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Wholesome Truths

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The following artlele, taken from the Reed City Olarlon, i respectfully commended to the trentlemen referred to. If the coiH don't lit, wliy, of course, you ihould oot put it on : The anperrlfon f Waabtenaw county are orgeatly demandlng tlie Legialature to reduce tlie rates of legal ddvertliinjr, and lifiht here we would tuggeat the idea that the newspapen of t luit oounty "spiit" thoso apervlaors, and see to it that they nerergel elected to a position ajraln that la In : 1 1 j - in inner honorable, or wbere they can hare the haadllng of public property In any way. Ilutes on legal adrertlslng are too low now and thal wlth tlic shv-trr attorneya who are ooustantly nmking the newapapen bid down to about one-third ratea of what toe law says they shonld receive. and what rlghtfully belonga to tlxm, is enough to m ike all legitímate newgpapen lont li tlicin. ]5ut riyht licie ve will say that the aUorneys tliat practica tliis steal are gentlemen by t lie lide of the'damfool'editor who will tlms tbrow away the fees that the law says he ihall receive. Wliy is it that dozena of editora will so far forget all honor, as newtpaper men, that, in order to makR a cío dollars, they will agree to aocepl one-quarter ratea on n. legal adTertUement and allow the attorney In the cuse to pocket the other thrve-qnarten, when the laws says tlie Kirsmper shidl have the whole amount. Just why this is we have ncvcr been able to comprelieml. One tliini; is sure, the Clarion has liever yet heen guilty of the act, tlms oheatlng Ite cotemporarlea out of what rlghttully belong$ to them. Whcn an Bttorney writea di asklng how inncli we will discount on certain legal notici', nnr answer Inyartably is, " che luw allows so mach and uc will not cu! on ratea," a:nl that is jut the reaaoo chere an no légala in oor paper. We belleve that Hic newgpaper rúen of the state ¦hould band together tr thelr own protection. Make it u misdemennor tor any editor to oul on lejíiils or otlnr ratrs, alid any editor thal i cnugbt I ti tlie aot of so dolng to be ostracised from all newspaper fraternity; tu be looked down opon wlth con tempt and acoro by his fellow bfiujís of the crati, and if potsible boycotted (soolally) to aocn an extent that he Mll be oompelled ti leave tiio honorable calling and allow souie man to take his place that has Mimi' regard fOr f'ijílit and jiislicc, and tor fellow man. Wc bope, and belleve that the legisla tare will not deern the anión ot the Wüsbtenaw aaperviaora ol Bofflclent linportanoe i be iioticed. Thal it a petitíon in regard to CUttillg down the ratos lor legal printing is presented to thrm, that it will be luid undc r the table so far that t will never be reaurrected. Better by far have tlie Legislatura enacc a law making ii ¦¦¦ mlsdemeanor, paniahable by riñe and loiprlsonment, for any newapaper man oaught pnblUhlng a legal notice for Icss iban IclciI or stutute ratee. As long as ghyater attorneya can f leíais in L'uciilli iicv-papcr, and Ihc varions boards of Bupervlsora are oongtantly making us bld (own on prlcet, there Is bnt llttle lefl for tbe legitímate newgpaper man. Tlie leglalatare can not help iui remember that tbe newppapera of thelr reapective localltlea are the powers that put . thcni in tbe honorable pnsitions that they now hold, and we ao not believe they will enact any ameudment that will take aw ty what llttle money there la In legal printing.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News