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Council Meeting

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Monday evcning was a busy one for the city luthers, h constant strcatn of woik keep i ng them employcd for obout two hours. There were Miree vacant Beats: Aids. Allincndinger, Keatinir, Poland, all on nccotint of sickness. PRE8ENTATION OF rETlTIONS. Of A. H. Holme?, Wiu. Biggs and 17 otliers asking lor an electric light at the intersection of Willard Btreet nnil Forest avenue. Keferred to stn et lighting comniittee. Of W. A. Tolclmrd, H. J. Brown, and 54 other business men, asking for an eleetiic liglit at tho corner of Main and Huron streets. Reforred to 8treet li;;liting committee. Of W. B. Sudwortli, Betsy Hailand and 28 others, askinj; for an electric light at the east end of Fuller street near the M. C. H. H. crossiojr, or at the end of Wall street neur the bridge. Referred to street lighting committee. Of John Kose, Morris Pack and 8 others, asking for an electric light at the corner of Ann and First streets. Reftjrred to street lighting committee. Of Henry C. Exinger, Jerome A. Freeman and tour other property owners, asking for a 5-ft plank walk on tho south slde of Fuller street between Detroit and State streets. Referred to sidewalk commitlee. Ol' Hugh McGuire, John J. Robison, Chas. E. iliscock and 25 others, asking for the extensión of the culvert at the corner of Main and High streets. Referred to street committee with power to act. Of Exinger & Boes for the refundiog of $75.00, one-half of six month's liquor tax paid hy them. Agreed to. A commiinication was received fiom Policemau Win. H. Campion, resigniug hls po-sition which was accepted. REl'ORTS OF C0MMITTKE9. Aid. Allmendlnger not being able to be present the Hecorder read the montlily financia) report showing the following expenditures : lst ward so 2J II U 63 3d " i 75 til ¦ .!.ï" ".'."".'."." 34 SU General atreet rund ar, stt General rund 705 15 Contingent f umi.. „ sm 19 Total. 81,438 ;8 Tho claim of 8. W, Clarkson, tor unjust assessment was referred to the board of supervisors. A. J. Sawyer presented an alleged claim ajtainst the city for a ferret, a guu and some olher things said to tiave been tipped off a bridge on Feleh street one foggy niomiiig In January. Referred to the city attomey to ferret out. Judge Cheever presented the claim of Mrs. Gilbert for a broken Jimb caused by a defective sidewalk. VVhich matter wa refeired to the City Attorney, Aids. Mariu and Steeie to investígate. Al!. Kcarns, f rom the general street committee, presented a report aüowing John Goelz, Sr., the privilege of putting up a pair of outside stairs 011 lus building in the alley next east of Main street. Adop'ed. A bilí of Mrs. Vaughan for attendinir diphtheria cuses was rcjected. The street lightiug comniittee was granted further time to repiat on electric light petitions. Mayor Kobisou presenteil the repon of special coininitteo on M. C. U. R. bridge as follows: We have thls day had a conference with the authoritles of tne Michigan Central Huilroad ana recoiumend that tlve thousaiid (So,(iOO) dollara be drawn In favor of the Michigan i entral Ral Iroad. The attention of the Kallroad (Jompany has been called to the omltted details, raeiitloned in the memorandum of the City Englneer submltted herewlth, and an agreement made to supply sucn oinlsslons. Tlie company has also agreed to take permanent charge of the pile supports uutier the masonry, thls agreement belng embodled In the original contract bv the itisertion by the Attorney of tue rallway company. Mr. Henry Russell in paragragh No 6 of the contract the words "and IVmndatlons" so Uiat Bald paragraph read, "To maintaln the masonry and foundations of sald bridae at its own expense." Wllh regard to the O'Nlel property, your oommlltee asks for further lime before tuaklug it report. With regard to the warrant,we recommend that it be sigued by the Recorder as soon as the Railroad Company shall have as.iented In wrlting to supplying the details shown to bo wantliiu by the memorandum of the Cltv Knglneer. G F. A.LLMENDINQER. JOHN J. ÜOBISUN J. M. 8WIFI', .1 R luvia Memoranda of work for completlon of O?erOrade, Brldue and Approaches across tUe track, of the Michigan Central Rallroad on Detroit and Poutlac Streets In Aun Arbur Michigan. ' Put expansión rollers undergirders of hlrhway bridge at the slx poinls of support on theabutments. Clean up and repalnt lower sturts of lron work and feel of posts at foot of both slopes under sald bridge. Finish and dres up the ïlopes of the gradIng for the approaches to said bridge. The earthwork of the north approach Is stlll too ateep and lts road-bed too narrow. J. B. DA VIS, City Eno'r. Maj'or Robison called up the mitter of the old cemetery which lie thought was in ft disgraceful condltion, aml asked for tlie appointment of acommittee to investígate the feuaibility and deslrability of convertinjt the same into a park. He pr iposed that the gravestones of those left buried tliere should be placed in the graves a foot or two below the Biirface and the jrr.mnd sodded. Ou motion, tliè Mayor, Recorder and City Attorneywcre appointed a cninmittee to look into the matter and report at the next meetina of the council. The matter of the grade of the Bidewalk in front of the Episcopal church propeity was referred to the general street committee. On motion, the council agreed that it was the sene of that body tiiat the ihiimber of justices of the peace in the city be reduced to two, and requosted Representative Manly to hav the charter amended to that effi'ct. On motion of Aid. Ware a committee of threewas appointed to report upon the neceKsityand cost fora drinking fonntain on the court house squiirc, consisting Aids. Steere, Marlin and Ware. On molion of Mayor Robison the Recorder whs instructed to nforni the postmastor general that the council favored tlVl' (IlliVMIV On motioii, Aid. Martin and the Recorder were appointed a comniittee to re port hjioii the cost of h.ivinjr 300 pumphlen, cDiitiiiiiing the annual repons of the city o (Heers printed. Tk council then took a recen of five mlnutet organlzed as ;i board of registration with Aid. Swift, chairmnn, and Aid Steere, secretary. The places for holding the registrntfon and election was agreed upon, and the Kecorder authorized to procure the printing of the necessary imtices, etc. REPORTS OF CITY OPFICERS. City Treasurer Sorg reported the following balances on hand : Contingent fund, on hand I 5 784 flq Ueuenil Fund.on hand. " i' Ú Ueneral slreet fund, on hand. fa 'ü lat ward fund on hand i (xw k b :: ;: ;: ; i',i r,u ; I.0M 10 ff-ï? ., , .. w w Íl" ' 318 11 275 44 Uity Ceraetery fd, overdraft...'. ¦( n Doi{ tax fund on hand vör, m Water Works fund on hand ". 32881 Delinquent tax. overdrafl 'T 41) Court House Aid H.ndB í no Poutlac Stroet Bridge t'und. ...!.'.'„"'.'.'.'.'.' 2,500 00 Total iMll m City Marshal Sipley reported three arrests during the month, and also the lollowin expeiidlturesof the poor fund: j ward f n K f .. 20 2i K ; :.:::::z::z:::::::: lts 6ln - 14 00 I Total .$26ffÍ6 ' Council adjourned.


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