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fROYALStyaj POWDER Absolutely Pure. This powdernever varíes. A marvel of purlty. streuKth and wholesomeness. More econoinlcal tlian the ordlnary kinds, and cannot be sold lu competitlon with the multitude of low test, hort welsht, aluin or phoxphate powders. 8old only In cans. Htty ui Itak In" Powder 'o . 106 Wall st.. N.V. V1ÏIATED BLOOD, 8CK0FULAS, 1NHKRHEI) AX COXTAUIOUS HUMORS CÜKED BV CUTICUR.l. rpHROUGH the medium of one of jaar books Jl reciived throiigli Mr. Frank T. Wray, U'ruggist, Apollo, Pa., 1 hecame acquainted wlth your l UTicUKA Kbmuh&s, and Ukfl tul! opportunlty to tt-stify to yo . ih.u Ibelr ne bis permanently cur d mi; of ol the wort-t ca eá of blood poisoniusi, lu oomieeiloa wlth ryttpeae, tuat 1 luv uver leeii, and this alter bering been pronounced Incurable by soiue ol the bost phjPBiOiMW in our cuunLy. 1 tkt' grear e in Gorwtrding t" you tuis testini nljU, ureoliciti'd at) lt is by you, in order that others sufferitu' froin similar maladie muy be eu-. courdged to give your l UTIOUIU Ueueuiks a trial F. a. waiTLINUXB, Leeehburg, l'a. Befstenm: Pnuik T. Wraj, Dragglat, Ap Uo p.i SCKOiTLOUS ULCKKS. Jtmefi L. Kichardson, Cnstom House, New O - leaod, uu o.itii ü&ya: "lu 1870 Scro uia llct-re öroüe out uu iny body uittil I was a mas of corruption. Kveryibiog kuuwa to tbe medical faculty vsa-i tricü tu vain. 1 bcauiu a mere wreek. Al urne eould iiot lift in y hauds iu my luMd, coaid not tam lo bed; in constant puin, mul Laoked upoii Ufe as a eurte. No relief or cure in t n yean. Iu 1SÖ0 I htard of the Cüticuka Ukheuiks uacd theru, and wao perfect y curtid" Öworn to reforu L'. s. Coui. J. D. Crawford. ONE OF THE WOKST CASKS. We have beea ellinp your Vaticura Remedie tur ) (iré, and have the nrat complaint yet to receive liom a purcli iser. Une of the woret cases of cm!ulu 1 ev'-r paw was cured by tlie use of live botiles oi Cuticura litxolvent . Cuticura, Cuticura Soap. The Soap lakee lbo "cake" here as a mediciiuil ( ap. 1 AVLUK ís TAÏLUK, Druist, Frankfort, Kan. SCKOFILOUS, INHKKITED, And OontAiiCHU Humorr, witli Loos of Hair, and Ertipiioua of the Sillo, are o.-iivt'ly cnred by t'ttfi-ura and (Jutuiti Soüt cxiurully, and Vatwura lU-ttotvtnt tnturually, wliuu all OUkut nn-dii UMB Taii. bcüd lor l'umptilel. DBÜGQKT8 USE THEH. We have obtained sattafactory reenltM frotn tbc use of the Cuticura Remedie iu our owii lamily, and recommend Lhem beyond uny other remedied lor distases of ibe skin and blood. The deraanti lor them mwi as Ihelr ments hecoine known. MAt'MILLAN & CO., Druist, Latrobe, Pi. CUTICURA REMEDIES are sold everywhere. Price: Cuticub, tbe Ureat Sklu Cure, 50 Cents; Cut.cura Soap, an Exqulalte beauiifijr, 25cu; Cütici'ra Kkbolvent, tue uew Bloo 1 Purlfler, itl.OO. I'repared by FotTKB UKUU aNI) CmtlClL Co.. Boston. PT1UT''''"''S' 'illlclit)eads, Skin B:emishes, and X1V1 Baby llutnors, use i'utlcura Soap. CHOKING CATARRH. Havo you awakened from a diHurbed sleep with all Ihe horrible ie isations of an assassin cloichinK your thront and prmlag tho lile-hreatb Trom your tirhtened etiest ? Hae you noflced tbe huig ur and deblllty Ihat encced the clVirt lo clear your throat and head of this catarrhal matter ? Wht a OvprcMlng inlltu-nce it exerl- upon the mind, cloading the memory and SUlDg the head wlth pain and strange Dounl Ho diftlcult lt Is to riil the nasal paspares, throat and luns of this poisouoiiK mucus all can testify wlio are aftlict' d with catarrh. IIow dlflli-olt to protect the systein airainst lts further progrera towardx the fung, liver and kidneys, all physiclan wlll adniit. It Is a terrible diseaee, aud cries out for relief and c re. Th" remarkable curatlve powers, when all other remedies utterly fail, of SandJ o rü'.i, liadical Cure, are attested by thousands wlu gratefullv reconimeDd it to fellowsufferers. No statmen' Is made reit inlint' it that cannot ba subslantlated by the most respf ctable and rellable reference. Bach p:ickai;e one bottle of the Radical (Tuk, one box of Catarrhal Rkhdi.VK.vr, and one Impkovkd I.MiAi.Kit. wlth treatise and directon, and ís sold by all druggists lor Po tb Druu asd Chemitai, Co., Boeton. HOW MY SIDE AC HES Frora the bench and the counter, Jrom the loom aud gewing machine goes up the cry of pain and wcaknes. Acblni; SIdes and Back, Ktdney and Oteiina Paine, Straing and Weaknesg, Coughs, Ooids and Chest Pains, and every Pain and Ache of dnily toil rrllevpd In one mluute by tbe Cuticura Antl-Paln 1'lnt.tcr. New, eleeaeant an1 tnfallible. At ilni;;ÍKt, 25c.; live for $1.0X1, or of Potter Drug and Chemical C. ., Boston. C. H. IMILLEN, INSURANCE AGENT! No. 4 South Main St., Ann Arbor. The oldest ngency in tne city. Kstablluhed over a quarter of a century ago. Repregentlng the followlug llrist-cliiKS companles, wlth over 00,000,000 apflul and AsrcU. HOME INS. OO, of New York. CONTINENTAL INS. CO., of New York. NIÁGARA INS. CO., of New York. QIRAIID INS. CO.,of Phlladelphla. OK1KNT IN8. CO., of Hartford. COMMEROIAXi UNION, of London. IJVERPOOL, LONDON and GLOBE. WASHINGTON FIRB and MARINE, of Boston. Rutes Low as tlm l.mvcsl, Losses Liberally Adjustod aud promptly I'aid. C. H. MILLEN. TRAVEL VIA MñSlBl Throagh Tralns u-fth Dfnlng BlH lll Curs, Pullman Palace SleepI'l' IJ JJ 1 1 II i"9 Cars, Modern Coacht, JLUL1J $ure connections in Union I ' jIHíiBBI ef)Ots at 't3 terminal points, H 1 1 I II r9l with traína from and to thé ¦AgUQII Last, West, North and South. PVH Cheapest, Best and Quickest iRiMmX Route from Chicago, Peoría 1" 55J or St. Louis to DENVER, ST. PAUL, SAN FRANCISCO, MINNEAPOLIS, OMAHA, PORTLAND, ORE. KANSAS CITY, ST. JOSEPH, CITY OF MEXICO, ATCHISON. For ThkeU, lates, Map.t, Ac, apply to Ticket Agent of connectlng Unes, or address T.J.POUER, H.B.STONE. PAUL MORTON, Ist V. P. 0. M. Q. P, é, T. A. For ti I'ronounclliff IJlrtton.ii i ( t il huik 32,000 wordu, ÍWM pttKu.i, bclid lCc. itl tjtanis tu l'uul MurUtll. ('hicatro.


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