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Democratic County Convention

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Monday was democratic county convention day. Hon. Chns. R. Whitman presided, and Henry Merritiiew acted as secretary. The usual foruialities were ftone tlirnugh with, even to n Seech by the chairmin. D. Cranier made nll - most al] - the raotions, as usual. The following delégales were chosen : TO THE STATE OONVENTION. Al Itirgp-tinn. Chns. R. Whitmau, aml t'Rpt. J. K. Schub. l.ii District- T. iicKone, Chelsea; (1. V. F. (Jregory, Lima; Thos. ü Kearney, Norll - field ; Ihiil-mi T. Morton, Thos. J. Sullivan. Jolm J. H'iblson, Ann Arbor; Wm. Walsh, Aira Arbor and Nortbfleld; J. W. Nanry, Superior. 2d Ditiricl- Frank P. Bogardus, Martin Cremer, J. W. Babbltt. Ypnllantl; Henry Paul, Pltudeld; J. D.O'Brlen, Augusta ; Leopold Blaess. Lodi ; Andrew J. Warren, Saline ; M. J. Kavenaugh, Sharou. JUDICIAL CONVBSTION. At large- Hon. Joha J. Robison, D. Cramer (tally one vote for Cramer). Ij DMrict- Patrick Tuomey, Solo ; H. D. Merrlthew. Win. .1 Mlller, Anu Arbor; Geo. W. Turnliull (tally another vote- bat not for Cramer), M. J. Lelimau (not u candldate lilmaelf), Chelsea; Patrick S. Purtell, Northfield ; Win. H. Arnold, Sclo. ld Dittrict-C. L. Yost, Cha. McCormick. Geo. Palmer. J. L. Lowden, John Terns. Ypsllantl; Jacou Knapp, Freedom ; Lester Sweelland, Lodl; Chas. Koberts, Plttsfleld. This was tlie real business of the convention, but Mayor Robison got up a ar dance of 110 sinall proporlions by intKMlDOlDg tho f.illnwinjf Resolved, That the democracy of Washtenaw County cordlally approve the action of our 8ualorand representatives In the state legislatura In votlng "No1' on the Joiut resolutlon proposlng an amendment to the state coustltutlon prohlbitlng the sale and manufacture of utoxlcaltiig niiuors. Bcfore the mover of tlie resol ution got a chance to gay a word Judge Cratnergot tlie floor; and it took the chair just 21 iniiiutc b' the watch, with five separate, distincl and positivo rulings to get the Judse to set duwn. w hich lic tinallv did. aud the mover of tlie resolution in a few carne! words defended it. Motions were made to la}' It on the table, and another granting the n.over tlie privilege to wlthdruw it, and one delégate from Ypsilanti warned the convention against monkey ing with that un for it was loaded. Fina!ly af ut all attempta tobury tho tliinj; had failed, Judge Cramer again got the floor and sarcastically reinarked that "he didn't desire to take up the time of tlie convention," which created quite a sensation. He tin-u said he should favor the resolution. He had opposed it at first for he didn't "believe that it was the sense of this republican couvention - (anothergenfation, aud st-veral delégate began staring wildly around to see if they had got in the wrong pew) - that it should pass," but as for hlimelf thera were his sentimi-iits, and for one he "should vote uuanimously for it." This last reinarle created great delight and took the bohe of contention through living, and ended tlie music.