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The Veto Condemned

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The following preamtilo and resolutlons were unauimouslv passttl at the last regular BMtyBg of VVelcli Post, No 137, G. A. K., Department of Michigan, acd the Adjutant instructed to have a copv of the same publUhed, and also one forwarded to Capt. E. P. Allen, Congressman-elect Irom this District. Headquartkrs Post, No. 137,) O. A. R., Dept. ok Micii., Ann Akbor, Kkh'y 25, 18S7. ) Whikias, Grover Cleveland, President of the United States has seen tu to veto llie I ¦ pendent Pensión BUI, thi'rdiy tleprlvlng deserving soldlera of Justly earned subsistence and care In their need and oíd age. No therefore be lt Hetotrtd by Weloh Post, No. 137. Q.A.H. Dep'tment of Mloh., that the reasons glven by the President for siicii veto anpear t. us to be Inadequate, cuptlous, puerlie, and uuworthy of the President uf u great imtion . The prlmary reasoas glveu by the President for Buch veto appear to be, lst, That the soldier does not deserve the pension. iA, The country cannot afford to pay lt. 3d, That lt Is au insult todeservlugsoldiers to offer lt. We anBwer. lst, A man who has not been a soldier Is unfltted to Judge. Wliat! not deserve to be pald for sacrlnceof time, aud posslbly health. prlvatlon endured and jeopardy of Ufe? Hld the paltry thlrleen or slxteen dolían por month recelved by the soldier In a depreclated currency pay hlm lor these? We think not. Bstlmate wlml the soldier !¦- servet by what he saved the natlon. 2d, That the country cannot afford lt. This country can afford to be just, to pay not as cbarlty, but as a small reuiuneratlon for the service of securlng au uudlvided country, for securlng such a herltage to our chlldren o terrltory, properlty and people, worth uow Immense, and In future, untold wealth, savIng to the manufacturera, farius and business of the people of this natlon thelr best markets, wltb our South a foreign couutry, who can estímate the damage to the natlon, anj but for the soldlers would lt not have beeu a foreign country? Estímate what the nailon can aflord to pay by lts wealth. The South eau afford to par more tban her share for the benefit these soldiere have bronght to her. 3d, That lt Is an insult to deservlug soldiers to offer lt. The soldlers and thelr dependents who come wlthtn the terms of the olll.arenow recipiënt of elther private or public chartty, and the blll wlll relieve tbem of this degradatlon, and it wlü mafte them men agaln to know that thelr couutry recogulzed the obl gallon. Therefore, This Post reallzing the indignlty put by the Presideut ou thr soldlera by the reasons he has glven for this veto, respectfully ask our Representativos and Senators in congress to use thelr best efforts to tnake this blll law, to the end that simple Justlce inay be done those who rlsked everylhlug that is dear to man, that this natlon might be wbat lt is.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News