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J'.lin Garroghty, Jof Webster, died 'hursiluy, Mai'di 3d. The Ypsilanlian has a long árdele iaoring water works in its city. II. S. Holmes wil] bnild for himself a "f new residence at Clielsea this suinïer. A. B. Spinney DOW supt. of the sanitauni at Aluin has been :ippointed supt. of he sanitariuin ut Ypsilanti. ¦ Over in Webster they have a "whist Int)" that plays by tlie liglit of the moon lembera not married, of course. THe burnt district in Chelsea will be tmilt witli one fine block, eacb owner eurjng tlieir proportion of the cost. Prof. F. H. Pense, of Ypsilanti, was married to-Miss AbbieJ. Hunter, of Kaluitzoii lust Thunday. They will reside t Ypsi. The tire at Pinckney last week, codsuitid the old Gilben homestead, wliere our iw ii-iiiii] H. f. and .1. L. Gilbert were ik il.- t'helsea Herald. The prospects for builders In Chelaea, nrinji thesummer, are verygood indeed. 'he burnt district will be rcbuilt, and sevral Tine residences put up. - Herald. How loiifjshall we have brook trout in he Hurón river, if everybody goes to atchiiii; tlietn before they have attained proper size?- Courier. We should say bontthree iuches.- Manchester Enterrise. Hon A. J. Saivyer just missed bcing Dominated for judste of the supreiue court t the republican convention. He stood hird on tlie list of nominees, when two vere noralnated. Try it again Andrew. - Chelsea Herald. Mr9. Ann Smith, of Dexter township, ïas sold ninety dozen of e;gs since the irst of December, and used seveal dozen lersolf, all from about fifty hens. How is nat for au egg story.- Chelsea Echo. It s ejrgstravugant. At the school meeting held on Monday evening Feb. 28, it was decided by balW.t bat thla district be bonded to pay $150 er lot for six lots where ,the old school ïousc be used astheground 'or a new school house. - Pinckney Dislatcli. A "middleman " who is non tarrying n Dexter, bas been "doing" Webster in elllog "Bohemlan ''stove polish. It will lot throw dust in people's eyes, however. lid stories are very entertaining. He is nidoubtedly a dealer in ''futures." - Webter cor. Dexter Leader. The Dexter Literary Choral Union is he name of a new society formud at Dexer forthepurposeof cultivating the tastes of its meinbers in literature and music. T. V. N. Gregory is president, Mrs. Chas 3arker, vice president, and David T. Wilcox secretary and treasurer. The township library, consistlng of over iOO volumes, wliich has formerly been lept la the high school room, is now in he hands of the township clerk, Jay veith. Persons deslring books can obain them by applying to Mr. Keith, at he office ot JusticeCrane. - Dexter Leader. A littlesix-yearold boy of ouracquaintince made i sliarp little speecli recently lint is too good to be lost. Hls grandma rM talklng to hm about the Blble and asked hlin if he knew of God, when he replied, "No; but, I guess papa Is acquainted with hlm, 'cause he often speaks f liiin, but mamma says that is naughty." - Suline Observer. Wm. Bogardusisstill aliveand astruth'ul ever. He says thaton his return trip rum Mnybee on Tuesday, with the mail, he mud was so deep tliat only the earsof ïis norse were visible above the surfsce of the ground on some portions of the ¦oad between Maybee and Exeter. As he s a gentleman of some physical ability we are not inclined to disbelieve what he says. - Milan Leader. We are pained to announce the death,by K'iirt disease, of Mrs. Mclnnis,wife of the principal of our schools, which occurred it her home, Alonday night, Mnrch 7th, it 11 o'clock. Mrs. Mclnnis has been an niviilid lor some time, but owing to her lmproved condition recently, herdeath to some was quite unexpected. Prof. Mclnnis hal the sy Kijiatliy of a large circle of friends in his liourof bereavement. - Dex ter Leader. Theiailureof Mr. Ceorge Moorman and Morris Hale, late manager of the Ypsllanti Sanitarium, to mutually agree upon a basis of settlement, resulted in the appointment of a receiver to take charge of the property and conduct the settlement Mr. J. M. ('liidester was appointed receiver "Tuesday, by Judge Joslyn, aml lic will doubtless be able to settle the matter in a manner mutinilly satlsfactory. The Sanitarium has not been cmbarrassed by financial troubles, as may have been inferred, but is at present prosperous and prospering. - Vpsilantian. For some time past nejrotiutlons have been going on between A. P. Ferguson and Ann Arbor parties rclative to Mr. Fergiison movini; lus road cart manufac tory to that cily. The business has been ,ilistactorily nrranged, and we regret to Inform the public tliat Mr. Ferguson will remove his msiness to that place about the lirst of April. He has exohanged inH'ity with Mr. Arkscy, of Ann Arbor. who will cmbirk in the manufacture of bujtf(lei :ind carriages, and do all kinds of repalrlog aml horMUOfilos at the old stand now occu])ied by Mr. Fergu9on. It ml li'iprd by many Dexter people that the inauufactory might be retained In our village, but fate was against us. The only thing for us to do now Is to submit with as good a grace as possible (or, in other words, griii aml bear it.) A few thousand dollars in a stock oompany would hsve kept the concern liere, but our capitalists didn't soe fit to invi-t and .therefore the removul. Mr. Ferguson is an active nes8 man, and one who will prove a rood tcqu8itioii to any city, and lie has the best wishes of [iirndm coimmitiity ut ur citizen8 for his future suecess. - DexUr Leader. Ypsilanti Sentinel : In the coming election no man should cast a vote fof the proliiliilory anieinlinent, unless he c:in stillen his bnck and set his teetli togetlier with the flrm determination to sce the thtng turough if the ameiidmpnt sliall be adopted. Weigli the nutter deliberately. It is no triflinor qiiestion. Onlyone of iworesults can follow. A spurt of cxciteinent may carry the amendment, which fbllowed by iudiflerence, will leave no luw enicted, or If emicted, unenforccd, and leave the llquor trafflc free. Or a law must be 3n:icted and enforeed that will encounter more resistance, and demand more oonri%e, and perseverauce and money than my other law that was eve'rthonght of in Michigan. No man should vote without looking this thinji square in the face.'' The State Young Men's Christian Asiocintion of Michigan opposes prohibition, ilt üouirli heaitily in accord with the cause )f tempe ranee.


Ann Arbor Courier
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