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ANTST ARBOR Small Fut Nursery ! All Kinds of BERRY PJLANTS. Fine Planta of the SHARPLESS, The Best Strawberry Grown. FII All muiÉTiL TREES Frora KLIAVANGER BARRT, Roohester, N. Y. Orders mustjbe sent early. WINES AND SYRUPS. 8 weet Home-made Wine for Inval hls &nd the Kuchartat. Hour Wtne, Rasplerry Brap, ttbrab Pear Syrap, a&d Ply iqou t ti Kick Eüg8 . EMIL BAUR, W. HURÓN ST. ; um-u W. TREMAINFS YUIE AND LIFE imRAN'CBJGBMr ! No. 16 East Hurón Street, Opposlte Cook House. Ten Flrst-t' C'onipaules rapnsented. Assetts Over $25,000,000. un UT he Greatest Blood Purifieri KNOWN. # i II Thls Great Germán Medicine Is the #- II I Ichrajwstaiiil best. USdoMBOf BUL-#? I UI ono cent a dosc. It wlll curo the# 4? I p2 worst cases of skln dlscase, from# "" ?S ga common pimple on tho tnccW U meo ithat a ful iliscase Scrofuln.# í ITI IISULPHUK BITTKKS 18 the# III best medicine to use iu all# ¦deep MMedfoiaeMM. Do#iev ' ''.I SUOtBeP1LLS PSIÏ lfiTI III 1 v. Placo your Inut in#.vollni'er'i' I USUL1']HH B1TTKHS #niatterwlmtail8ll III tho purest and best#yu use ¦ÏÏXiiïS"1 Bitttrsl IMwithaTellow8tickT#Don't wnit nntll yon U Rul-tance?Isyuur#areunnbletoviilk",urT brontli foul andjfare flat on your back, I I offcnslve? Tour#biitgetsomeat once, ltl Sr. ' Vsefcr'ir """"j 3 BmSIa Invalid's Friend.M I BiñJ M i r-#te'"'"'e soon mailewell byll Ironv o rk#It8 Kemember wliat youl I lludy, orJTiife lt haa saved Imndfuds.! I J fi1 #Dou't walt unül to-morruw, D Try a Bottle To-day! Q II P" Are you low-spiiitcd and -iak.I II 3 Mor siifleriii)? froni the oxcessea III I S#oth? I' so. SL'LPllUK BITTEltól I I Wwill cure yuu. 111 III Send 3 2-cent stampt to A. p. Ordwmy St l'o BoBton.Mass., for best wort publlahedf MADAME WORA'S CORSETS. BMv!ianri iri:, pivu botter HFW Jhryov. t s.,l.'im" Pn'Bm'kííi Sp % a . vlxA. tnrnot break over ,5 V-' ?''" '¦" ''In-Mlai V l.lnil hy Jv n.3,0'!;'.1.' 'i-' " ¦ ¦¦' '¦¦ ¦¦ ¦ ,. ¦., TJ ''¦;.'tii, ¦IML.vT'lMm Hack, MBgK f;.nco ' 't1 'Í TfiPy luufhepopnUrRMO. L v f rnn lio instarj !v TKlïK CfULrat,,! Frcnrh Vrvt'.ï Madame Mori's Confour. L. KliAI's a Madame Mora's La Reine. Blrmlnghun, ¦ Wadamo Mora's Aldine. O. FKzpatricW A ¦adame Mora's Comfort Hip, Tl Una . ABNER MOORE'S TONSORIAL PARLOR, STREET, Next door to the Kuniu-r'.s nn,l.,M.clianics Hank. HAIR CUTTING, SHAVING, SIIAMPOONING AND DYEING. The b of Workmen nnd Satlsfactlon UUHranteed. DISSOLUTION OF PARTNERSHIP. NOTIOEishereby glven tlmt the partnership lutriy snbsisiins between nii,.s n Ylnans and Jumos M. staltord „„.ipr Uie; nrm name of Winans & BlaObrd was (ii solved by mutual oonaant 06 Lhc ie ven tb dayof Fehruary, 18S7. All debt due to tbë sald partnerahlpniul Ilioso diie by Uiem win be aetlled wllh iu,d by JmM M Statford who wlll continue the business at the ,,U1 N. H, WINANS AnnArbor. Jfirt., MUnurñim. ftfïTTX flsMl r ree, bot thoM ho write to I II II büuion A l'o., Portland, Muiiie.will tecetT. ¦ Tl I I ' iiif'irmntion bout work which I I thercwdo.tnd UathoDi,tliHtwl]]pax ¦" theru froni $.' lo $25 pr day. Some hT Mrnd orer.M)In day Kithrrrex. toiiiír oreld. Crill not Tquird You ars ilarted free Tho whoitart at ooo % fcbaoluUl kuro of kau Imle lurtuuva. All il Dtw.


Ann Arbor Courier
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