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Bucklen'8 Árnica Salve. The Uest Salve in the world for Cute, Kruises, Sores, Ulcere, Sait Kbeiim, Fever 8ores,Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chllbluins, Corns, and nll Skin Eiuptions, and positively curtís Piles, or no pay required. It is guarantced to rive ierfect satisfaetion, or nioney refunded. l'ric 25 cents per box. For 8:ile bv ghertxca & Son. Iti-h, Prairie Man ge, and flcratcheit oí every kind ciirpd in tbirty minutes by Woodford'aSanittm lAttiim". Use no otlier. This never fnils. Sold by H. .1. Brown, druggist, Ann Artxir. 1288-1340 They wbo live in a worry invite deatb in a burry. l!e always eraployed in somethlng useful. Keep always out of unecet-sury ictiun. Ornnkenness, or Liqnor Ifabif, rnn be Cured by Idmulsterlnf I)r. Halii08' (Jolden Specflir. It be friven in u cup of codee or tea without the knowledge of the person tak Inglt, clliM-iin a speedy and permanent Cure, whether toe patiënt isa moderate drfhker or an Hlcohollc wreck. Tnousands of drunkards have been made températe men wlio have taken the Golden Specific in their coffee without thelr knowledge, and to-dny lielieve they quit iiiukinji ot th.-ir own f ree wil), fiobuniiful efl'ects result froni its sdrnrtinét%ti5n. öan jfiiarantced. Se nd for circular and 'uil particulars. Address in contidence i kilden Speel fle Co., i8ÖRace t. I i lati, Ohio.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News