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SPECIAL ¦ Í ii iftAVORIHe AKlKÜ S OÑgHiTCI FLAV0R3 MOST PERFECT MADE Prepared „Uh strlct rptrard to Pnrltv, Streneth, and BauthtalneM, Dr.l'riieeBakini.'í'owdprcontalns li' Aniinoiii.i.LIiiii'.Aluin orPhoBphatep. Dr.I'riio'b Extract, ' anilla, Lemon, etc.t llavor delicioualy. oH'orel fop sal represMltod M gOOd as the Fanioiis PEARL XOP DIT TIIEY ARE NOT! And likc all Countcrfcits lack the Reniarkablo I.AsTl ; Quolltiea OF 1HE GEMINE. ASK FOR THE PEARLTOP Pat. Oct. 30,1 S88. The PËARL TOP is Mnimtaclurrd OM, V by aO. A. MACPETH & C0„ PÍTTS1ÍUKGH, PA. C.H.SÜ1ÍS1 MANUKACTÜIíKKS 0F FÜRNITÜRE. OPKRA HOU CHAIK8 AND WIND-MILLS. Are huw prcparcil to manufacture School and ("hun-h Furulture, antt Opera House ('hiiirs, I,avn Setlees, Camp 'l'ablea mul tbe TRIUMPH WIND-MILL The bpst and B;mple8t aud most rHlable 1d UHe. Hepairtng done on short notlce. Also dealers In PUMPS, Cl I.IXDKKS, PIPES, ETC. TANKS MADE TO ORDER. LADDERS. PKACH BOXES, BEERT CKATES, In iact, aiiy artlcle made to order. NO. 33 N. FOURTH STREET, ANN AHBOR. MICH. FOR DYSPIÍPSIA. MENTAL AND PHYSICAL EXHAUSTION, NERVOUSNESS, WEAKENED ENERCY, INDICESTION, ETC, ETC. n m uorsior(k ACID PHOSPHATE. A Hquld preparauou of the phosphates ml pliospuoric acid. Recommcuded by Phyblcians. It makes a deüclous drink. Invigoratlng and streuthening. Pamphlet lree. FOR SALK BY ALL DEALERS. Rumford Chemical Works, I'royldeuce, ¦ Uhode Lsiuud. 0TBEWAKE OF IMITAT1ONS. BEAL EbJAlE INSURANCE" AGEN6Y. OF J. A. SESSIONS ATTORNEY AND NÜTAKY PUBLIC Real Estáte sold or ren led and renta collected on reasrmuble terms. N.jiii hm old aod iltsi-clasi Insurance Companfes reprtODted - with lnsurauce capital of 1O,(xm).ink. Ratea as low as any other insuranne corupany and Jossos proniptly pnld. Office over American Express office, Main street, iuD Arbor. Mioh. ¦ f r"" ]% rri tt i T"1 -tv. U Jf X I_J Jbt l'i. tEOAN'S IMPBBIAL TKÜ88. Spiral spring, gruded from 1 to 6 poondl in pressure. WORN DAY AND NIGHT, liy un lnfant a week oíd, oran adultSO years. Ladle Trusses a perfectlon. EnclOM stampb for testimoniáis of cures, etc. EQAN IMPERIAL TRUSS CO., Ann Arbok, Mich. INSURANCE REAL ESTÁTE and LOAN AGENCY OF A.W. HAMILTON Office, No. 2, First Floor, Hamllton Block. Partlesdeslrlng to buy or sell Real Estáte will 11 iid U to thelr advantsge to cali on me. I repressnt lSflrst-class Flre Insurance Companles, havlng au aggregate capital over }.'),- 000,000. Kates Low. Losse überally adjustedand promptly pald. I also Issue Life and Ittvestment Pollclen in the New York Mutual Life Insurance Compaoy, Assetts, 875,000.00. Persons deslrlng Acotdaat Innurance, can have yearly pollcles wrltten for them orTraveler's Coupon Insurance TiCkttt ixni ¦'! at Low rates. Money to lonri ;it ('iiuftit !(;t les. Office hours from 8 a. m. to I-i in. mul i to .ri p. m. ALKX. W. HAMILTON. Hamilton lilock.


Ann Arbor Courier
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