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Short ui vi-rt isfinrnis not to exceed t lnvt unes, of Lost ana Found, Houses for Sale or Kent, Wants, etc., lnserted three weeks for 5 eents. Situatlons wanted. free. "I7V3R SALK- My place, formerly known as Jj the Oeo. Allen place on West Huron 8t., Aun Arborjust ouuildeof city limita extendiii through to Liberty street comprislng 11', acres wltli llrst-class lmprovements and au kinds if fruit, large and small. Would sell separately the west part (vacant) comprlslng ¦ : I ucies wlth a frontageof 11% rods ou West Huron street. Terms easy. Rev. S. H. Aiiams. 43-44 I7ARM TO RENT.-l would llke to rent my ; Farm toa good teuunt. For furtner in-' formatlon n1(1ro Qeorüe A. Peters, Sclo, Witshteuaw County, Mlclilgan. FARM FOR SALE. One and one half mlle from Dexter on the Dexter and Aun Arbor road, containlng78 Acres, i (nul House and Shop, new Barn and iii'W Bneop Bheds, kkh1 C)rehard,2 good Wells aud a good Spriug of running water, 27 arras oi W'lioal on llie Kround, aud every thing in in Qrst lass order. Knqulre at farm or at 57 Soutti Main Streel, Ann Arbor. B. Caly. Miss (AI.nWELL wlll glve Muslc Lessons at her rooms, No. 46 S. Main Street. For ttinis i'iil ou or address her over Charles Spoor's Stores. 40-4. 1 ift Acres lmproved land near Damon lUlr Ogemaw Co.. Michigan, to geil cheap or in excliani;1 lor Washteuaw Connty land. Matthews Heal state Agency, Ann Arbor, Michigan. 40M4 ANlce Resldence in Kichmoud, Michigan, to sell or trade for Ann Arbor City prop.i i. Apply to Matthew's Real Estáte Agency City. 40-W PENSIONS. SOLDIKRS of the Mexlcau War or thelr wliluwH can now get pension aud offlcers of the late war can get dtfference of ay wluther mustered or not. Many pensione can get Ulerease. I had slx out of seven infmsr claims allowed lately. I will see that upplicatlon 18 made properly. Thousands of (li)llivrs have been lost tnrougb improper appucatious. Come and see me at ouce or wrlte me fully. O L. Matthews, Pension Agent, Ann Arbor, Michigan. 37,-:t8 REAL ESTATK FOR SALE OR RENT.- Éouaei and lots valuea frora f1,000 to -'i.'i and containlng from one-flfth of an aure to twenty acres- all In the city limita. Houses rented on reasonable terms in central looaliUas. Farms exchanged for city property. Enqnlre of J. (i. A. áessions, Atlorney and Real Estáte Agent, Office over Eipress Office, Main St., Aun Arbor. 37-tl WANTED Money to Loan on Real Estáte. Apply to Francia A. Slatterv, WaBhtenaw Couuty Abstract of Title Office, 2nd hoor of Farmers1 and Mechanica' Bank. Ann Arbor. 1385, FOR SALE OR RENT. HOUSE- No. 18, Cemetery Street. Apply at Coubiek office. LOANINQ- Money to loan on flrst-class Real Kstate Mortgage at Current rates of -M ir rest. Satlsfactory arrangements made wlth i-apltnliüU deslrlng such investments. ,-.vrry conveyance and transaction In abstracts of litles carefully examlned as to legal ,-Itrci. Z. P. KINO. Ann Arbor.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News