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Short advorliseinenls not to exceed tliivo ilnes, of Lost ana Found, Houses for Sale or Kent, Wallis, etc., lnserted three weeks for L5 cents. Sltuatlons wauted, free. MISS CALUWEI.L will give Muslc Lessons at her rooms, No. 45 S. Mnln si reet. For terms cali on or address tier over Charles Spoor's Stores. 40 49. FOK SALE for f 100. I will sell If taken before Saturday Man-h ;t h , tny Horst-, Buggy Cutter, Harneas. Saddle, Brldle, Lap Blauket andtwoother blankels. Horsecan bedrlven by Women or Children aad Is a good saddle Horse. Apply at 85 South Malu streel, E. A. Phillips. 1 i'fi Acres improved land near Damon löv Ogeuiaw Co., Michigan, to sell cheap or in exchange for Washtenaw Conuly land. Matlhews Real state Ageucy, Ann Arhor, Michigan. 40M ANlce Resldence in Rlchmond, Michigan, to sell or trade for Ann Arbor City property. Apply to Matthew's Real Estáte Agency City. ití-ii T7K)R SALE- Residence, 85 South Main 8t., -T between Liberty and Williams Streets. House contalns 8 good rooms, besides bathroom, Paulry, etc., wlth cellar under entire house. Barn bas large box stall and other stalls. Lot has been set wttlt raspberrles, grapes and peaches. Enqulre on thu premisee. E. A. Phillips. 39-40 CIRL WANTEP. A Good Qlrl for Oeneral Housework can flnd permanent employ ment and good wnges by applylng at the Couriek Ufflce. FOUND- A black Shepard dog wlth white headandfeet. The owner eau secure same by paylng expenses. Andreas Pfetfle, 1337 At Anton Elsel's marble works. PENSIONS. SOLDIERS of the Mexlcan War or thelr wldows can now get pension and offlcers of the late war can get difference of pay whether muslered or uot. Many pensloners can get increase. I had slx out of seven increase claims allowed lately. I will see tbat appllcation Is made properly. Thousands of dollars have been lost turough lmproperappllcations. Come and see me at ouce or write me fuliy. O. L. Matthews, Pension Agent, Ann Arbor, Michigan. S7.-39 REAL ESTÁTE KOR SALE OR RENT.- Honses and lots valuea from $1,000 to Sti.oOO and contalnlng from one-ilfth of an acre to twenty acres- all In the olty limit-. House8 rented on reasonable terms In central locallties. Farms exchanged for city property. Enqulre of J. Q, A. Sessions.'Attoruey and Real Estáte Agent, Office over Express Oince, Main St., Aun Arbor. 87-ti WANTED Money to Loan on Real Estáte. Apply to Francia A. Slatterv, Washtenaw Couuty Abstract of Tille Office, 2nd Hoor of Farmers' and Mechanlcs' Bank, Ann Arbor. 1385. FOR SALE OR RENT. HOUSE- No. 18, Cemetery Street. Apply at Coukikr office. LOANINQ- Money to loan on drst-class Real Estáte Mortgage at Curreut rates of Interest. Salisfactory arrangements made wlth capitalista deslrlng such lnvestmeuU. livt'ry conveyance and transactlon In abstracu of tltles carefully examined as to legal effect. Z. P. KINU. Ann Arbor.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News