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Michigan (TTRg ! The JJiagara Falh (Route. I MMi tnkii p effect Nov. UK, njgg ntrl standard Time CHICAGO To'dktuojt Jb?J J! iiüífLííí í á..Ií.x. P. H I. k. J..J, 1 _ 7 Chiraeo.l.v. 680 00 3 10 4401 815 úí'"1 Michigan City' B 18 11 II 166 651 1018 $ NUm li 88 1216 5 49 Btt II liS-1 Kalamazm.... la 17 ISO (i .X KM 1281 'Vi Battl.' CreekJ i II 227 733 . Tin iL í45 „.„.,, I Ai. MI) 290 8" 7l Al Won 126 332 818 323 !$ Jarkson 3 ÍS 4 23 8 49 ' 3 1 Graos Lake... 3 38 ÍS,91 (heleea 3 59 ' ?'? ' Derier 4 14 ; Ann Arhor.... 4 83 5 80 9 45 "T 4 35 r,J"": Ypsilanti 450 545 i) 5ü . 462 2 ÏÏ ' :5 WayneJnñc: 5 15 605.. .. 511 5í ?L D.'lniH....Ar. 00 646 1048 jij!? ,]{ _DRTRO1T TO CHICAGO " m I : i TÍTION8. , KÍ 3 Í.H C I l_!!lÍl_Íi „ . A.M P.M P M. P.M. p H Detroit.. ..I.v. 700 9 10 130 4 00 X00 k' WayneJunc.. 7 40 9 53 2 03 4 45 8 37 "" Ypsilantl .... HUÍ 10 12 2 20 514 8 5810 AnnArhor. .. 8 1i 10 2.-. 232 630 9 12 loas ' ' '',eY'f h:lr 5 50 IS ""¦ Cheltea 848 805 952 (iran-Lake... 10 27 1015 'yk'on 935 1135 332 7 10h052 Í20B IOS8 1SS0 4 22 820 1147 104 Halle Oreek.. 11 08 112 4 40 0521212 l::„' Kalaiuazuu... 11.12 1 50 5 15 45 120 i Nltal 1411 322 627 303 4 L IZ Mloh,?a,,Clty 168 4 8.5 7 82.... 4 8S 6 40 8 Chicago.. .Ar. 515 1,40 9 8tj 7 00 siftlSS Cunada División. DKTHoiT To butfai.o.- Standard Time. STATIONS. LEr5Í O JCJ mvwá P. M. P. M. A. Jf. a M Detroit ...Lv 7 15 10 55 5 00 ín 12 n w Kt.ThomuAr 1105 2 07 10 lo' 940 3 25 A. M. p m. Toronto...Ar 9 10 520 Ottawa pmStó 4 gg ;; Montreal 9 00 810 Quehfc am63" p. . a m Si.Thomas.Lv 11 Id 2 12 100 9 503 30 "" Watertord... 12 28 3 24 S 04 111114.'. Weiland 153 4 42 S 12 12 41 6 OS Falla View 1 m NFi.llK.Orr. 2 22 5 08 1218JÍ biiKp!. B dge. 2 35 5 20i 1 40 e SO bupfalo to Detroit- Standard Time. stat,ons. j ï Illa I? A. M. „ Z Philadel'a. Lv 9 00 p. . g ' New York... 10 30 6 00 95 Bocton 8 'Í9 3 00 7 jn WOrceter... (t 50 4 20 s 'S Surint-fleld. . . 1135 6 05 ín d Albany 3 OOpm 10 05 ' 9 sí frica S 45 I233am .'.'.. 6 i5 Syracuse. 7 40 200 7J0 Rochester.... 9 55 4 00 10 00 Bnffalo . . Ar 12 15 5 50 12 15P Buffa!o....I.v 11 30pm 5 45 805 í'w 11 S5t Snp'n B'rt'jre 1230 " ''48 '.'.'.'.'.'. '..'[%& N. Pallo.Ont. 12 45 6 55 j 5(j FallsViiw 7 04 106 Weiland I 11) 7 88 7 10 10 05 133 st. Miomas Ar 4 10 9 55 11 15 I 1 10 I K ynebec... Lv 2M i,, (K, Montieal (X) 9 00 tluwa H ;B Toronto, 8 10 1 05 St.ThomaeLv 4 15 10 00 8 00 1 Ir, 4 45 Detroit. ...Ar 805am 1 Ojpm í 45 5 20n 46 BtOfM only to let off passengcrs. t Stops only on rignall. O. W. RUGGLE8, H. W. HAYB8. G. P. & T. AL'int Atrt.. Aun Arbor. Chicago. Toledo, Aun Arbor & Vcrtli Mirliltsan Kallway. HMK SCH8DULB. Totak cll'cct tí 12 o"clock, noon, on Sunday.NoT. 8th,1886. Tralni. rnn by Htauriard Time. QUINO NORTH. GOING BOUTH mt I I s I l_ 26 I 6j e lj ij - ai y í P.M.[p. M. A. M Lve. Arvc A. . p. M P 1 6 10 3 15 5 15 Toledo 9 2(1 1 :fo 11 30 6 17 3 20 5 20 Manh'tn Jane 9 15 1 20 u 2i 6 80 3 2ñ S l Alexis 9 10 1 1 ti 11 13 7 U5 8 42; 5 45 Samaría K 5 1 (n 10 53 7 42 4 00 ti 05 Monroe.Iunc 8 45 12 42 1o: 8 ( 4 10 ti 15 Dundee I 8 3J 12 I 8 25 4 20 BU Azalia B IB U 1110 11 8 44 4 31 6 85 Milán 8 06 12 13(10 00 9 2 4 46 6 50 Urania 7 14 II 54 9 4K 40 4 32 7 00 PitMrid 7 37 11 41 9 40 10 03 5 10 7 U Aun Arl.ur 7 20 11 30 9 3U 10 30 5 30 7 30 Leían 6 43 11 12 9 10 5 45 7 .. . 10 58 8 58 ... 6 28 8 30 Bowell 'm o 8 15 7 20 9 30 Durand 9 30 7 20 7 45 9 M ('ornnna 9 08 38 7 5ft 10 00 üwosfo 9i: 6 2 8 10] 10 05 Owcsso June 8 55 6 28 .... 9 15 11 231 Ilha. a 1 7 4K 5 16 9:ö 1145 Bt. I.ouis ' 7 27 4 57 9 41 11 68 Ami ! 7 21. 4 50 p. M. 10 30 12 45j Mt. 1' eaaant A.M. 6 30 4 00 South Lyon Kranch. NORTIl BOUND. STATIONS SOL' I'H BülNI). Traln 6 Train 1 p. ¦ p, m. 10 ;iO Lv. Lelan-1 Ar. 6 45 10 40 Ar. Wordens Ar. 6 0 11 00 Ar SOBtO 1a. Conmctlonn: At Toledo, lth rallroadi dWctf. inír; at vlanhattan Junctíon, with Wheeline & UkeBrte K. R.;at Alexis Junciion, wiih M. U. K. R., L. S. A M. S Ry. and V. 4 P. M R. R.; at Mmiroe Jonctlon. vvith I.. S. ,í K. s. Ky.; at Dundm, with U s. A V. s. Hy . M. .( O. Ky.; at Milán Junctíon. wlth Wabaab, ot. Loóla 4 I'aclñc Ky ; t Pttlleld, wlth L.. A M. B. Hy.: al Aun Arbor with Michigan Central K. K., aüi at Sontb Lyon nth Detroit, Lai -intr & Ñnrthern K. R.. and Mich. A. L Div. of Grand Irnnk l(v. At Harabora win. M. A. Line Divl-lon Grand Trn'k l!v. At Howi'll wiih De'rnit, Lmsln; & N.irthern K'y. m Durand with ('hcigo Grind Tronk K'y au Detroit, Orand Haven4MllwQkfeR'y. AiOwoaaoJnmtloi nh Detroit, ¦ rand Haven A MilwankM 1' añil Michigan l'.)nfal R. R. Ai St. Looll wlth Oetroit, Lani!rir & Northern R. li. and :'Li na V illt-y & íi. Louio h'y. At Alma wlth Ditro t, f.anpinL' A Northern lí'y. At Mt. Pleaaunt with Fliut & Pero al rrqaatta líy. H. W. ASI1LKY, General Sopt. W. H. BBNNBrT. Gen'l. Pas. Al' ni. ANN ARBOR SAV1NGS BANK, ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, Transacts General Eanking Business, CAPITAL, $60,000. Oranized nnder thc (cn ral Banking Ltw oí thin State, thr Btockholdorn ïndniduülly liable for an (KUlitional amouai equal to the stock held by them, thereby cTMttng a (iuarantee Fuud ior tb beoi'flt of DepOfit'TH of $100,)00.00. Threv per cent. Interest is allowed on all Savinjfl Depositd of one dollar and upwarrii-, accordiag to the ruU-i ol the ltank and interent compounded seml-annuaily. Kouey to Loan on unincumbered real estáte and other uood securlty. DIRSGTORS: ('HRIHTIAN MACK, Wm. D. HARRIMAN, W. W. WINES, DANIEL UI8COOK, WILLIAM DKÜBEL, WILLARD B. SMITH. DAVID RINSKY. ÜFFICERS: C. MACK. Prea. W. W. WIN BS, , 'ce-Pre. . Ji. HISCOCK.ntishler. VB USBsass 1 -In-M-, with employment ut horoe, the hole of ine time, or fort eir ijiare momciit. HuüiumHiow llght and proflia'.le. PorconB of c-ither sex cn"T i-arn trom 60 tu $5.00 per ewiiiin:. and a .r.i'rllonalaumb) dev..tinji all their tune to tbe DB tic. Boyi. and L-irlf earn .-arn neiirly ai mnon ' men. Ibal all who Mie th may Hend ttiriraad en, and tem the bueine, we make thl? on"I . mi. h are nol well -atli-fled we will ?i-nn ""e dollar ü py fo' tbe t.ouble 01 writinvi. ruil !' t cular and outfli fn , Addrau Gkokok BTIh.'n t r. Portland BCaiae. IthisIapërs Newspnii.T Bureau (10 Spruce ¦B"II Iffifllr tlaliiROontrneUiuay MbMI lnl.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News