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Pomological Society

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The M:irch meeting of the society, .1. ). Biildwin, presiding, discussed infusoral earth. The correspondí Dg secretary ead a letter from Mr. J. Fraser TorHnce, of Montreal. Mr. Torra nee reorts that bis later experimenta in packng varlous frütts iiï this earth dld not ully realize hls confident anticlpatious. 'he only decided suceess he met witli was the packing of some pears. Thla laterial ripenecl them up In a remarkable manner. Color, fleah and fHvor were nusually fine. The only successes obalned in fruit storane were by the etn)loyment of cold storage. But it is open to zperlraent whether cold storage alone, wiihout infusorial earth, would not luive one neurly as well and saved the exense. The thanks of the society were eodered to Mr. Torrancc for his inforintlon. Evart H. Scott repoited that at the vinter meetings of the state society, the jraying of fruit trees uith 1 i ju ï tl poiso is was Uiscussed by Trof. Cuok Oneuarter pound of Paris ;;reeii or Lonilon urplt to forty fr"0118 f w;iter is sulli:ient todestroy uotonly the oodlinmotk )ut other injiuioiis insects. Many pcole (kil hcoause theydo not atteml to il in me. The spraying must be done after k f illing of tlie blossom. J. ü. 15;ildwin spoke of frequent oilinj; of the force )ump during the opemtiou, eight times a ii iy not beinjf too often. J. H. Clough, chairman of the cotnmitee on fruit preserving factory reported 1500 mtwcrlbed. Tbe prospects for the und are rood if our busitnss men take a mud in it. J. Allmmul, one of the colectorj', reported that thfrt; rere quite h ood many fruit-frowers who had nol lOre tiian a buudred dollars worth of errios, or so many bushels to sell during seasciu aml tlmt tliey have a liard t me ) make enú meet. Il was irenerally conceded that the busïess men are consideial)ly benetited by lis indcTstrv of frntt groviii}f. The folowiu({ tttlnM men wen aililivl to the ommittee: Chiivtian Mack, .1. T. Jacobs, I. S. Dean, T. J. Keecli, A. L. Noble, J. . Beal, A. W. Hamilton. Messrs. J. H. Clough and E. H. Scolt were lequested o S'e these gentlemen. The meeting adjourned to Satm-dayJ n the 19th of March, at 2 p. m. , when a nal report ot the coinmittee on fruitr M'iviilii factoiv will he iieard. The 'ollowing topic3 will topics will be disii-scd: Wliich is the most prolitable, trawberry, raspbeirv and bltckberry, or .lii[)iiit-nt and liuineuse? Siniill fruit n neiieial. What are the fruit prospccls for the coming season ? Apputatmentt for standing committees: Fruit and flower exliibit. Discussion on roses. All are most curdiallv invited.


Ann Arbor Courier
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