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'Win IIéL gg CREAfg pPRICE'S XjgS SPECIAL 1 j flAVORlNÊ N(ÍNg S mig IJ "ag" MOST PERFECT MADE Prensred ..-n strlct roeardto Pnrlty, Strincth, and Hwuthfnlnm, Hr. Pma'sBiklngrowdercontaing BoAmmonta.IJme.AliimorPhoaphUet. Dr.Prlce1 Extractï, Vauilla, Lemon, ett., flavur iliiciou8ly. LampIímney t5 . SEETHATTHE ,A o Ü O '. EXACT LABLE IS ON C ' EACH CHIMNEY AS k fl m o ƒ % " 3 2 O ƒ SHOWN IN PICTURE, i -nu 1 O ï O L F! -, _ l X J f llk m VpivT.ocT 30TH-iaa MkUFACTURED ONLY 3Y GED.k.MAËBETHaGa jPITTSBURGH PA) ÍOR SALëWjEALERS jAL:-.-y WHERE. C.H.St.GLAIR&SONS HAKUPACTCREK8 OF SÈoliiCIrcli Fl RMTUiiE. ÜPliRA Mul SI III MiS AND WIND-MILLS. Are n ow preparM to manufacture School amt Charob Furniture, and Opera IlouKti Chairs, I.awn Setlees, i 'junjt Tables und the TRIUMPH WIND-MILL The best and 8 mpleet nnd most rellable la use. Hepalrlii)5 ilone on short notlce. AIm) iliiilers In PUMPS, CYLIXDERS, l'IPKS, ETC. TANKS MADE TO ORDER. LADDERS, PEACH BOXES, KKRRY CUATES, In irtct, any artick mAde to order. NO. 33 N. FOURTH STREET, ANN ARBOR, MICH. FOR DISPEPSIA, MENTAL AND PHYSICAL EXHAUST1ON, NERVOUSNESS, WEAKENED ENERCY, DIGESTIÓN, ETC., ETC. Ti flomídfe -ACID PHOSPHATE. A liqulil prepuration of phosphatee nd phosphorlc aeid. Krcomroendcd by I'hsbicians. II makes a delloloiu drink. Invigoratlng and strcngttienlpB, I'ainphlet rree. KOR SALE BY ALL IJEALEIÍS. Rumford Chemical Works, Providenee, - . Uliodo Isiand. BTBEWAIIE OV IlUTAil' NS. 1ÏEAL EJS1A1E AND INSÜBAN6E AGENCY. J. A. SESSIONS. ATTOKNEY AND XOTAIIV PUBLIC Real Estáte sold or rented and rents collected ou reasonable lerms. None bat Otd and ilrst-fluss Insurance Companien reprwnted- wlth lnsurahce capital of S10,UOO,UOO. ates as low as any othér Insurance coinpany and losse promptly pald. Office over American Express ofllce, Main street. nn Arbor. Mlcb. RUPTURE. tEGAN'S IMPERIAL TRU8S. Splral spring, graded from 1 to 8 ponnds ín presKure. WOKS DAT A1) MGHT, byan lnfant a week oíd, oran iduilSOyear. l.tidles Trnsses a perfectlon. Kik lose stamps for testimoniáis of cures, etc. EGAN IMPERIAL TRÜSS CO.. AN.N AlUiilK, MlCH. INSURANCE REAL ESTÁTE and LOAN AGENX'V OF A.W. HAMILTON Office, No. 2, First Floor, Hamllton Blcwk. Parties desiring to buy sell Real Estáte wlll Iltid II to thelr advantage to cali on me. I represent 15 flrst-cluss Flre Insurance Cimipanles, havlng an'aggregate capital over (30,000,000. Kat. 's Low. Losse llberaliy adjustedand promptly pald. I tlaa Issue Ltfe and líivestment Folíeles In the New York Mutual Life Insurance Company, Assetts. MB,000. Persons desiring Accident. Insurancíí, QAa have yearly poTiolM written lor tbem orTraveler's Coupon Insurance Tickets lsstitil il I.owraU'siD the Accident Insurance ( 'onipnny of North America. Mont'v ( Loan al t'MJi.iit Ratas. Oítlce liours from 8 a. m. to 12 ru. and 2 to 5 p. m. ALEX. W. HAMILTÜN, HariiMtoii l'.lock. j


Ann Arbor Courier
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