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Short advorllsemenU not to exoeed three ilnes?of Lost ana Found, Houses for Sale or Kent, Want, etc.. lnserted three weeks for Ü.1 cents. Sltuatiuns wantedi (TM. A Fine brlck house and lot, corner Orleans strortuini Forwt uviMiiU', city for sale atasacrltlce. Apply to Maltüew's Iteal Estate Agcncy, City. 4348 FOR SALK-My place, formerly known as the Oeo. Allen place on West Huron St , Auu Arborjustoulsldeofclty limit extending through to Liberty street coniprislng Mtf acres wlth tlrst-class linprovements and all kinds uf fruit, large and small. Would sell Heparntely tlie weit part (vacant) comprlslng .')!:, acres witli u Irontageof %y rods on Weit Huron sUreet. Terius easy. Kev. 8. H. Adains. i mi ÍjtABM TO RENT.-I would llke to rent my Farm to a good tenant. For furtner Information adüress Georgo A. Peters, Sclo, Washtenaw County, Michigan. MISS CALDWELL wlll glve Muslc Lessons at her rooms, No. 45 S. Main Street. For terms cali on or address her over Charles Spoor's 8tores. 40-49. 1 iC Acre lmproved land near Damon 1UU OgemawOo.. Michigan, to geil cheap or In exchange for WaBhtenaw t'onnty land. Mattliews Reul rCstuto Ageucy, Anu Arbor, Michigan. v-i ANlce Resldence in Rlchmond. Michigan, to sell or t rmlt' for Anu Arbor City property. Apply to Matthew's Real Eslate Agency l-'lly. 40-4J PENSIONS. SOLDIERS of the Mexlcan War or thelr widows can now get pension and offlcers of the late war can get difference of pay whetber mustered or not. Many pensloncrs can get Inórense. I liad mix out of seven lnerease claim allowed lately. I wlll see that uppllcuilon Is made properly. Thousands of ilolljirs luive been lost through lmproper appIlcatloiiH. Come and see me at once or wrlte me fully. O. L. Matthews, Pension Agent, V ii ii Arbor, Michigan. 37,-:9 TEAL ESTÁTE FOR SALE OR RENT.IV Uouses and lots valuea from $1,000 to $6,1100 and containlug from one-flfth of an acre to twenty aores- all in the city limita. Houses rented on reaaonable terms In central localltles. Farms exchanged for city property. Enqulre of J. (j,. A. Sosslons, Attorm'y umi Real Estáte Agent, Office over Express Offlee, Main St., Aun Arbor. S7-ti WANTED Money to Loan on Real Estáte. Apply to Francls A. Slatterv, Washtenaw County Abstract of Title Offlee, 2nd ilmir of Farmers' and Mechantes' Bank. Aun Arbor. 1385. FOR SALE OR RENT. HOUSE- No. 18, Cemetery street. Apply at Ou ui f ü offlee. F Money to loan on flrst-class Ij Real Estáte Mortgage at Current rates of Interest. Satlsfactory arrangeraents made wlth capltllsts deslrlng Buch lnveatments. tOvery conveyance and transactlon In abstracts of tltles carefully examlned as to legal effect. Z. P. KINO. Ann Arbor.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News