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A Letter From Rev. Dr. Rexford

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Detroit, Mich , Marcli lst, 1887. 'lo tuk Editor op The Codkikic Bear Sir- My attention has been called to a paragrtph In your issue of Feb. 23, iu which you state that in a private couversatioii in Ann Albor duiing my recent visit I expressed inysclf as "Decidedly adverse to the Prohibitory Amendment." Allow me to say by way of corrcctlon wliat I said at the teinpeinnce meeting Sunday p. m. -white in your city. I then saui I sliould vote tor the amendinent, but I wished to remlnd the people that to cairy tliat mensure was the smallest part of the contract. The fight will be to enforce tlie prohibition. I stated that the failure to execute 'the laws we have already did not promise well for the future even If the amendment is carried. I have advocated a stringent license law as the best In States wbere prohibition could uot be enforced. I believe such a law is more efficiƫnt tlian a better law wholly neglected. I am willing to see Michigan try the experiment of prohibition again, but I am not foolish cnougli to thiuk that the whole battle is trained bv a votn ut tl, polls, nor can I appreciate the professed love of the "Temperance party" for teniperance when tbey put candidates in the Held for the supreme court judgeship, who would certiiinly divert votes f rom the very party whose influence gave tliem tbc privileges of voting for a prohibitory amendment. It is sitnply helping the very party whlch did all t could to defeat the submission of the question to the people, (ind striking the friends of the measure in the face. In a wholesome disjrust of sucli tcraperance advocacy (f) I ara


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News