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Doctor ïoursclf and save money, and perbapi yonr life. Send three 3-oent stamps to pay pnstage to A. P. Ordway & '., Botton, Mass., mul rocrive u copy of Dr. Kaufman't great Medical Work, 100 pages, elegant colored platea. On onc ot the lo'itf railways of Kussla chUrch cars areto be proYidea on 9uiidayt in which prlests ot the (reek church will conduct rejMilnr servicesYor the benefit OÍ the rallroad men and others who are deprivcil ot tlieir regular wor.-liip. A Sluch Miirrieil 0111:111. Mrs. Fowier, of cblt etty, wat married latl January to lier tixtb btuband, aai strange U it may teem, live of tbem dled exactly tvro yean trom tbc marrlage ly. Her present uuiband bai been sii-w (or tne last tour montbt witii chronic laundlce, and wat giren up by tour ot our best phytlclani) iis 11 last reüort he began using Bulpbur Bitterg, snd yesterday told our reporter that they had suved lus Ufe, (mil' Ingly taylng that he gueued Mrs. Fowier w.iuhl be unable to take a seveiith bettcr balf tor tome time to eome. - Exehango. Ayer'3 Ilair VigOf stimulates the hall to a vigoroua growth. [t oontalut all thai eau be SUppllud to niakc the hair braulitnlaiid abundan t, remoTM dandruff, and renden the halr flxible and glossy.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News