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Democratic Disintegration

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The Ypsilanti Sentinel never spoils a story for lelation's sake, nul speaks ouc in meeting even to tlie detriment of its own party. Io its last issue occurs tlie following significant editorial, needing no comment f rom republican sources : The L.ansuiK Kepublicau is tickling sonie of the democratie papers, wlth pretended alarm at the republican prospect thls spring. Tuis is a mere tricfe. The Republican knows Jast iis well as we do, that lts party was never in better nghting trim, iievr better orgaulzed aud led, thau at iliis moment. That it Is a happy íaniüy, each meinber uo matter how lnsignlncaut, thlnks bimself almost as good as any oili. r. and enjoys the grand banquet, Uiouj; i uuable togel near H, quite as well as his leader. Ou theoiher hand, it also knows that the democracy Is demorallzed, loose-Jolnted, unorganized, and unomcered, except by a selt-appoinled and discordam si:t!I In Detroit, who are quarreling over federal crumbs, and the rank ándenle througbout the state,are merely an undlsclplloed mllitla who bave been given lo uudersland that they must serve without pay. The Republican may fooi some folks, and Inspire them wlth hope by lts aflected iears, but we know better. It lsfull of conndence, and the party Is already cougralulatlng itself In anttclpatlon of the grealest vlclory thia spring, thal It has everachieved slnce the war. Il the prohibitory amcndment is carrted it means instcad of 10,000 annuul taxution for the expenses ol' the city of Anu Arbor, something iike $32,000. - Courier. Does the editor of the Courier mean that the J16.00U pnld lnto the treasury f the city by saloon keepers is an equivalent for the fluanctal social and moral ruin wrougbt by them T It not. what does he mean ?- Chelsca Herald. There is no equiriaetit for the ruin referred to by our Clielsea frlend. But taxation Is 011e of the mensures by which said ruin is lessened, and tlie business controlled. Does the editor of the Herald mean that lic would throw all restraints as'ule and allow this business free swing? That because liquorselling is an evll therefore it must be dealt witli only by laws thatcaunot be enforced ? Or wliat does he mean f It is well to remember that the sluvery of liquor drinkinr is a voluntary slavery. No one is forccd into t. People seek its chains from pre tere nee, neyer from force. People take tliis curse upon themselves, and no saloon keeper under the canopy can sell or give away a glass of liquor to a man if he does not want it. The saloon keeper therefore is the outgrowtli of the desires, appetites and thorough seltishne?8 of a portion of the people and as long as these characteristics exist so lonf will there Ie found those wtio br prolit will pander to them Furthermore, society is not apt to aak how a wealthy member obtained liis money. All thry ask is, has he got the money? Social ostracism is too apt to come from the want ralher than from the methods employed In procuring money. This leads uien to resort to objectionable methoils. Furtliermore, Judre Cooley pays "the power to tax is the power to destroy." Tlii proved itself true in the ense of the wild cat biink?, and will prove itself true in this liquor trafilo If it Is permittedto" When the question of submitting the prohibition amendnient was before the Legislature two years ago the leaders of the proliibitlon pnrty quietly persuaded enough members to vote against it to accomplish its defeat. Iu tliis sessinu they did not dare openly to oppose It igaiti in that way, so tliey purposely liad the clause otnittcd allowing wine to be used by the churche? for sacramental purposes. Senator Gorman called their attention to this omission, so t cannot be called an oversisrlit. Thls puts the amenriment on a basis wiiere the members of many churclie8 cannot conseientlously vote for it. Thcn these leaders further showed thelr insincerity by putting up a ticket apaiiist. the othcr parties to drive oft' a largre numbc-r of TOteW in another direction. Evidently they do not iropose to be thrown out of a job by its passage and thcreby lose thelr twenty and thirty dollars per nlght for speech's. - - The Grand Kapids Democrat interviewed a large number of prominent democratB of that city on the question of fusión, ml tlmoct to a man tlicy expressed ÜMDUelTei is hapjiy over the decisión of their party to go It alone.


Ann Arbor Courier
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