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Protection Of Fish

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Setli Uiteen, in the American Ajfriculturist lor Maréli, makes th.ü forcible apeal tor the protretion ol Bell. The inattt-r of pïofeuting oor fish 6 a subject whicli sliouM mierest every gnod citizen, whether be a fisherman or nol, t is ¦ question whicli oonoernt tlie fuod supply ot the country, which 8 of vital importaiice to everv man, womaii and cbild. The class of fishernien who do tlie mott Inmage ai e those who lake the tish during their ipawiiing mmou. It íh at this tune that tlie rish come iuto tlie shallow water in eomptote thetr taak of procreation mul are theu easily captund. All liili have eertain localities, to which they resort at the season ol the year when Unir Sgi(l are OiatUred and ready to vn-,1. Dilli-n-nt varttlet eek different localities. localities are vvell known to poaflier.-, aiiil whvre the rt-h congrégale in these places In laige schools, they dia.v thi'ir net arouinl tln.-in and freqaently capln e the whole lot at a single hanl. Anollier ni'Mho.l througli wind) oor inland waters are deprived of hnndreds of thousands of young ti-li annually, i.throiifili the nieans of the ïnnrderous speur aud jack lifht The depredatorajiproach the tpawninf[ beds of the -aliiion, trout, bans or other fish at night; the ttrong li:ht of the jack, as il if called, thrown upon tlie Water, enahhs the .-)eannan to see down in tlie clear water for several fcet ; the darktMM of the ni'ht serves in the sume way as :i cloak thrown over the liead in the dayLiuiv in loiikinji below the ice, Cürougll whieli means, as niany of yonr reail.rkimtv, objectscan be scen for a considerable dislance down. The tish have appan-ntly little fi'ar of the llght, alWT the boat ík easily paddled up to ilhin a IVw feelof the tish, when the deadly sjiear i sent iuto tliem. Not only are niany ciptuied in tliis way, hut many are injured which are noj broufiht to the boat, so that tliey die by beinft plerced hy the tines o!' the spear, and death is the resnlt in a few honrs or days, MQÓrdlnu to the injury. Thero are also several other wayR by which liah are destroyed while on their spawniiiK IhmU, as liy sliooliiii, snariDg, etc, but I tliink I have explalned the matter snlliciiiilly, and trust it will make ati impression on the minds of my readers, so that they will exert their influence to profeet the lish trnni Illegal modes of capture at all limes, and their Wholesale destruction, partieularly so when they are on their spawning beds.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News