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AKlH6 POWDER Absolutely Pure. Thlspowdernever varíes. A marvel of purity, sU niitli and whnlcsonii'iifss. More eoonomloal tlian the ordlnary kinds, mul cannot be Koid in corapetltlon wiih the rmiltitiulc of low te-l, hlmri welL'lit, slum or pbocphate powders. Sold only Incalió. Koyal llaklug Po Ier ro . IOS Wall st.. N. Y. VrCÏATED BLOOD, SCKOFILAS, IMIKKHi;i) AM) COXTAUIOUS HCMOKS CÜUKD 1Y CUTICl KA. rpillíor;ll tb medium nf one of jour books X ri'ccived throuiiii Mr. Frank T. Wray, lruggisf, Apollo, Pa., I btcame acqnaimud with your i'utu uka hui nih-, ind lake t in opportioity to tettify to yo . Ih il ihcir upe has pernriuehtly cured me uf o:ie ol the worrt ca-e of biood poiaoiiim;. In conueciion wltd ftryalpe M, tiuit 1 bftva aver fteeu, and tUU alter bavlng been pro'iounced incurable A of tbe be1 pi . -iciiiii" inour county. 1 taks {rui pintura in tormrdtng v you this teeti, uii.-ülicitvd a lt to bj yoo, lu order that iiituT! sulTerlnj irorn similar maladie m iy eucouraged lo ivc your t ithiica ííemeoib a trial. V. s. sVni rus .KK. Uochburg, i'a. Kt-ference: Frank i'. WrJ, Drom lat, Ap llo Pa SCROFLLOLS ULCEE8. Jnmes K. Iiichardson, Cactom BoBM, New O leaiitj, on otll ïays : "In Ü7Ü Scroiua Uiccra bror,e out on my body until I waa a raass of CurruptiOD. KvetyiblDg known lo the medical faculty vas tritd ui Viiin. 1 boeUBt a mere wreek. At time could not lift inv huid- CO my head, could out turn iu bed ; wa la cuiuunt pain, and Luuliad upou ilfe a cnmii No rellof or cur in ttn jmn. In 1860 1 heard of the ÜUTXCCOA Kemeuibs u-ii'd thein, aud was perlect y cured" BwOfa to beforc U. S. Coin. J. IJ. Crawpord. ONE OF TUK WOHST CASKS. We have b-en MlHlIf your dtficura Remedies FuryeUY, and hav the fit cumpUlnt yel i i r-ceive irom a purcli i?-er. Uue ol the worst oilflt Ol crtilula 1 ev.r paw wai cm cd by the use ot live botUesti1 Culh'im RtêölwrUy Vuticura, L'uticura &oap. The Soap [mL'c tiiu "tak-" tiori as a medicinal c-t ap. TAYLOHa TAYJjOB, Draggltft, Frankfort, Kan. SCROFLMMS, iMihlUTEl), And CoutaJous lluinore, wiih Lo of Iï.iirt and ErupüoiiB of the ki' , uie, poslively cured by C'uticura and Out icura Soap externally, and Ou Jie&olvttt inLern.iliy, rbeil all ulner mudiciueH fai.. bind lor l'uiiiphk-t. DELGUISTS USE TI1EM. We have obtaiiied satlafuctory resalta from ihe use of Ihe Cuticurft KemedieH in our own hiinily. and recoiuniend ihem Ijc und imy ullit-r rBMdied lor ol iht.' kiti and blood. The dt-inaiirf lor lliein grows a ihtlr merltn Ixcorne known. M -u 'MILLAN .t CO., DniKlMS, Latroue, Pa. CÜTICURA KEMED1ES are sold evcrywhere. Price : Cimccai. the (Jreat skin Cure, 50 Ueii's; Clt cura Soap, an Kiquislte lleaunüjr, Kcta; C'otici'ra Küsoi-vitNT, me uew Blool Pnrlflir, ifl.00. l'rcpirud by PotTKB UKIU AND l'HKMICAL Co.. BoSloll. PTTUTPLKS, Jilackheads, Skin Blemlihes, and X ll'l Bab] Bomon, Bte.liailcan sojp. CHOKING CATAERH. Havo you kWtkmtd ir.jin a diturbid slft; with al! the horrible gensitttons ot an MTltfln i lutchin your tbroat and prewlni tlie lüe-breath Irom our tightened chest Í Have you noliced Ihe langour and debllity ihat IBCCaed the effjrt lo clear your throat and baad of tni catarrhal matter r What a depressing inilutnce ït exiTts apon the ïinnd. rloudMiL' the memory ar.d fllDog the In-ad with palu aod atrmnge Douetl Bom ditiicolt lt U to rldihe nasal pasvau'cs, throai and lunsjs of this poisonoiiB mucus all can testtfy whn are afflictd witii catarrh. llow dltlli uk to protect the eypteni aL'aiuht it( forthor progrtM towaidi the fung, livur and kidneys, all phjiteluu will adniit. Il is a terrible dUeaee, and cries out for relief and c re. The remarkable caratiw power-, when all other remedio utterly fail, of Sandford's, Itadical Cure, are atteeted by thousund wlio ralefully recommend it to fellowsufferors. No fUitim-n: Is made reardin it that cauuot be tubttantiated by the most renptctable and rcllable reierence. Each packaye contitiiin- one bottlo ol the Radii i ii uc,ose hm of Catabbhal RbsoIvent, and soa IMPBOVBD Iniiai.kk. with treatise and directon, aud is sold by all drugists lor Po tbr Dhi.íam' HKMifAL Co., Boston. HOW MY SIDE ACHES p Frorn the benen and the counter, ttOtti jW the )inin aud yewlntr machine goen up -gjj. ff flir oej " ï'1'" ail(' weaknets. Achin SSPWm SI(l(hi IlT(i lck, Ktdntyand Vterine HMm-11 l'aina, Straiiia and Weaknce, Coughe, ETTU (;tld aiid CbMi Pains, and fvcry Pain and Ache of daily tot) relleved lu one minute by the iitlniiii Viili-I'aln Plantar. New, elcengant anti lofaUtblu, A t drngfrlsU. S56.J fivefor Í1.00, or of Potter Htv ud Caemical O , H' rStOD. C. H. MILLEN, INSURANCE AGENT! No. 4 South Main St., Aun Arbor. The oldest agency In the city. Estahllnhed over aquarter of aceutury ago. Representlng the followiiig tlrst-class companies, with over 00,000,000 i apilHl and AnkcI. HOME INS. CO., of New York. CONTINENTAL INS. CO., of New York. NIÁGARA. IN3. CO., of New York. GIRAKD INS. CO., of Phlladelphla. ORIËNT INS. CO., of Hartford. COMMERCIAL UNION, of London. LIVERPOOL, LONDON and GLOBE. WASHINGTON PIRE and MARINE, of Boston. Rates Low as tlic Lovre8t, Losses Liberally Adjustcd nnd promptly l'aid. 0. II. MILUCN. TRAVEL VIA MpH Ttirouyh Trains with Dlnlng I 'ITT1 rnTl1Tl 9ars' P"11""1" Palace SleepÉpVáÉLftflM Xire connections ín Union ¦ ' JlUTBl DePts a " terminal pointe, Ijl'lU I rfll ""'' trains from and to the ¦¦BUBSII iast' West. Norlh anti South. RaWViwiV!! I Cheapest, Best and Qulckest mJV I Route from Chicago, Peoría 1 mÍ ur í Louis to DENVER, ST. PAUL, SAN FRANCISCO, MINNEAPOLIS, SMAHAPORTLAND, ORE. KANSAS CITY, ST. JOSEPH, CITY OF MEXICO, ATCHISON. tor Tickets. Rates, Maps, Ac., apply to Ticket Agente ofconnectlng Unes, or address Í'J2o' H-BST0"L. PAUL HORTON, mv. p. e. Af. Q p A j A_ tor a PronounciiiK Dlctloiurjr sontalnlnc 32,000 word, !, iiu K, iu tumos t i„ui HortonVchlMuro!


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