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Ladies Charitable Union

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The animal meeting of the Lililíes' Charltable Union was held March 4th, at the Ladies' Library. After the usual devotionnl exercises, the President called for the rciuling of the unnual report, which was as follows : ANNÜAL REPORT. The lapse of another year briugi us to our nineteeuth anmuil meeting with as increased membership and a record of fititlifulncss nnd success whioh should encourage us to persevere in the good work so long ago begun. Our ward committees, throngli storm and gunshine, in summer's heat and winter's 'cold, have pursued their self-denying labor of love, and despite many discouragements through iack of ineans, have lielped to brighten many poverty strickea homes. There have been few cases of extreme destitution except where there has been illness in the family or interaperauce lias done its fatal work. Most of the benefichiries of the society are thosc who by a llttle timely assistance can tide over the most trying times in their experience and keep their families from becoming a burden upon public charity. The lst ward coininlttee report having assisted but two families. In the 2d ward the population 3 nearly all Germán and they have a charitable seciety of their own, but one family has been assisted. The 3d ward committee liave assisted sixteen familie?, the 4tli waid nineteen. the fifth ward ten and the sixth ward three. Total, fifty-one families who have received help. Most of these number from six to ten members, so that the number of persons receiving help has been about four hundred. The assistance rendered has been largely second-hand clothing. The mom-y expended has been to assist ia paying rent, in buying proper ioou tor the slck, the purchase of bedding and occasionally ment and grnceries. We are indebted to VVincs & Worden, D. F. Schairer, Blilz & Langsdorf, H. Stofllet, Samuel Krause, II. J. Brown, and J. II. Xickels for valuable contributions of goods. Special contributlons in moiipy have been received froin Mrs. R. A. Beal, Mrs. Anijcll, Mrs. Koyer, Mrs. Langley, Mrs. Ellicott E?nns, Mrs. Blitz, Prof. Dennisonand Luther Jaines, Esq. Iloping tliat the friends of the society will continue to remeinber ita needs wiih the open-haiided gcnerosity that has cliaracterizt-d them in the past, we commena our work to tlieir care. Tlie report was accepted and the treasurer's report giyen below was reid and accipted wheu the society proceeded to theeleclion of oHieers which nsulted as follows: Presiden t-Mrs. C. A. Jaycox. Vlce Preslduut- Mr, l'liocbe Steele. Secretary- virs. Jolui H. Miner '1'ieHsurer-Mrs. Kllslia Jones, Mrí Andrewb deslrlug to be relleved froin lier dultes as Treasurer. EXECUT1VE BOARD. Mrs J M. Wheeler, Mrs. M. B. Gilbert, Mrs. Keiijumin Day, Mrs. Jerome C. Knowlton, Mrs. Pinüp liach, Mrs. Püoebe Houglilou. V1SITING C0MMITTEE8. ¦ i wara-Mrs. Ullbeit, Mrs. Houghlon. -' Ward-Mr,. lUch, Mrs. S. W. Ciarkson. dd WiirU -Mth. Kathbone, Mrs. Adama. 4Ui Wiird- Mis lieal, Miss Hennlng Mli WarU-Mlss BrowD, Mre. Kuowlton. ötu Wurd- Mr. Buits, Mrs. Steelo. Ttie mwtinif then .adjoumtnl until April .'tli ut the L idies' Library. Mrs. Jno. R. Mineu, Si-c'y tbeasürkr's report. Hec'd from special coDtributlons. 49 53 ThHiikHgivingcon'c'u 7 S) " inembersliip fees 79to li unnce from lust year 48 37 Total ;öiS6 Puyments. Ut Ward Oomiulttaa $ iC9j } ;: ; aw K , ., 8585 f ' ... 6107 Ü ' ' " UU "'tl ' 19 72 Sewlni; school for work 4 20 liahuice on liaiid 31 15 5239 86


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