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Kenen n Her Yonth. Mr8. Phoebe Chesley, Peterson, Cbiy Co., Iowa, tells the followinjr remarkiible story, the trutli of wliich is vouched for hy the residents of the town: " I am 73 yeiirs olcl, have heen troubled w!th kidney cotnplaint and lameneps for niany years; raid not drt'ss myself without help. Now I am free from all pain and loreneM, and am able to do my own housework, I owe my thanks to Electric Bitters for havinjr renewed my youth, and removed completely all disease and pain. Try a bottle, only 50c. at Eberbach & Son's Drug store. Apples Inteoded tor dainpltnjn ifaoald not tiave the core taken out, as it Imparte a delicate llavor. Drnnkeniiess, or IJquor Habit, can be Cured by Adinlnisterlnif Dr. Haines' (jolden Speclllc. It can be piven in a cup of coffee or tea without the knowledge of tlic person tak ing it, effecting i speedy and permanent cure, whether the patieDt isa moderate drinker or an alcoholio wreek. Thousands of drunkards have been mude tempernte men who liave taken the Golden Spccitic in their coffee without their kuowledge, and to-day bclicve they quit drinkiujrof their own free will. No hannful effect8 result from its idminlttratton. CntW puaranteed. Kend for circular and full particulars. Addrees In contidence Ooiden Speciiic Co., 185 Hace st., Cincinnati, Uhio.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News