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Fifty kvi:n private pi'iislon bilis wrro passcd ín the Senate on Iho Ist, as worc lso bilis toqmet the tltle of wttlrra on the Dei Molnea rivcr lands In Iowa; to annex ik portlon of Idaho to Washington Territory, and for th allowaace of cerfctln war claims. Keaolutions In honor of the memory of the late Messrs. Arnot, Boaoh and Uowdney, Representa tives from Nejr York, and Mr. PriW f rom WIsoonstn, were adoptcd....In the House tho Mexiean Pension Appropriation bill (n,9J0,000) was passed, also the Legislativo and Deflciency Approprlatlon blll. The conference reports on the bill restricting to Amcrican cltizent tho ownership of real estáte la tlio Territorios, and the Kiver and Harhor bill wore agreed to. At the eveninj; seasion a largo nuniborof biiu were passed autuorizins; tlie construction of bridget. Tuk Senate on tho 2d passod tho Naval Approprlation bill (about fc!fl,iv0.000), and tbeoon ference report on the Agricultural Appropriation bill was agreed to. A bill wa also pwted approprlating t500,000 to erect a memorial bridge over tho Potomao from WashlngUm to Arllngton In honor of Lincoln and (runt. The nomlnations of Mr. Greely u Chlef Blgnalofflccrand Mr. licnedict u PubUo Printer wen confirmed - [ntbe Hoon Uu i'oulnvn.r i port on the Diplomatic and Consular AppnipriM tlon bill was agreed to, and the Senate Fisheries Retallation bill was paised, alao the bill annexlng a partion of Idaho to Washingtuu Terrltory. BILI5 for public building! at Sioux City, Ia , Dayton, O.. Lafayette, Ind.. and Lynn. Miw., were ptóioil in the Senate on the 8d over ttai Prasldent's votoes. The House bill appiopnaiing t6,90U,0U0 for payment of penaioners of the Mexlcan war was passod, as was also the biU flxing the salariea of Judges of United Stut. s courK at I5,OÜO and the Legislativo, Exevutire and Judicial bill. The conference report on Uie bill to adjust railroad land grants waa agreed to - In thte Hoitae an uttempt to pass tho Senate bill pensionlng Mrs. Logan waa defcated. Tho Senate bill to repeal the Tennre-of-OfBoa act wa psil, aa waa also the Urgent-Deflclenoy bill. The bill to modify the internal-roveniie system of taxation failed to pass. At the renüig sesslon the bill admitting free of duty anieles for exhibition at the Minneapolia (Mtnn.) Industrial Kxposition was passed, alao the bill to establlsh a military post at Highwood, near Chicago. ATnoonof the 4th both house of the Fortyninth Congres adjourned. In the Seaiate several appropriatlou and other bilis were passed. The nominations of Captain Greeley to be Chief SignalServlee Offlccr and James M. Trotter to be Kocordcr of Deed for tho District of Columbia were confirmed. President pro tem. Ingalls announced that the constltutional llmItation of the Forty-ninth Congres had expired, and that the Senate was adjourned without day - In the House the Postal Appropriatlon and Legislstive bilis were passed, and the hour havlng arrived Speaker Carlisle ileclared the House adjourned JM die. DOMESTIC. Martin Coleman and Ira C. Searl were killed on the 28th uit. by a falling tree near Norwalk, O. The public-dobt statement on the lst shows the total debt to be $1,719,633,977, cash in treasury. 119,148,975; debt less cash in treasury, 11,881,083,036. Decrease during February, l,4:j.:si Whii.k boattag on the lst at Kanawha Falls, W. Va., Mi-s. O. K. Turner, Mrs. Tyree Mather and Miss Rhodes were druwu under the falls and drownei. In a quarrel on tho lst between citizens oí Leoti and Coronado, Wiohita County, Kan., over the removal of tlio couuty seat, two men were killed and sewn o'lirrs were seriously injured. Natural gas was developed on the lst at Bunt, D. T., iu suincieut foroe to burn steadily. The steamer W. H. Gardner was burned on the lst on tho Tombigbee river, m-ar Gainesville, Ala., and twenty persous lost their lives. At Louienville Station, Pa., Charles Bender and his team of horses were killed on the lst by au express train on the Fort Wayne road. Fikteen buildings at South Boston, Va., with a large quautity of tobáceo, were destroyed by tire on the lst. Loss, $150,000; insurance, $88,000. A coukt at Des Moines, la., on the lst condemned a car-load of beer shipped to a Wholesale drug house in that city, and ordered the beverage destroyed. The Keystone Rink at Wilkesbarro, Pa., was burned on the lst, and Prof. Babcock lost throe of his trick horses and a number of trained dogs. The Illinois State Board of Agriculture decided on the lst to hold the State fair at Olwy in 1887 and 1888. Fifty children in the Orphans' Home at Allegheny City, Pa., were ül with measles o the lst The first general strike of newspaper compositora ever known in Milwukeetook place on the lst for an increase of wages. Neakly two hundred Mormon converts left Chattanooga, Teun., on tho lst for Utah. Citizevs of Boston on the lst celebrated the 150th anniversary of the founding of the West Church. The edifico has undergone no change since 1806. Moses Daültom & Bro.'s livery stable at Marysville, Ky., was burned on the lst. Fifty bugies were destroyed and thirteon horses lost their lives. On the 2d Thomas and Terry Mack, two notorious negroes, charged with burning gin-houses at Yazoo City, Miss., wero lyncbed bv masked man. The American Trotting Association was organized at Detroit on the 2d by representatives from fourteen States. William R Meriiam, of St. iteul, was chosen president. M. L. Rose, an engineer on the Erie road, was paralyzed at his post on the 2d, and the fireman ran the train to Deposit, N. Y. Tue fire record for February in the United States shows a total loss of $5,014,900, against $10,324,440 in January. The total number of fires was 106. At Far Rockaway, Fire Island and BabyIon, N. Y., severe earthquake hocks were feit on the afternoon of the 2d, rocking houses and breaking Windows. No one was injured. Mrs. Elizabkth Fox, of Cedarville, 111., aged seventy-four years, droppod a spark of fire from the pipe she was smoking on to her clothiag ou the 2d and was burned to death. Presidbxt Cleveland on the 3d approved the Military-Academy Appropriation bilL, the regular Pension Appropriatioii bill and the act to organizo the hospital corps of the United SUUes. The WesWrn Iron Association decided ' on the 2d U make no advancs in the prioe of iron. This would be a (Hsappointment to the workmen, as their wages would not be incvaaaed. Ijíosarb Swett, counsel for the Chicago Aarchit, filed his brief in the Illinois Supremo Court on the 3d. Edwakd Kuhs, who died recently in Omaha, left a will directing that his body be cremated and the iisoos be placel tu an urn 0T9r the bar of a popular saloon. Prbibxt Cifveland on the 3d approVd the act anthorizing the Presldsut to defend the rignts oí Awruaui iiabingreaaefe, Amerieau nshorraea, Avacteaa krading attd otber vesselslu tb BritWh dminion of North America; ato tb lodian Appropriation blll und the act to establisb uu agricultura! exporimeut station. Thb Illinois House on tha 3d, in COnV mittce of tho whole, by a vote oí TU to 37, seiected Rpringfleld ín prefereaco to Chi. cago as tho permanent site ol the State fair. Irá Rosa, agod fourtoon years, was fatally stabbed in the back on tho 8d by Dick Mycr9, of the samo age, ín a quarrel at Lucas, O. V. PiLLffBuiiT & Co. '8 extensivo storehouse at Minneapolis collapsod on the 3d, about 125,000 barrels oí tíour being carrii-d down in tho wreek. Advices of the 3d say that nearly ouo hundred persons at Bt. Joseph's Academy, in St. Louis, wero poisonod by eating canned tomatoes, but none of the victims wore in a dangorous condition. Near Lima, O., on the 3d two children of B. Dietz, aged seven and eight years respeetively, wera burned to donth while playing with coal oil. Thb business portion of Chorokec, Ia., was destroyed by Ure on tho 3d. Thb plasterer of Pittsburgh and Allegheny, Pa., on the 3d sovered thoir conuootion with tho Knights of Labor. Tna bill for the redemption of trade dollars and the Anti-Polygaray bill beeame laws on the .ld without tho Presidcnt's signature, by reason of the expiration of the constitutional limitation of tendays within which ho should have returtied the bilis lo Congres in case of disapprovaL A litery barn ;it Hastings, Nob., was burnod on the Rd, eight hoad of horses perishing in the flamea. Tuk receipt at üloucester, Mass., on the Sd of the news of the signatura of the Retaliation bill was receiveJ With the wildest demonstrations of joy. Bells were iung, colors hoisted and gans fired. Thk business failures in the United States during the seven days endod on the 4th uumbered 203, against 1ÜÖ thu provious seven days. Whilr scolding her husband at Milwaukee n the 24th for his laziness and shiftlessncss Mrs. Wilhetmine Moyor feil to the tioor and suddenly expired. Truc Bickek, a negro youth, imprls ned for attempted outrage, was taken from jail by a mob at Marcos, Tez., on the 4th and hanged. Foür mn were fatally scalded on the 4th by the explosión of a distillery boiler at Owensboro, Ky. Two colobbd women were burned to death in a frame building in New York City on the 4th. Thb 4th was the flftiith anniversary of the incorporation of Chicago. The safe in the Adanis express office at OrrvlUe, O., was robbad of 1,300 on the 4th. The steamer Fleetwood burst her steampipo on Mie 4th near Lawrenceburg, Ind. Three roustabouts were fatally scalded and the engineer was leriously injnrod. Ok 'Ue farm of Scott Gallaway, near Ligonier, Ind., customs offloers on the 4th seized 05,000 worth of horses Bmuggled from Canada. Fiïask W. Fosteb, town clerk and treastirer of Greenfleld, Mass., was on the 4th dico ired to be a defaulter to the extent of over f14,000. PERSONAL AND POLITICAL. James Cbowthe, of Perry township, O., celebrated his one hundredth birthday onthelst. He daily doos light farm work. Tus Michigan Greenhackers met in State convention at Lansing on the lat and nominatod O. J. Atkinson, of St. Clair, for Justice of the Supremo Court, and Rev. W. H. MHler, oí Otsego, for Kegent oí the Unirersity. The Democrats of Michigan met in State convention on the lat at Detroit and nominated the following ticket: Justices of the Supremo Court, long tarni, Charles H. Camp, of Saginaw; short term, Levi T. Gnffln, of Detroit. State University Regenta, Bartley Breen, of Menominee; Rufus AV. Sprague. The Woman Suffrage bill was defeated in the New York Legislatura on the lst. John Waltkrs, one of the Jrish patriots of '88, died at Detroit, Mich., on the 2i, aged 108 years. A PETiTioa for the repeal of the Prohibitory law f Rhode Island was on the 2d presented to the Legislatura by business men of Providence representing $40,000,000. Gkxerai. J. J. Fiklky, of Ocala, Fla, was on the 2J appointad by Governor Perry United States Senator to succeed Charles W. Jones. The New Jersey Legislatura on the 2d electcd Rufus Bledgett United States Seuator, the flnal ballot being: Blodcrett (Dem.), 41; AbbeU (Dera.), 38. Charles H. Dat, auditor of the Pullman Palace-Car Company, was found dead in bed at Chicago on the 2d. He had just returned from a trip to California. Mr. Morrison, Chief Justice oí the Supreme Court of California, died on the 2d at San Francisco, Tui: memorial prepared by the committee of the joint oonvention of the Indiana Legislatura t protest against the etection of David Turpie as United States Senator was adopted in the Indiana House on the 2d by a vote of 54 to 40. MicnAEL Püecell, agsd sixty years, a street laborer at Loaisville, Ky., was informed on the Sd that he had fallen heir to real estáte in New York worth tl 15,000. The Kentueky Prohibitionists met ia Stata convention at Louisville on the Sd and nominated Judge Fontaine Fox, o LouisvUle, for Governor, ani a full Stata ticket. J. H. Lester, 117 yaars ef age, called Tipon the Gorernor of Georgia on the 3d to regain possession of Drpertv in Henry County of which he beeame disposssed during General Sherman's march to the sca. Is the divorce case brought at New York against the soa of Commodore Kittson, the jury decided on the 3d that th marriage was nuil and void, as Kittson was intoxicatcd when the ceremony was performed. Judge D. G. Hull, a well-known lawyer of Omaha, Neb., died on the 8d from an overdose of morphine, taken to induce sleep. Mks. Ajwie B. Factnce, a dietant relation to Queen Victoria, died on Uw 3d at Wabash, Ind., agod over eighty years. lx the Congress whJch eloBed on the 4th the River and Harbor bill hüled to bocama a law, not being igned by the Presidnt, and the Deficiency, Fortiflcations and District of Columbia Appropriation bilis failed to pats boto houses. Eoward Breitdko, ono of the pionoers of the upper península of Mtrhigan, who died in Georgia on the 4th, left $),OUÜ,OÜO or more te bis widow and son. He was a inetnber of the Forty-eighth Congress. Mothbr Akoela, the founder of Bt. Mary's Academy at Notre Dame, Ind., died ;on the 4th, ie her sixty-third year. Sh ¦ was a cousin of Jam 's G. Blaine, aad was educated at Georgetown with Mra. General Sherman. During the war she rendercd great service by opening hospi tais. Tb Minnesota Legislatura adjournod tiiu éu b the 4th. Thb Sánate Í Uichigan on th4t h paasd a bill to rquíre a oír il liseoae for marnages, mtenAgtg to sant out oiopers trom the bardars ai Indiana aad Obio. Tas death-i:i ef the Korty-nmth CeoffTess ws an extrardinary one, coiapris Ing tho unprncodPiiüKl nura bor of thirtei nainos, four iu tho 6onate and nmo in thi House. The total numbor of laws enactcd by tba Forty-ninth Congress was, approximately, l,4.H, of which 1,093 originated In tho Houae and 338 in the Seoato. ïhure werc 133 bill vetoed by tha President, or 21 more than had been votod from the foundation of the Government down to tho beginning of this Congres. Of tho votocii bill ÍH originated in tho House and 3!) in tha Benate. Mary Baker, of White County, Ind., completad her 1U5 days of faïting on th 4ih. Her flosh was about gonc, and death was thought to ba very uoar. Physiclan wero completely baftled by her malady, and could not diagnose her case. FOREIGN. Bt an explosión on the lst iu the colliories at St. Kt n'iini', France, sixty lives were lost. Advices of the lst say tftat the recent snow-storm in Canada was tho soverest erer known. Trains in evory quarter were snowed up for throe days and relieving parties, to keep the imprisoncd passengers fromstarving, were sent outonsnow-shoe with provisions. Wn ii. k the Queen of Bpain was out riding on tlu lst an unknown man hurled a missile at her carriage. Tho Queen was unhurt. 1t was announced on the lst that twenty thousand persons werd homelecs in Itajy owing to the earthquako. The losses wera estimatcd at (10,000,000. Kinh Hl mbkkt, of Itaiy, on the lst aummoned Senator Barrao to form a CatoineU Se VER8 shockt of earthquakc were again Tolt on tho 2d in portions of ltaly. The (eople fearcd furtoer disasters because of the excosslvo heat and the fact that the ca had not returned to lts ordinary lereL At Bailyhannis, Irelaod, on tLo 2d tha sitizens attacked the pólice, wreckad their barrack3 and reacued tomo prisoners ia their charge. The Brltish Government ref uses to permil the taking effect of the act recently passcd by the Leislatnre of Bewionndland In relation to the ttsheries, owing to the protest by France. A Halifax special of the ad representa that the people would vote for anncjraüon to the Uaited Status by a three-fourths majority. Advicbs of the 2d from St. Ktionun, France, aay seventy men were atill entombed In the Baubrun colliLries, and thore was no hope of rescuing them. Hl.moks were current ia Canada on tho ÏJ that at the opening of Parllament Sir John A MacUouald would introduce a bill fixing a seventy-five per cent tariS on all importa from the United btatcs. Tuk London Standard declared on tha 3d that the proceedings of the Britiah Parliamcnt wero bccoming a public scandal. The Suez canal is now lightoá the wbole length by electrictty, and a Bteamer ha made the paasage tn ftfteen hours. An aralanche on the 3d burlad a snowplow at Solkirk, Quebec, and six men were smothered to death before thoy could ba recovered. All Afghan boys between ten and eighteen years of age were on the 3i receiving a military training. The Ameer had tokt hls subjects to prepare for a holy war. At the opening of the new Reichstag at Berliu on the 3d the Emperor's speech expressed the hope that its actioa wnoM give t.hft nitiiiii fiill nopir t.n rinl at.tArks unon the frontiers, and thus strengthen the guáranteos of peace. Continted earthquake tremors were feit on the 3i throughout the Riviera, in ltalv, and a stroug shock occurred at Roggio di Calabria. Incexdiarism on a large aeale was perpetratod around Limerick, IreLaud, on the 4th, the victhns in all cases beiny persons who had paid renta. The aggregate ol property destroyed wae very large. A 8KUIKS of violent earthquakes occurred in Western Morea, Greece, oa the 4th, but no damage resuttod. As investigation into the causa of the floods at Morrisburg, Can., by which (75.060 damage was done, showed on the 4th that the ice which cauied tho water to baek np was floated by smugglers into the narrow channel of the river to form an ice bridge. l-ATER NEWS. Kkv. i1ijkï UAkU Hüixiif.. ..u., uaiiy on tha inorumg of the 5th attaclceJ wilh vomiting at hi home In Broeklyn, ai.d then feil into an unconscious condition. lt was feared that apoplexy had brought him to tho verge of the grave. President Cleveland on the 5th granted pardons to ten persons convicted of vari ous crimoa against the Government. Tus office of the .Ye Tork Wtekly, at New York, was destroyed by tire on tho 5th. Cholera was epidemie on the 5th at Montevideo, the capital of Uruguay. The Texas express on the Iron Mountain railroad plunged through a bridge near De Soto, Mo., on the night of the 5th, drowning two passeugors and wounding twenty-flve others. Commodore E. P. Lull, of the United States navy, died on the 5th at Pensacola, Fla. As explosiou of fire-damp on the 5th in a Belgian coal-miue killed over 140 miners. Q. Huuiis Heap, the United States Counsul General at Ccnstantiuople, diod in that city on the 6th. Josbph W. Binoham, one of the editor of the Indianapolis Ümtiiul, killed himself on the 5th by cutting his throat. Insomania was the cause. He was thlrty-seven years of age. He leaves a wife and two children. A SKirF containingseven colored persons was run down on the Ohio river near Madison, Ind., on the 6th by a tow-boat and six of them were drowned. Charles J. Petersox, publisher and pro prietor of J'eterson'a Ladies' iïatioiial Magazine, died suddenly at his resideuce in PhlV adelphla on the 5th, aged sixty-eight yeara. Thk wife of Senator Beek, of Kentuiky, died in Washington on the Oth, aged soventy years. Nine ofücers and civilians concerned ín the recent revolt at Rustchuk, Bulgaria, were shot on the 6th. The heaviest snow-storm of the season prevailed on the 6th in portions of Massachusetts, Maine and Vermont, completely blockading the railroads. Fokty Woman Crusaders cleaned out the liquor saloon of J. A. McGrevy, at Ellsworth, 111., on the 5th, amd empüed the whisky into the gutter. Up to tho 5th the tax on oleomargarine had brought into the United States Troasury tho sum of Í220.000. The manufacture ,was mainly conflned to the States of lllin is, Indiana and Kansas. William Coke, one of the seven men who organized the Knights of Labor, died at Philadelphia on the 6th, of hoart-disease, aged sixty-three years. Mrs. Ruth Ha.rmon, grandmother of Mrs. Urover Cleveland, died on the Oth at Jackson, Mlch, at the age of soventy-eight years. At twonty-six leading clearing-houses in the United States the exchanges during the week ended on the 5th aggregated 11,034,830,956, against 78,755,307 the previous week. As compared with the correspondin? week of 1880, the increase aniounU to ti. ' icv ceuU


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