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Knights Of Labor Commend Col. Long For Supreme Court

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At in open meeting of L. A. 8068 IC. ol L. held ut tlieir bail in the city of Filnl on Wednesday eveninjr, Mareh 2. 1H8", the following preamhle mul retoluttont wen adoptad: Wheheas, It is of the utmost lmp rrance to ilie Industrial clara tiiut they sliould have boneel and broad-mluded men mi tbe rapnme besch of the t - men who will bc JlMl to uil clisscs of its ciiicns n their Interpretatlon oí the hiws; men who uill nut he Influenced by corporatloat, or mouied Interest ol wbatever untare, but he gulded by law, jusi Ice, and equity in their decisión; and Wkkukas, 'l'lie repablicaa pariy of Mlcblsnn hus placed Id Domination Col. Chas. 1). JLon2. of Flint, for jiutice of the supreme court, for the long term, to bt; voted upon at the coming prlug election in April; and WherkaS, Tlie laboring men and wo men ot Flinl and vicinity, havinj; koown Col LiODKfor ni.iny ycirs. lie liavini; Ixi-n hom and raUed oii a farm in tliis con n tv, doini; the manual labor thereon, (pending hi leisure hours In sludy until the commencement of the war, when, olx-vinir liis coniitry's cali, he went into the :irmy, wliere he served fnitlifully, and it'turned home hearing in liis body a rebel bullet, and leaviiifr Ii is good left arm on tlie bttletield of WilmTnjfton Mand, öa., mas otlVring on the altar of patriotism, Theie wounds ara a couütant soiircc of lufferiog, and Diifltted him for manual labor, m be at once besran the Itudy of law, and he has BChieved liis present lililí posltloo at the bar by hls ahility, integrity, lndutry and [lerseveiance in hischosen profession; and. Wherkas, we believe that he woold makean honest,uprij!ht and fe:irless judjie and one who will favor noolaM, añil ítand fiiiu for the industrial as Well as the liniBCM rifilits of the people of tlie state; theretore it Rr.iolved. That we, the laborlnL' men and woinen (il'Klint. do mott hcaitily IndorM Col. Lonji for Supreme .Imle and earnestly reeommend him to the sullVaires of all laboring men throughoot the state; and he it further Resolved, That a eopy of these resolutions be. sent to every nssembly in the state and their hearfy co-operaiiou be remifsrpd. Secretaiy.


Ann Arbor Courier
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