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¦AM0JIIC IHRECTOKY. ans AkhokI'owm .VNUEitY, No. K! meets Hrst TuesJay of aoh inonlli, W. O Doty, t,. C; W. A. Tolchard, Recorder. W vsiitkn vw i'ii vpruu, No. ti, H A. M.- Mets tirsl Monda; eaeh month. Isaac Haudy, H P.; Z. Kimth, Seeretary. BUSINESS CARDS. o. i&. hertuñt, CLOTH CASKET3, METALIC Aad Oommon Ooffln. Culis attented to Day or Ntght. Kmlmliiilnu ft speclalty. Sto-eroomon K. Washington Street. Resldence Cor. Liberty and Flfth. W. II. J4CKSO, ID'.IESIiallTIIXIISIITIL OFFICK : Orer llach & Abel's Dry Good Store. Entrance next to National Bank. WILLIA HERZ, House, Sig-n, Ornamental and FRESCO PAINTER! Paperlng, Glazlug, Gilding, and Calcimtnlng, aud wort or every deacrlutiüii done in tbc beet style. and warramed to iatisfaction. Shop, No. 4 W. Washington St., Anr, Arbor, W W. & A C. RICHtUi Rooms Over Ann Arhor Savins Bank, Masonic Temple Block. GAS or VITALIZED AIR .¦irainlstorecl for tbo (latulera traction of teetl STATE STREET ïuu Tailorins Establishment ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, If yon wint ft npiit Sult do nol order until you nava Mas JOSEPH BE8K1, Merobant Tallor, BUU streel. Ann Arbor, Mlcü Yon wlll flnd a very nne Une of Enjlish 'Worst, -Is for Dree BulU. and all l the Msweattibadesand Weave In BackSolUngi and irowsenngs 111 st clt and MmplM to orOur long experiencn In Ootting nable n toglveyouaneatand perfei-t at, and ('lot hes made In Bnt-olaM order, al Lowm I.ivlug rnnw Oalland Me tor y.mrse f. K'spectfully yours, .li-iOIMl i:i:i!ltY, MercUiint Tallor , . - - CET THE BEST FIRE INSURANCE! $29,000,000. Security huid lor th" pr.itcrllon of the PCtlO) CHRISTIAN MACK Bepresento the followln? nrsi-cl compunte, of which one, Üu -Etna, has alooe paid Í5I,OUU,UOO ttre OB8"8 In sixty-ave years : Etna, of Hartford $ 9,10-2,044 Pranklin of Pailadelphia 8,118,718 Qennanla, N. Y 8,700,729 Germán Ajneriean, NT. Y 4,060,968 London ájrarasce, Lonrton... 1,416,788 Mtchimn F. ft U., Detroit... 887.608 N. Y. Underwriters, N. Y 2,596,679 National, Hartford 1,774,505 Phoenix, Brooklyn 3,759,030 Losses liberally adjusted and promptly paid. Policies issued at the loweet ratcs of premium. U91tf LT7MBERI LTJMBER! LÏÏMBBR! It yon contémplate building, cali at FERDON Lite Yarfl ! Corner Pourth and Depot 8ts., and ge our figures for uil kinds of LUMBER! We manufacture our owu Lumber and guarantee AERY LOW PRICES S"Give us a cali and we witl mnke it to vour interest, as our large and wcll graded stock fully u&tains our assertion. Telephone Connections with Office. T. ï. KUKCII Supt JAMES TOLBERT, Prop A. DeFOREST. Fire Insurance Plate Glass Insurance, Steam 33oiler INSURANCE! l.nnost Bates, Honorable Atljustments and Losses Promptly Paid. REAL ESTÁTE RENTS Sl'KCIAL ATTENTION OIVF.NTO COLLKCTION or Uenth an'ii Manaukmknt iif Kkai. KhTATK INTEKKHTS Kolt Nd.N-KkSI DKN Ts. ÜMTIRK SATIÜPACTION TO OWKIItS GUABANTK1ÍD. A. DeFORKST. 11 1 IT morí' mimey than at anythint' cine t)y tak lili I lf 'UJ " aK''"fy fortbo batt Hi'lliuK book ¦ "ut. lï'iiinnurs Bacreed granrtly. None ' "XI fail Terms tree. Uallütt Book Co., Portland, Malpe. PENNYROYAL WAFERS. tPresrrintion of a physician who has had a lifo Ion? experience In treating femalO dtReasea. Is used montlily with perfect success by over 10,000 ladks. Picasant, safe, cffectuaL Ladies ftslc your drugpist for Pennyroyal Wafers and take no substituto, or fnolose poatace for scaled particular. Sold by THE EUHEKA CIlEMICAli CcCLiïitólT. jklcï Sold ui Ann Ail)ur, MlCh , by Bbe rb.ich & Son 13W-ÍM0 1 ' iM T cn 'Ivcat borne jiod uk mora moaq at III w"rk for ii, ihan ut tnytblnï ele in tbU I UI 1 world. Capnal nol naeded; ton ut " Btaricd frer. B.ith scxi-s ; all arex. Anv oiiucaiid, UM wnik. Urc earnltiKd surc frciñ ¦tart. Orwtl; outiit tod tenni free. Bettei notdelay. Coítl yon notblog to pend u jronr idurc and r.d out ; If y.,u in wlsa yr.u wil) do so atonce. n. Hallktt & („., Portland, Malne. TJELEGRA PHYÜSTlí-asíáS


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