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Short advortlsemeuts uot to excced tlirti nneg, of Lost ana Found, House for Sale 01 Kent, Wants, eto.. lnserted three weeks foi ÍS cents. SituiUloiiB wanted. free. FARM TO RENT.-I would llke to rent my Farm toa gooü tenant. Kor lurtli-r Inlurniatlon address George A. Peters. Solo, Washteuaw Couuty, Michigan. FARM FOR SALE. One and one half mllt from Dexteronthe Dexter and Ann Arbor road, contalnlng 7d Acres, (ood House and Shop, new Barn and new Sheep Sheds, good Orchard2 good Wells and a good Spring of ruuulng Water, 27 acres of Wheat on the ground, aud every thlng In In flrst class order. Euqulre at farm or at 57 South Main Street, Aun Arbor. B. Culy. MISS CALD WELL wlll glve Muslc Lessona at her rooms, No. 4ö S. Main Street. For tering oall on or address her over Charles Spoor's Stores. 40-49. F OH SALE for J100. I wlll sell lf taken before Saturday March 5th, my Horse, Uuggy Cutter, Uarness, Saddle, Brldle, Lap Blauket and twoother blnnkets. Horsecan bedrlven by Women or (Jhlldren and Is a good saddle Horse. Apply at 85 South Malu street, E. A. Phillips. 1 Hf Acres lmproved laud near Dainon ivV Ogemaw Co., Michigan, to sell cheap or lu excliange for Washteuaw Conuty land. Matthewd Real state Agency, Aun Arbor, Michigan. 40-4'j ANlce Resldence lu Richmond, Michigan, to sell or trad.' for Aun Arbor Ulty property. Apply to Matthew's Real Estáte Agency City. 40-4 FOR 8ALE- Resldence, S5 South Main 8t., belweeu Liberty and Williams Streets. House ooulaliiH 8 good rooms, besides bathrooin, Puntry, etc., wlth cellar under entlre liouse. Barn has large box stall and other stalls. Lot has been set wlth raspberries, grapes and peuches. Enqutre on thu premlsee. E. A. Phillips. 31W0 CIRL WANTEP. A Good Glrl for General Housework can flnd permanent employment and good wages by applylng at the Courikb Offloe. FOUND- A black Shepard dog wlth white head and feet. The owner can secure same by paylug expenses. Andreas Pfelfle, 13-ÏT At Anten Elsel's marble works. PENSIONS. SOLDIERS of the Mexlcan War or thelr wldows can now get pension and offlcers of the late war eau get dlffervnce of pay whether mustered or nol. Many pensionurs eau get Increate. I had slx out, of seveu Increase claim allowed lately. I wlll see that applicatlon is made properly. Thousands of dollars have been lost tnrougb lmproperappllcatlous. Come and see me at once or wrlte me fully. O. L Uatthewn, Pension Agent, Aun Arbor, Michigan. 37,-W TEAL ESTÁTE FOR SALE OR RENT.- IV Houses and lots valuea from $1,000 to ttt,000 and contulnlug from one-llfth of an acre to Iwenty acres- all In the city limlls. Houses rentw.1 on reasonable terms In central localltles. Farms exchanged for city property. Enqulre of J. C. A. iessions, Atlorney and Keal Kstate Agent, Offlce over Express OlMce, tfalu St., Ann Arbor. 37-tt WANTED Money to Loan on Real Estáte. Apply to Francls A. Slatterv, Washtenaw County Abstract of Title Offlce, ünd floor of Farmers' aud Mechanica' Bank. Ann Arbor. 1385. FOR SALE OR RENT. HOUSE-No. IS, Cemetery street. Apply al Coukikr offlce. Money to loan on flrst-class Real Estáte Mortgage at Current rates of Interest. Satisfactory arntngements made wlth capitalista deslrln; such Investmenls. ivery conveyance and transaction In abstracts of tilles curefully examlned as to legal effect. Z. P. K.INU. Ann Arbor.


Ann Arbor Courier
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