and clerk's MBOM at Kosevillc, Logan County, Ark., were robbed of L)),iM) early on tho morniugof tho töth. A cavb was discoverod on the lSth i Ifarshall County, Ky., in which ar.i many rooms of great extent. Two skcletons, ï'.iki in gold au 1 silver and a quantity of silverware were found in oue of the chambo rs. The accounts of Captain A. J. Howard, warden of the Southern Indiana ! tiary, ware on the I8th said to be short between Í50,000 and $100,000. Howard had i Maiiï Helmiax, a servant nt 8t Louis, who was eaught early on the moruing of the 18th stelling mouey from tho room of her omployer, hanged heraelf a few hours later. Tuere was a bad split on the 18th between Ihe frelght-hmdlf and the 'longshoremen in New York, and thousands of men were leaving the Knightsof Labor organization. The boiler of Sehwartz & Kline's sawmili, near Corydon, Ind., explodod on the lth, killing Mr. Sehwartz aud completely wrecking the building. Tuk Fredericktown (Mo. ) section was diaturbed early on tho morning of the ISth by a heavy shock of earthquake. At Dalton, O., on Uie 18th John Baughman,agedeighty-seven years, and his wife, aged eighty-fivö yoars, perished by asphyxiation iu their burning house. Five sons of J. C Pendorgrass, of Rosevillu, Ark., were burned to death early on the morning of tho lSth in a lire which destroyed their father's dwelling. Tin: business failures in the United States during the seven days ended on the 18th numbered i, against 3(J7 the previous seven days. Advices of tho 18th say that another heavy rain-storm had raged for thirty-six hours in South Dakota. No trains were running. üx ttio ISth a commercial agency in New York stated that the total number of industrial employés who had been on a strike sinco January 1 was 97,000. Of the total, 15,000 strikers had socured their ends in whole or in part, and about 55,000 had signally failed to do so. TnE Ymerican Newspapor Publishers' Association was organized at Kochester, N. Y., ou tho William M. Singerly, of the Phüadelphia Itxord, was elected president. The heaviest gale since the great storm of 1S69 raged at New Bedford, Mass., on the 18th. Schooners were torn from their moorings and wroc-ked, and other damage was done. DiitiNc; a rain-storm in New Yorlc City on the isth lightning struck a large building fllk-d wlth cotton, buruing it to the ground. Loss, 3X),0jO. Tuk vlllage of Cummings, a Chicago subDrb, was alinost entirely under water on thelSth. No street-cars were ruinnugand the schools had been closed. The worst snow-storm and blizzard of the season prevailed throughout the on the ISth. Tiib Trunk Line Executive Committee and the Central Trafflc Association resolved In New York on the ISth to revise M once tin1 freight ratesand classiücations aiul the pawengac fures in conformity with the Inter-iState Commerce law. PLKSONAL AND POLITICA!.. ICmii. 1'aii., of N'ow York, on the Hth mmpleted the task of eating eighty-two quailg n forty-one days. Cai-jaix William Cottuell, a prominrnt. torfman and breeder, diod on the Hth at Magnolia, near Mobile, Ala., aged seventy yean, Colonel John Jamkso.v, General Superintendent of the Railway Mail Service, re 1 on the 14th, and Thomas E. Nash, cliief clerk of the Post-oftlce Department, was appointed to ÜU the vacancy. John Cakboll, an Irish laborer at Wilmington, DeL, died on the Hth, within four m nl' lus Illth birthday. Daniel Manning resigned as Becretary of the Treasury on the Hth, the resignaUoo to take 0ect ou the qualiücation of his successor. Tm; Prosiitent has allowed the act appropriatitiK 4(KJ.U(X) a year to provide arms and equipmenti for the militia to become a law wilhout his signature. Ir waa si:itr,i at White House on the 14th that the President had before hlm rtearly thrce Uundred name of applicants and eandidates for Inter-State Commerce Commissionerships. Wami ki. L. Watooh, one of the most extonsive vessel owners on the lakes, died at Buffalo, N. Y., on the Hth, aged sixty-üve years. Presioext Clevklavd on the 15th sent to the Senate the aame of Lieutenant Greely, of Arctio-oxploring fame, to be Chief Signal üffleer, vice General Hazen, rttirnnnKi The Missouri House on the 15th adopted the joint resolution for submitting a prohibition aiiiciiilmont to the people. The fun.i rataed by subscription for Mrs. John A. Logan amounted to iü4,000 on tho 15th. Nancy A. MriiPiiY, of Cincinnati, alleged to be eighty-four years old, commenced suit for divorce against her husband William, aged seventy-four vears, on the 15tïi. Fin. ei: (liep.) was elected mayor of Philodulpüia on tho 15th by over 25,000 maiorïty. ' : UOKSÍTT, the man wbo gained a reputaüon us the slayer of John Wilkes Both, umi who was assistant door-keeper In the Kansas Logislature, became violentiii" al Topeka on tho 15th, and would ni lo an .iylum. Tin: auióndment prohibiting the manufacture or sala of intoxicating liquors in Tennessee bas passed the House and Sen ate, and inust now be submitted to the people. Govïrüor Martin, of Kansas, on tb :-,'nwi tha bill whirh paased the Leifïslaturo ronieii-ing uiunioipal suffrase upon wiinini. Tuk .Vu fotk Renato on the lüth passed a bill granting women Üie riht to vute ut municipal elocüous. Aftkb living as a nun fortwonty years Sister Superior Gonevievu nd trom the convent at Ncwark, O., on the Wth, utd had not boen heard from. Her right n.iina is Mary Hewett. Pkksident Ci.evei.asd on the IKth vetood the blll appropriating $10,000 for the distribution of seeds in the ccronties In Texas that suffered from drought. The Ohio Legislatura on the lOth passod a blll repealing the "black" laws and the statutes provlding for separate schools for colored children. J i ih,k CHÜRCH took the oath of offlco as Governwr of Uakota on the 17th bofore tho Legislaturo at Bismarck and delivorod an inaugural address. Xkb firftt pension to a survivor of tho Mexican war, nnder trie recent law, was granted on the 17th to Senator Williams, of Kentucky. A bii.l was intrtMhiced in the New York Assembly on the 17th to prohibit tho custom of treating to drinks in saloons. James W. Komuv. the indicted president of the Broadwuy railroad, New York, died on the 17th. A Bill was introduced in the Ohio Legislatura on the 17th to protect tho song-birds of the State. Mus. Jon A. Looax, accompanied by her son. arrived in Chicago on the 18th. Both houses of the Indiana Legislatura on the ISth passel a bilí appropriating {20Ü,U0U for the erection of a soldiors' monument ia Circle Park, at Indianapolis. FOREIGN. DisrATcnES of the 14th from tho Soudan state that a prolongod war between tho Italiana and Abyssiniuns was expected. Alexander.McAktiiik, who has mado a special study of arctic exploration, loit Winnipeg, Man., on tho 14th with a companion to search for the North pole. A St. Pbterhbuho dispatch of the 14th says that China was rnassing troon in Kashgar and Kuldja and that thirty tnousand men were alroady assemblod in those district. Btarvatio still prevailod on the 15th to a terrible extent in Newfoundland, and the populace wasclamoring for aid, which the Gorernment could not furnish. Advices of the 15th say that snow-storms of unprecodeuted severity were prevaillng tbroughout Spain. Many railways had been bloukod for threo days. The weather was intensely cold and had caused much distress throughout tho country. Advices of the 15th from the Friendly Islands say six natives had boen sentenced to death for assaulting Missionary Baker. Is all the chiuf cities of India on the 16th mposing fetes were held in coinmemoration of Queen Victoria's jubilee. At Leicester, Kng., on the 16th a meetinp of influential citizens indorsed the action of the silver party in the United States, doclaring that nüthing short of the free ooinage of silver would support prices in tha interest of the debtor classes. TuuKing of Italy has contributed f30,000 to a fund for the relief of the families of the vietims of the battle nearMassowah. A fall of earth on the I"th in mines near Lavant, Can., killaJ üve men and dangerously wuuiuled twè others. Tuk steamship (reat Eaitern, which enst W,ÜOO,(XX. was so!d ut auction at Liverpool on the 17th for ii:dl.n()O. uu lm 1 1 tu tur ¦ i ¦¦ '.' "" ', Advkks of the lTth say thit owing to a snow-blockade there had been no throufíli trafile on the Canadian Pací fie raüwny rst of Winnipeg for twenty-throe days. ín many places the snow sheds had been crushed in by the weight of snow on them. AnvicKs ot the 17th from Lagos state that KingTofa,of Porto Novo, India, was prm -ticing horrible crueltias toward subordínate Princes, cuttinir out their eyes and tongues, breakiug their jaws and scalping and buining them. M. Chevrei i., the eminent French chemist, now lol years old, attends meetings ol the Krench Academy and takeaan active share in the proceedings. The wheat erop of South Australiashows a surplus of 175. (XX) tons. On the ground that the money is used to purchase polie bludgeons, Archbi)n. Croko on the ISth advocated the non-puv ment of taxs in Ireland. AM explosión on the 18th in a mine at Rhondda, Wales, entombed flfty meu. UATER NEWS. 'T "¦ " il i i cltMmig-houscs in 1 '-' ' ¦ . th ¦ exehanget duriug l ¦_'¦ '¦ i on the in h agsregated ¦ ¦' ¦¦'¦¦ ¦¦ ..-.isi ;iTi,j),i)ij(i the pre" ' ¦' - Aj comparad with the corropon Ha J ¦i of 1SSÖ, the docroaso ¦ duuuI ;i per oent ',' .:i: -i.ANii a Ivloea of the 2Oth say that s xty live. had been lost by receut floods at BrUbane, aud th&t the daniage to property ws large. All the silverand copper mines at Butte, M. ï., were closed on the 2Oth on account of a snow blockade. Over four thuusuud meu were idlc. Tiig opera-houses at Titusville, Pa., and Columbus, O., were destroyed by lire ou the 2Oth. 0KH Domestic troubles caused WiUiam Nelson to kill his wife and himself ou the Jüth at Attica, N. Y. The severest storm of the season proTailed at Long Branch, N. J., on the 19th, tearing up tree9 and wrecking several cottages. Is PhUadelphia a six-days'-goas-youplease walking-match for the diamond belt and the championship of the world commenced on the 20th with forty starters. The twenty-fourth ballot in the West Virginia Legislature on the 19th for United States Senator resulted : Camden (Dem.), 39; Gates (Greenbacker), 38. It was announoed on the 2Oth that over two thousand persons had taken the pledge in the two weeks that Fruncís Murphy had been holding meetings in Chicago. Mhs. Matilda Wakukx was murderod at Cincinnati on the 19th by a man named Edward Jordán. She was wheeüng her child when the ruman upset the carriago, and upon being remonstaated with shot her and made his escape. A schoon En on the St John's rlver, six miles below Jacksonville, Fla., was lifted out of the water on the 20th by a whirlwind, turned partially round and then capsized. Her crew consisted of five men, and all were lost. The striking street-car men in Boston wrecked several cars on the 20th and Injured over twenty policemen with bricks and stones. Sevoral of the rioters wera arrested. The Merchants' National Bank of Deadwood, D. T., closed its doors on the lOth. Liabilittes, $425,000. lx the Uuited States Senate on the 19th two message woro received from the President vetoing pension bilis, and petitions were pre3ented from various Orand Army posta for the passage of the Dependent Pension bill over the I'resident's veto. The conference ruport on tho bilí to retire tho trade dollar wus agreod to, and the River and Harbor bill wan further considored. In tho House the 8;uate amendments to the Bundry Civil Appropr.ation bill wero oonsldersd, nd the Committoe on Invalil Pensioni ohbnlmously reportad back tha Dep nc! ml I' qsIod bill with a rccommendatiou Umi ü ba pasMd oreï the Presi'''¦"'" '¦¦' üonjtiderabon was deferrod uni.,1 I i SI 'i.


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