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Tlie Chicago Herald refers to " The Devil's Auction," which is to appear at the grand opera house Friday evening. The play is one of s;reat artistic beauty. "The crowded audlence present at McVlcker's lust night at the opening performance of "The Devil's Auction." waH fully as larve as the attendanoe at thls fashlonable and favorlte thealre during the two great pollllcal conventlons. The production Is one of the richest spectacular extravaganzas whlcb has perhaps ever been glven on the local stage. The mechanlcal contrlvances and triinsfiirrnallon scènes are of a singular origlaallty and beauty. The ballet dlvertlsemenu are more complete and varled even than those presented at the same theatre recently by tbe Klralfys, and 11 was not surprlsing that tbe superb tableau awakened iuch demonstratlve applause. All pertains to "The Devll's AucLlon'' Is slmply grand. The cast Is made up of very good people, and the speclalttes lntroduced the very best we have ever seen In similar performances. With such a weulth of resources and bewllderlng successlou of noveltles and surprises, and tbe more than cordial receptlou extended to tbe company, " The Devll's Auc;ion " bids fair to enjoy a popular and very reiuuneratlveseason." " The Devll's Auction" was well recelved at the opera house last night. The company is superior to that generally employed in speclacular representatlons, and Is the very best f lts kiuu that lias ever appeared before a Pittsburgh audlence. "The Üevll's Auction" sossesses merlts not possessed by auy specacular plece, aud that is saying a great deal The interest is not centered In a single act, jut is quite evenly dlstributed throutfhout the whole performance, and the concludlng scène Is a fttting climax of what preceded it. Tbe scenery is magnlllcent beyond any exhtition here in any spectacular drama. The costumes are rlch and effectlvely arrayed, .he movements of tbe ballet are lmposing and tlie speclaltles literally startllng and novel. The only drawback, so as to claim .he atteudance of the gentier sex, is the litle; t sounds bad and creates a false lmpresslon about what Is really a very rospectaule performace. All in all the the performance Is sucb as must please and give general salts'action to admlrersof spectacular shows. - Pittsburgh Commercial Gazette.


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