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W (f royal "mcwí? yx B Uil POWDER Absolutely Pure. Thls powdernever varíes. A marvel of purlty, streoKth and wholesomeness. More economical than the orilin;iry klmls.arui canuot be sold Iu competltlon willi the raultitude of low test, short weltcbt, slum or phosphate powder. Snld milyln cims. Hiiial Kukln-r Powder Co . 1O6 Wall st.. N. V. V1TÍATED BLOOD, SCROFILAS, IMIKRMK]) AM) CONTAGIOÜS HUMOKS CURED UY CUriCLRA. TBBO1 Qfl ük! modfan 'f une of yoar bouks reocived throagt) Mr. Frank T. Wray, Druggist, Apol:o, Pu., I 1k-c iiiu; acqiminted with your cuticuka Kem dui tod iskfl t ilg oppoftouiiy to testify to yo i tbti iheir wfl bs permanent! y curcd n of one oi the want ca as of blood polauuim?, in cuuuection wttli wytlpe'tt, lüat I have ever toen, and this alter haviiiL' boen pronoiineed incurable fov soiuü ol tüe büí-t pïytlcUUU iu uur county. 1 tuk ¦ grmA pleuare iu tanrördlng to fon tint teatim, ni.eolicitfd lt II by you, in order that oihe mffvrtiu Bron ilmiUr makdlM m-iy be en . courayed to tívtí your t tui ka Kemkdiks a trll P.B. WilIlLlNuKli, Loechborg, i'a. Kefereucu ; Krank i. v ra} , DrUggttti Ap Uo Pa SCROFL'LOUS LLCERS. Jatnt's K. Richardüüu, Cuutuin Houae, N' r O ¦ leans, on u:itli says : 'Mn 183 ' S rumia Ulcere broo.e uut on my body unul I WM a masa of corrupiion. Everyihiug kuown to ttie medical facully trled invuD. i beeanifl a mere wreek. At times could not int my haud to my head, could out turü ifl bed; In Buiutut pain, and loofced apon Ufe a a cure'. Nu relief or cure in Un jmn, lo 1SW0I heard of the Cuikuiu Kkmbuies usad i ht-rii, uud wa perltïct y eurod" Bvorn to öefore L'. Ö. Con. J. I). Crawford. ONE OF THE WORST CASES. We havo beta MlÜBg yonr Vuiicura Itemedies foriir-, aiitl liar the tiret CumpUiint yet to receive Irora a parcb iMr. 'n' ol WOW OHM of ttcrufaÜ l ev-r eaw wat cuied bj tit; DM l i v ¦ I a ' ' ;" ¦ ¦ ¦'¦'', ' 'iiticuru 8eap. The Su,q, a ¦'¦ tk ' ln-re af a niediciodl b ap. rAYLOKa TATLOB, DrnggUt, Frankfort, Kan. BCROFULOUSf IMIKKITED, And t'mitaiou? Hum rc, with Lou Off II tir, and Eruptious of the EffciO, are povll vejy enred by L'uticura aod Cutirura ATOjp x'crn.üly, uul UÚttOUTQ Resolved hiift imlly, whuii all uiticr DMdli Lou tai . i(i lor l'íimptilut. iRi(;asrs use tjiem. We have obtatned satlet'actory MWÜti ironi the ase of the Cuuciira Ín our own lantily, and recutiimend them beyond :my other remedied lor rij-. ;[,!¦¦. uf the ckm and blood. Tbe demanti lr thein jrrowe their mentí boCOUM kuown. MACMILLAN VA)., DtujOtUU, Latrobe, Pá. . CUTICURA KIMID1BS are sold everywhcre. Price: Cdticdr, the Great Skiu Cure, 50 Ceii's; (.'ut.cura öoap, an Kx(jíiiMte lieauíiflor, 25c U; ('uncen a Keholvknt, tue uew Bloo I l'urili-r, 11.00. Prepared by PotTKR UKL'U aND ClllCaiCAL l'O., BoStoU. Xt X1V1 lifit)1 Hmbot, dm Ondeara sop. CHOKIUG CATARRH. Hav-; you awakeut'l fnm a di-turbed sleep with all the horrible uentmtions ot an a-a-fin clulching your throat and presiüij tlie Hie-breath l'rom our tílitened cíiuut ï llave you notlced tue lanpour and debllity ihat suceded the efl'ort to clear your throat acd hed of thig catarrhal matter? What a deprcHsing ínihuiicr it ext-rts upon the mind, cloudin the memory and fillln the head wlth painn and ttrange noUes ! lío.v dirUcalt lt i" to rld the naxnl paact. throat and lunus ot' this poifloDoQa mucus all eau toytify who are afllictd wiüi caiarrh. How dinVult to protect the ttywtem ftgftttMt it furtiier pr(jjírees lowartíB the RlOgt, livt-r and kidneys, all phyairians will admit. It Ís h terrible diseate, and cries out for relief and c T-'. Th' remarkahlc cnratlve DOWtn, when al! other nmedtet utlerly tal), t' 'Sandford's, Radical Cure, are atteated by thousands who yratefully recorntnend it to ftíllowufferers. No etatraen Ib made regardiiiK it cannot be euhetautiaied by the molt retjppctable and rellable reíerence. Each packag 0oataím one bottle of the Radii'ai- ri ü box of Catarrhal Resoli i, udoiM hiiMniVKii iNHAi.Kii. with treatise and directon, aud is sold by all druginstu ior $1.(0 Po tbr Drum and Chkmital Co. , Boston. höw"mysïde aches g Frorn thebench and the counter, irom Jm the loom and tewing machine goes up (P thu cry of pain and wrakneun. Acblo d&Êm yi(!ee H111' Itïicl-c , Kidn-y and Uterine QmEhSÍ rttiD8, Straine and Wenk nes, Coughs, BHE-JCold aii'l ClMM Pa'iis, and 'vry Pain and Ache of daily toil relleved in one mliinte by the (Hitlcura iiti-l'aiii Planter. New, elegagant aud inialliMn. At draggUU flve for $1.00, or of Potter Drug and Chemical C ., Boston. C. H. MILLEN, INSURANCE AGENT! No. 4 South Main St., Ann Arbor. The oldest agency In the city. Establlshed over a qnarter of a century ago. Ilepresentlng the iotlowlug flrsl-clan8 companles, wlth over $60,000,000 Capllul and wl. HOME INH. CO., of New York. CONTINENTAL INS. CO., of New York. NIÁGARA INS. CO., of New York. GIRAHD INS. CO., of Pblladelptila. ORIËNT INS. CO., of HartforJ. ( i )M MKRCIAL UNION, of London. LIVERPOOL, LONDON and GLOBE. WASHINGTON KIKK and MAKINE, of Boston. Rates Lovt as tlic Ijowpst, Losses Liberally Adjusted and promptly l'aid. C. H. MILLEN. TRAVEL VIA lilrFTÍI Cars. Pullman Palace Sleep. lililí liLJII II r"J Cars' Modern Coaches. imLUmAUjymmmmlSure connectlons In Union I 'TBII depots at lts terminal points, I 1 1 1 1 II rvHIl w'th trains f rom and to the HLAeMll E"st, West, North and South. ¦¦¦¦¦¦¦ Cheapest, Best and Qulckett II Route from Chicago, Peoría - WM MJ ur ft louis to DENVER, ST. PAUL, SAN FRANCISCO, MINNEAPOLIS, OMAHA, PORTLAND, ORE. KANSAS CITY, ST. JOSEPH, CITY OF MEXICO, ATCHISON. For Tickets, Rates, Maps, Ac, apply to Ticket AgentS 0 connectlng tl nes, or address T.J. POTTER, H.B.STONE. PAUL HORTON. Itt V. P. 0. M. 0. P. A T. A. Por & Hronoundnir rUctlonarr contalnlrtK 32,001 wordi, BtfJI'Uiii'S.ticiiil Mg, ín Htanips tu l'uul Mwil.iii. UU uhu.


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