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MAHOXH' DIRKCTOKÏ. Ass Akbor Comhasdisï, No. 13 raeets flrst Tiïesday of each inontu, W. O Doty, E.O.; W. A. Tolchard, Keeorder. w nrrinff CiiAPrER, No. 6, R A. M.- Meets flrrt Mouday eacb roouth. Isaac Handy, H. P.; Z. Koath, Secretary. BUSINESS CARDS. CLOTS CASKETS, fflETALIC Aad Coraraoa Colflus. Calis attented to Day or NlghU Embalmlng a gpeclalty. Heeroom on E. WashliiKton streel. Resldence Oor. Liberty and Flftti. Wè II. J4CKSOX, ID'IEÏIPIITlilll SUTIL OFFICE : Orer Bach & Abel's Dry Good Store. Entrance next to National Bank. WILI.IAM HEBZ, House, Sign, Ornamental nd FRESCO PAINTER! PaperlDR, Glaritxf. lldlDR, and C&idmlnlnjr, and worlL or evcry deacrlirtioo done tn the beet Btyle, nd warranted to give satiefactlon. Shop, No. 4 W. Washington St., Anr. Arbor. W W. & A C. MICHOLS, Rooms Over Ann Arbor SaTings Bank, Masonic Temple Block. G A.S or VITALIZED AIR Aiminlstered for tho painleBs extraction of teeth. STATE STREET MsrW T&ilori&2 Establishment ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, DearSir: If youwant a neat Sult do not order untll you have seen JOSEPH BERKV, Merchant Taüor, State street, Ann Arbor, Mlcli. Yoa will flnd a very fine Une of fc-nglisb Worateds for Dress SultB, and all the Newest Shadw and Weve in teek sultlng and trowsenngs tn st kl and samples to or dt)uroïis eiperlencfl In Cuttlng ennbles ns to glve yoa a íieat and perfect fit, and made n nrsl-clasa order, at Lowest Living Prlces. Cali and see for yourse f. Be8Tu?lMf BKK.IY, Merohant Tal.or CET THE BEST FIRE INSURANCE! $29,000,000. Secoxlty held for the protection of the uoltcy bolden. CHRISTIAN MACK Sepresent the followlns: rsl-c'ar?íomi!'IL?;,of irhich one, the Etna, has alone oaid 5h,ÜO0,UOü flre osse in Biïty-uve years: Etna, of Hartford t 9,19-2,O44 Franklin of Philmlelphia 3,1 18,713 Oermania, N. Y 2,700.729 Germán American, N. Y 4,0í,968 Loudon Assurance, Lomlon.. . 1.410,788 Michigan V. & M., Detroit... 27,608 N. Y. Underwriters, N. Y 2,596,679 National, Hartford 1,774,505 Phcenix, Brooklyn 3,759,036 Losse liberally adjusled and proraptly paid. Polieies issued at the lowest rates of premium. UBltf LUMEER! LUMBER! LUMBER! If you contémplate building, cali at FERDON Luier Yard ! Corner Fourlh and Depot Sts., and ge our figures for all kinds of LUMBER! We manufacture our own Lumber and guarantee AERY LOW PRICES #-Give us a cali and we will make it to vour Interest, as our large and well graded stock fully ¦ ustains our assertioc. Telephone Connections rlth Office. T. I. KBKCH Supt. JAMES TOLBKRT, Prop A. DeFOREST. Fire Insurance Plate G-lass Insurance, Steam Boiler INSURANCE' Lowest Rates, Honorable Adjnstments and Losses Promptlj Paid. REAL ESTÁTE RENTS 8PKCIAI, ATTENTION OIVF.N TO COI.I.KCTI0N OF RK!TS AND MAKAOKMKNT 1K KKAL E8TATB INTEBE8TS FOB NON-ReSIDENTS. ENTIBK 8ATISFACTI0N TO OWHERS GüARANTSKD. A. DeFORKST. Minore money than at any thinu elee by tak Ing an aency for the best eelllng hook out. IlH(;innerB ncreed eiandly. None fall. Terms free. IIallrt Book Co., Portland, Malne. PENNYROYAL WAFERS. tPrescrlptlon of a phyglcian who has had a life long eiporience In treating female diseases. Is used monthly with perfect success by over 10,000 ladi.s. Pleasant, safe. effectuaL Ladlea gkyourdruepist for Pennyroyal Wafers and take do substituto, or inclose postace for sealed particular. Soíd by all rlnippists, tl per box. Addrcss THK EU11EKA CBEMICAU CO.. Cxtboii. Uico. Sold la Anu Arbor, Mich., hy Kbe rbach & öon 1 1880 1ilïT can Uveat home.and make more money at III w"rk fur inan at auythluK il In th 1UU Capital not needed; yon are starled Tree, Uuth kc.xib ; all ace. Any ne eau do the work. Larue earnlntrs sore from nrat start. Oostly outfit aod term rne. l).-tt. not delay. Cos'e yoa nolhinK to iend u your ud are and flrd out ; If you aro wle you will do b tonce. H. Hallctt t Co.. Portland. Maine. JELECRAPHYi-.?.','r ¦ furnlhd. Wnio rlMtM bro. . JM..V1H.. Wl


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