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"cBEAdf pRPRICES! - n i SPECIAL II (jfj) I IfLAVORlh' PAKlN? MOST PERFECT MADE Prepared v. ih strlct regard to Purltv, Strength, and HealthfulncHs. Dr.Prloe'lBaklBKPowdercoñtaing no Ammonla.Llmo Aluni or Phoephatcs. Dr.Piicu' Extracte, V anilla, Lemuu, ote, flavur di'liciuusly. MAXY LArP CHIMXEYS AIIE offered for sale represented as }-)ol as the Fanioiis PEARL TOP Bl'T TI1EÏ ARE NOT! And liko all Countvrfcits lark the Keuiarkablc I. ASTIG Qualitles OF the u:iii:. ASK FOR THE PEARLTOP And Insist yQm TH IS Pat. Oct. 30,1888. The PËARÏTtoP is .fluiiut'acturcd OMÏ by GL0, A, MAC0ETH & C0„ ÏUTTSBÜHGH, PA, C.H.St.CLÁIR&SOÑS MAXUKACTUKHKS OF SÉriaiiUM FUENITUl E. OPIRá lOOSfilCHAIRS SND - WIND-MILL8. Are now propar'l to maiiafncUire Kchool and l'hurch Kurulture, aiwl Opera House Cbfclrt, Lftwn Bettees, Cuinp Tables uud the TRIUMPH WIND-MILL The fbest and r mpiest mul innst rrliable In use. Hepalrhig done ou sliort uotice. .vist dealers in PUMPS, ( Vl.INDKKS. l'IPKS, BTC. TANKS MADE TO ORPER. LADDERS. PKACH HOXKS. KKIÏ1JY 0KATE8, In fnct, miy nlclc inailc to order. NO. M N. FPilIRTH 5ÍTRFFT IIVi UU III I UUM I II U I IILL I y ANN AHIÏOlï, HIGH. FOR DYSPEPSÏZ MENTAL A N I ) PHYSICAL EXHAUSTION, NERVOUSNESS, WEAKENED ENERGY, INDIGESTIÓN, ETC, ETC. jr m uomforSs ACIDPHOSPHATF. A llqulü preparation of phoaphatM nd phosphoric acid. Recommended by Phyblclans. It inakes a deUotons drink. Invlgorattng and strengthenlng. Pampb1(1 free. KOR HALE BY ALL, DEALERS. Rumford Chemical Works, Prorldcncp, - - Rhodc IniuiiiI. 0TBEWARE OF IMITATIOXS. REAL E61A1E INSURANCE" AGENGY. OP J. A. SESSIONS, ATTORXEY AXIJ NOTAIiY l'LBLIC Real Estáte sold or rented and rents collected on reasonable terms. None but old and flrst-claR Inanrance CoinpanleH represen ted- with Insurance capital of $10,000,00(1. Hates as low as any other Insurance company and lowei iiromptly pald. Office over American Express office, .Main atreet, dq Arbor. Mich. RTJPTURE. tEGAN'S IMPKRIAI, TUI ss. Bptral spring, raded froui 1 t i poiinds In pressure. WORIÏ DAY ASI) MGHT, by an In fa ut a week old, oran adultsOyearv. f .:i"lH'M Trusses a perfectlon. Endose stamps for testimoníala oí cures, etc. EOAN IMPERIAL TRDS8 CO., ANN Arbok, Míen. , INSURANCE KEAL ESTÁTE and LOAN AGENCY i O F A.W. HAMILTON OíBce, No. 2, Firxt Kloor, Harallton Block. I'artles tlesirlng to buy or sell Ktal ]Ni .-¦!- wlll lirui lt to thelr advuntage to cali on me. I represant 15 Urst-class Flre Insurance Companies, havlrig an iggregatc capital over ;io,v (XKI.O0O. , Rates Low. Losnes llberally adjusted and c promptly paid. d I also Issue Life mi Uivcstment Pollcle in S the New York Mutual Ltfe Insurance Comp pany, Assetts, 8.55,000. Persons deslrlng AcS insurani'c, aan have yearly poTlcleí ( wrltten for them orTraveler's (.'oupon Insurance Tickets iHKiied at Low rates lu tbe Accl. deut Insiiruiii-c rompany f Nortfa America. ' Money tu I..J.UI ii i 'nr ic nt Ratas, Ktice hours C from 8 a. m. to M ni. and 2 lo I p. m. ALEX. W. HAMILTON, Q 1 1. ¦un i II i ni Block. n :


Ann Arbor Courier
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